The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1414: 1414

Murong Xinnuo's face turned white. It seemed that he was very afraid of the pure white air. He stepped back several steps for a moment. Then he looked at Nangong Beichen with astonishment: "you dare to cheat me!"

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At the moment, the God elect has already stood in the position, and the Seven Star array has been formed. The colorful light of the compass on top of his head limits Murong Xinnuo to a small space. The pure white will power under the ground breaks through the crack. After touching the air, he speeds up immediately and rushes into the sky.

Murong Xinnuo if do not know what happened at the moment, then she is really stupid.

The fierce flash in the eyes, gloomy look at her round surrounded by several familiar faces.

Nangong Beichen, Shangqiu Mengqian, xuenu, Jimo Anning, dwarf Donna, huanqingyan, Jimo ya?

Isn't Jimo Ya dead? Why are you still here?

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No, it's a little different! Murong Xinnuo then fixed his eyes to see, found that Jimo ya now and before is still a bit different.

In the past, Jimo Ya was gentle and elegant, elegant and elegant. He had a high bearing and was as gentle as jade. He was like Zhilan Yushu. Otherwise, he would not have the title of the first childe in the world.

Now Jimo Ya has a little more precipitation between his eyebrows and eyes, which is bright and restrained. If we say that it used to be a peerless sword, thousands of people can see him at the first sight.

Now it's back to nature, and the breath is almost imperceptible.

This is the state of the semi holy perfection.

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How could Jimo Ya rise from a Xuanling master to a semi saint in such a short period of time?

It's not right!

She immediately realized that it was a huge conspiracy against her own, and that it had been planned for a long time.

Looking at the shadow of several half saints and demon emperors standing behind the seven God selectors, Murong Xinnuo knew that the Terrans and the demon clans were working together to kill themselves!

She was very angry. Since she entered the land of Lingbao, she was basically helpless.

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Everything is smoothly carried out in her secret promotion, and now the number of half saints and demon emperors in Lingbao land is far more than before.

As long as she can erode the evil Qi all over the continent, turn all the people into demonic puppets, and provide for the evil Qi she needs. After she has absorbed all of them, she will return to the essence. As for those stubborn saints in the spiritual realm, she will no longer be merciful and will surely absorb them all, and her strength will be restored to 7788.

Break through the barrier of time and space, return to the heaven demon world, and find Mo Ziqing to settle accounts with them!

These ants, who were not seen by her, are now trying to fight against themselves. This is a great challenge!

Murong Xinnuo only felt very angry. The evil spirit moved the whole body. Originally, it was white with black skin. At the moment, it was dark and hard.

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The black air around her also condensed into a layer of black mist. The fog was very strong, and the colorful light of the compass, after touching the black fog, was like being corroded by something.

The light gradually faded and faded, and the compass in the sky was crumbling.

But for a moment, the compass "pa --" fell from the air, covering Murong Xinnuo's multicolored light disappeared, she slowly raised her feet and stepped out of the place.

In the middle of the sky, the illusory nine Li controlling the compass from afar, if the chest is hit hard, the whole person quickly withers down, even can't control, and begins to demonize. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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