The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1418: 1418

The whole body, which was reflexive and fast, came out of the ground and was ten feet away.

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The rest of the people have also retreated, but the array is still unchanged.

Just can stand back, that frozen spirit of demons, suddenly seems to have life, surging in the ice, stretching and shrinking, like breathing in general.

The surging and stretching became faster and faster. Soon, the ice wrapped in the black air couldn't bear it, "bang -" a loud noise, and it broke apart.

Snow girl "wow" highlighted a pool of blood, tick by tick fell on the ice, the whole face like gold paper, gas like gossamer, soft body, fell from the air.

Seeing that her daughter was seriously injured, Xue Sheng was anxious and did not care much about it. She rushed out immediately and put a spiritual power into xuenv's body.

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Snow girl's fall is a little slow, light as a snowflake, slowly landing, and then into those ice, but a moment, those ice will snow girl's body firmly wrapped, forming a huge dark ice, slowly sinking into the ground.

Snow Saint this just put down the heart, did not dare to see more, stabilized the mind, instead of snow girl's position suspended in the air.

Shenxuan's seven star linked beads position can't be changed. Xue Sheng must make sure that he can adjust the position of his daughter who has been turned into black ice at any time according to the array.

That chamber, the demon girl will be trapped in their own ice break open, that bite the ice cold force, let her also not feel good.

Although the dark ice had been broken for a while, the cold force made her unable to move for the time being.

Jimo Ya made a gesture to Jimo peace, and Jimo peace understood.

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Summon the beast Baize, and inject the spirit power into it. The white light on the beast white Ze is holy and transparent. Just look at it and feel refreshed.

"Tianluo mask -" Jimo tranquility surrounds the quick choice of the fairy in the sky, and the white light covers Murong Xinnuo.

Under the white light, Murong Xinnuo sends out a miserable cry.

Although the light was not bright enough, it was entangled with black gas, and then went straight into her body.

Murong Xinnuo only felt that the evil Qi in his body seemed to be restrained by something. He was gradually weak, and his whole body began to become weak.

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She looked at Jimo peace in horror. She was the little fart child. The upper world had warned herself that the spirit treasure of this little fart child had restrained the evil Qi.

She just started to Jimo peace. She wanted to kill him, but she didn't think that Jimo Anning had a big life and was saved by Jimo ya.

At that time, even if Mo died, she did not mind.

What's more, the tranquility of Jimo was just self-protection in the channel of evil Qi. Now it's only a few days' work that can affect the evil Qi in her body.

Murong Xinnuo felt bad.

She knew that if she did not get rid of Jimo peace, she was afraid that she would not have a good end today.

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But she couldn't lift up the evil Qi all over her body. The Seven Star continuous bead array made up of seven God selectors was so trapped that she couldn't move forward for half a minute.

Can only ferociously stare at Jimo peace with eyes.

Huan Qingyan see the situation temporarily stabilized, Murong Xinnuo is trapped in the array at the moment, but they can't do anything about her, the two sides of the room are frozen.

Take a look at Jimo's tranquility. His face is very serious, and he is trying his best to stimulate his spiritual power. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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