The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1425: 1425

She always thought that she had cheated all the people on Lingbao land, whether it was the semi saint, the God elect or the first childe, she was playing with her applause.

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Even though she knew that Nangong Beichen's purpose of marriage was not simple, her attitude was to play and see what kind of tricks Nangong Beichen could play.

She looked down upon anyone in Lingbao land from her bones. She thought that she knew everything about them.

But now what happened, all is overturning her cognition.

Not to mention Jimo Ya's death and life, not to mention Jimo's peaceful and evil spirit conquering star skill, even Nangong Beichen can hide Tianyan's skills to death, just like a loud slap in the face.

She doesn't believe it! She never believed it!

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Murong Xinnuo described at the moment have a bit of madness, the mind also lost Qingming, where there is the momentum of the day witch.

Jimo ya heart a joy, waiting for is now, everything is in his grasp.

When the hand is reversed, Qiankun writes it and infuses it with spiritual power. A big "kill" character is formed under Qiankun's pen.

"Go --" the last stroke was completed, the nib picked lightly and rushed to Murong Xinnuo.

At the same time, Huan Qingyan screamed, and a long flame whip appeared in his hand, mixed with the real fire of Phoenix, cutting through the air, as if burning the surrounding air.

The temperature of the whole holy city suddenly soared to scorching heat. If ordinary people were here, they were afraid that they could be dried in an instant. Even a few semi saints and God elect felt extremely hot, as if they were in a furnace.

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The whip whistled in the air like a long eye, then sent first and wrapped Murong Xinnuo tightly from top to bottom.

The real fire of Phoenix is extraordinary. In addition, Murong Xinnuo's evil Qi is weak at the moment, and the flesh and blood in her body are absorbed by mushroom spores. She burns her skin which is not penetrated by the sword and makes a nourishing sound.

Suddenly there was a smell of burnt meat.

That fire, not only burned Murong Xinnuo, it seems that even the spores in her body were roasted to lose vitality.

Finally, she could barely lift her head. Two lines of blood flowed out of her eyes, which were particularly terrifying. She was staring at Nangong Beichen and opening her mouth to say something.

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The killing word with a sense of killing, falling from the air, only hit Murong Xinnuo's heart.

Murong Xinnuo body a soft, fell to the ground, big mouth with black gas splattered out of the visceral blood clots, and then was drilled out of her body thousands of fine gray spore silk absorbed in a moment.

Murong Xinnuo's face was a little gray, and a trace of timidity flashed in his fierce eyes.

She did not think, this into the holy city, it seems that step by step into the trap, ring by ring, let her be caught off guard.

All of her, as if she had been calculated, carefully and soundlessly led her into the pit.

It's terrible!

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Murong Xinnuo to the eyes of these people, can not help but have fear.

She can't stay here any more, or she's afraid that there are more powerful people waiting for her.

She's going back to the noumenon!

She didn't dare to do it again. She was afraid that Jimo Anning would not die. She would die in front of her!

Even if you go back to the noumenon, what you are waiting for is endless suffering, but it is better than death! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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