The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1426: 1426

Thinking of this, Murong Xinnuo made a decision and didn't like to fight.

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Eyes flash a few times, a bite on the tip of the tongue, a bit of blood essence overflowed the mouth, blood essence instantly turned into a black mist, began to flow in the body.

This is the wisp of distracted life evil Qi, which is her last means to protect her life. If she loses her own life evil Qi, this wisp of distraction will disappear.

Before the critical moment of life and death, she did not dare to move, and now she had to take it out.

The eye of the south palace and North morning has been covering this Murong Xinnuo, and he dare not be distracted for half a moment.

So Murong Xinnuo's little movement did not escape his eyes.

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As soon as the wisp of black fog came out, he realized that it was not good, but he didn't wait for him to react. The black and evil Qi was so powerful that it not only pushed back the weak white light of Jimo peace, but also instantly eroded those spore filaments in her body into gray smoke.

As soon as he was about to open his mouth to remind people, the black fog fiercely fell on his sky eye.

Nangong Beichen only felt a sharp pain in the eye of the sky. He was suddenly dark and could not see clearly. His brain was like a knife stirring inside.

The blood and aura inside the body are also out of control, and the body loses control, just like a broken kite, shaking twice and falling from the air.

The mad Saint ran to him and caught him.

Looking down, Nangong Beichen's face is black, and her breath is like gossamer.

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The evil spirit devoured the sky eye of Nangong Beichen, broke free from the shackles, and immediately followed his heart, wrapped Murong Xinnuo, and rushed to the sky.

"Bad, the Witch wants to run --" Jimo Ya immediately realizes Murong Xinnuo's intention.

The Qiankun pen in the hand quickly drew a "tie" word in the air, trying to trap her.

At the same time, the whip in Huan Qingyan's hand also soared, chasing Murong Xinnuo's figure. The rest of the half Saint demon emperor and God's electors also threw out magic weapons to stop Murong Xinnuo's castration.

But these offensive means, after touching the black spirit of Murong Xinnuo, were absorbed into the sea like a stone, and half of them were useless.

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All of them were in a hurry. It was not easy to hurt the witch. If she escaped back to the upper world and let her merge with the noumenon, would it be a failure?

Murong Xinnuo's mind is full of fleeing Lingbao land at the moment. In order to speed up her speed, she is determined to burn the evil spirit of her own life, and she can't be left by them.

Therefore, the speed is extremely fast, even if the semi saints try to catch up, they are still left behind by her.

Although she didn't look back, Murong Xinnuo also knew that the threat was getting farther and farther. As long as she broke through the last layer of Lingbao land's interface, she would escape from the heaven!

Right in front of you!

Soon, you will be free!

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Murong Xinnuo can finally put down his mind a little and turn around to look. The half saints behind him have been thrown to see only a few small black spots. With their speed, they can't catch up with themselves.

Look up, see that thin light blue light curtain, within reach.

Hands touched that layer of light curtain, Murong Xinnuo mouth raised a smile.

But this smile immediately solidified on the face.

Her body was suddenly pulled down by a powerful force with an unquestionable momentum

White dust has been waiting for a long time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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