The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1433: 1433

However, he had no time to think about it, cut off the fetters, and finally the accumulated power and noumenon remained for him. All of a sudden, there was no suppression, and all of them rushed out.

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He can only restrain his mind and sit down on his knees and quietly refine these auras and accomplishments for his own use

The rain of purification lasted ten days.

Within ten days, Lingbao's mainland was full of vitality and vitality again.

Countless Terrans and demon clans have benefited from the rain of purification, and their accomplishments have been promoted.

After the first World War, the God elect and the half Saint demon emperor were as powerful as saints. Only when the upper and lower boundary channels were opened again, could they fly into saints.

The refugees also returned to their hometown one after another under the arrangement of the holy house and the eight families.

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The holy yard announced the final result of the war with the goddess of heaven to the whole Lingbao continent, and a huge hero monument was erected on the square in the center of the holy yard.

On the top of the stele, Lingli is engraved with the name of Nangong Beichen.

In turn, there are crazy saints and two demon emperors.

They are all heroes of Lingbao land, and they gave their lives for Lingbao land.

All the people and Demons remembered the names of the heroes of the four Terrans and demon clans in their hearts. Those who were more sincere set up a memorial tablet for longevity at home and prayed day and night.

Although the Lingbao land has been hit hard this time, the dead can't come back, but the living still have to look forward.

A message has been sent down from the upper world. The calligrapher trapped the empress of the demons and blew himself up with her. Because there is no purification gas of Jimo peace in the spiritual realm, the saints are still cleaning up the evil Qi.

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After cleaning up the evil Qi, they will open the two boundary channels and lead people to soar.

As soon as the news came out, all the people cheered.

For thousands of years, it's a great blessing for the mainland to finally have saints to rise.

Jimo Ya wakes up from the practice and feels refreshed.

In his body, the control of the calligrapher himself disappeared, leaving him some accomplishments to make up for.

These accomplishments made him a saint more than enough.

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Now he only waits for the sages of the upper world to connect the two realms and fly up to the realm of spiritual respect. He will be a proper saint.

However, these are not his concerns, his only moving is that he is now a truly thorough and autonomous Jimo career.

It's not the calligrapher's distraction, it's not someone else!

The first thing he woke up to was to find Huan Qingyan.

After the baptism of the rain of purification, together with spiritual food, and a little power of faith presented by the way of heaven, Huan Qingyan is now the peak of the semi saint, waiting to fly up.

She didn't have any accident when she saw Jimo ya.

At the moment of the self explosion of the calligrapher, she had a little feeling in a trance, but it was too light. At that time, the situation was tense and she didn't pay attention to it.

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Later, she remembered that she had an indescribable feeling.

As far as she is concerned, all her emotions are controlled by the book.

She is a sad chess piece, everything is pushed to today according to the arrangement of the calligrapher.

Even who I fall in love with and have children is the result of calculation.

If we say who is the most hated person in her heart, it must be the calligrapher.

But at the moment when she learned that the calligrapher exploded and died with the empress of the demons, she suddenly felt that, in fact, the most tragic was the calligrapher.

He calculated everything, his feelings, his own destiny, for the two realms of Lingbao land and lingzun, for the sake of the earth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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