The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1434: 1434

Did he ever regret his death with the queen?

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Faint, illusory Qing Yan knows, the calligrapher is not regret!

He was born for the sake of righteousness all his life, seemingly ruthless, but in fact, he was in love!

She can hate him, but she can't but admire him and respect him!

Maybe it's the state of ascension, maybe it's seeing through everything, and now the unreal Qingyan is extraordinarily calm.

Jumping out of his own feelings and standing outside the Bureau, the calligrapher sacrificed everything and calculated everything, including himself, but never for himself.

Such selfless, selfless to heartless, selfless to love people, she felt that even if their own resentment, perhaps he never cared about it.

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Since the calligrapher is dead, jimoya is reincarnated, with the memory of previous lives, without the control of the calligrapher, I am afraid jimoya can completely control itself at the moment.

Sure enough, the end of Jimo, familiar with the illusion of Qing Yan some trance.

Familiar face, familiar eyes, that full of almost overflowing love, that when you see yourself, the domineering eyes

Everything is everything, all so familiar, familiar let her want to cry.

It seems that nothing has happened

Jimo Ya saw the first sentence of magic Qing Yan is: "Xiaoyan, I'm sorry!"

This is what he owes her. No matter what the reason is, he hurt Xiaoyan. This is his sin, and he has to pay it back all his life.

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Huan Qingyan did not speak, she seemed to be in a trance.

Jimo Ya in the eyes is unable to suppress the pain and desire, he wants to tell Xiaoyan that he loves her more than he loves himself, for why she can give up.

That severely hurt Xiaoyan, hurt Xiaoyan heartbroken, Nirvana reborn Jimo ya, is not himself.

He does not want to let Xiaoyan hate himself, he can not accept Xiaoyan hate himself!

How can he accept that he loves her so much?

If he can ask for forgiveness, he can't say it. The harm has already been caused, whether because of himself or because of the noumenon.

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All hurt Xiao Yan.

But he must not let go! He hoped that Xiaoyan was still the one who saw himself, his eyes were bright as stars, and his heart was full of his own Xiaoyan.

Looking at Xiaoyan, his eyes are red Jimo ya, according to Nai's heart desire, a magic Qing Yan tightly held in his arms, as if to rub her into his own blood.

"Xiaoyan, we will never separate again, OK? Can I make up for it all my life Jimo Ya whispered in her ear.

Unreal tilt face body a stiff, for a moment in the brain a blank.

After a long time, she reached out and pushed away Jimo.

Jimo Ya does not want to, but dare not disobey Xiaoyan's meaning. She can only withdraw from her strength and explain nervously: "Xiaoyan, I know that you can't forgive me now, it doesn't matter, I can't forgive myself either! I'll wait until you forgive me! I -- "

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was interrupted by Huan Qingyan:" I forgive you. "

"I know you don't - Xiao Yan, do you forgive me? That, that - "to Jimo Ya's Chengfu, also some incoherent.

"I forgive you, but it doesn't mean we can still be together!" Fanqing Yan resolutely broke the fantasy of Jimo ya.

Jimo Ya's face darkened and seemed to want to say something.

Huan Qingyan shakes her head, and her tone is somewhat ethereal: "Jimo ya, I forgive you because I know that it is not your intention to hurt me. But the harm already exists, we want to think that nothing has happened, back to the past, impossible! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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