The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1417: 1417

The empress of the demon left suddenly and ran right, but the golden will power was very powerful. No matter how hard she tried, she was firmly trapped there.

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Moreover, under the power of the golden will, the dark cloud slowly dissipated, as if purified by the power of the golden will.

The Empress Dowager's face was black and blue, and her body protecting spirit was gradually weakened.

At last she showed her true face.

Over the years, all saints have seen the queen of demons, just like the human race. Her features are beautiful and bright, her body is slim, her hair is black and her eyes are red, her skin is dark and blue, and her whole body is full of delicate, unruly and ferocious.

Although different from the Terrans, they are still in the normal range.

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At the moment, even the sages, who were well-informed, were startled.

That dark body with blue, now slowly transformed into a group of black gas, invisible without body, that group of black gas, you have two blood red eyes.

There was no wind, and the black air was also swaying in the air, and the two blood red eyes swayed with each other, flashing fierce light, which made people's back numb.

As soon as the scholar's face sank, the body of the empress of the heavenly devil was actually like this. It was invisible and unstable, and it was difficult.

Lingbao land.

Murong Xinnuo, who was shackled by black gold fetters, suddenly felt something.

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Closed eyes, the sky suddenly fell down a group of thick black gas, only into Murong Xinnuo's body, disappeared.

Murong Xinnuo's face changed, and the evil spirit around him rose sharply and spurted out. He threw himself at the chosen one and seemed to swallow them up.

Jimoya has the memory of a calligrapher. She suddenly feels bad and raises in a loud voice: "no, the evil spirit has increased. She has gained strength from the upper world demon emperor. Be careful --"

before the words fall, the temperature of the surrounding air suddenly drops sharply.

Snow white, hair and eyebrows are light to the extreme, face like delicate flowers, cold as ice, the whole person is like a lifeless ice sculpture, hanging in the air behind Murong Xinnuo, pale face, hands do not stop, one hand through his chest, take out a group of life essence.

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While reciting the incantation, spiritual power poured into the essence and blood, the boundless cold air diffused from her side.

With her as the center, under her feet, the earth was frozen into a hard ice, and expanded outward.

"Frozen for thousands of miles!" Snow woman in the hands of that group of blood essence to Murong Xinnuo's head.

The blood essence explodes, turns into a thousand year ice, and freezes Murong Xinnuo and her side's soaring evil Qi.

But in a flash, Donna, who is closest to the goddess of heaven, was originally taking advantage of Murong Xinnuo's inattention and laid down black and gold shackles, which was closest to her.

He was caught off guard and could only watch the evil spirit come. He wanted to retreat. He was locked in the Qi machine by the devil girl. He could not move. He could only watch the evil Qi, which was only one blow away from him.

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The aura in his body surged, and a mouthful of fishy sweetness turned up and was forced down by him.

After the light of his eyes, he saw the worried and frightened eyes of Huan Qingyan. The corner of his mouth was tilted, a silly girl

Knowing that he could not escape, he did not struggle. He was about to close his eyes, only to see that the evil spirit was frozen by life in an instant and could not move forward.

Look up, on the snow girl indifferent eyes.

Donna picked up a small life, his back was soaked in cold sweat, and before he had time to thank the snow girl, he heard Jimo Ya stop drinking: "Tui -"

and then he heard Jimo Ya stop drinking , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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