The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1436: 1436

Jimo Ya and Huan Qingyan, as well as the God elect and the half Saint demon emperor, all attended the funeral.

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Looking at the cold tombstone and recalling the sound and smile of Nangong Beichen, Huan Qingyan can't help but blush.

The white dust seal finally hastens to arrive, handed over to the Nangong family a bright bead.

He collected the two spirits and four spirits of Nangong Beichen by using the wheel turret. Although it is not complete, if he gets the sacrifice nourishment of Nangong family, he may reshape the spirit after 100 years.

It is also a hope for the Nangong family.

When Dona recovered, he quietly left.

I didn't say goodbye to anyone, including Huan Qingyan.

The body of the mad sage was taken back by the hundred Li family.

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It was bailijapo who came to pick up the body. After so many years of experience, it is no longer as straightforward, frank and lively as it used to be.

Now the talent of the hundred Li family is withered, and the mad Saint falls down again. At the time of crisis, she stands up and supports the facade of the hundred Li family.

Goodbye, Huan Qingyan, both of them are deeply sorry.

Before the little girl, now between the eyebrows is full of perseverance color, even if again sad, eyes are red, also did not shed a drop of tears.

When he took over the body and said goodbye to everyone, Baili Jiabao finally opened his mouth for the Baili family and said the sentence of "I'm sorry!"

Huan Qingyan has not paid much attention to these past events and just smiles and shakes his head.

Two people look at each other with a smile, both understand, although the matter has passed, but the Baili family and the phantom Qing Yan, eventually become strangers.

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Looking at Baili Jiabao's lonely back, Shangqiu Mengqian, who has been silent and silent, hesitates for a moment, and finally catches up.


since we know that we are about to fly.

Huan Qingyan thought, there are some past events, not finished.

What's more, Xiaobao and jimoya closed down after attending the funeral of Nangong Beichen.

She is also at ease, and plans to go to Canglang academy to see the magic star cold.

On that day, the illusory lady, because of her shallow knowledge, put her hand to herself. Although she did not care about it, she had a heart knot in her heart.

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But now everything is open, no matter how, the phantom father gave himself a home, magic star cold to himself has been good, after all, or to have an end.

After the victory of the war, Bai CHENFENG seldom spoke and followed her side silently.

At the moment, she is going to Canglang academy, and Bai CHENFENG is naturally inseparable.

The two men's accomplishments today are only a day's work in Canglang Academy.

Magic star cold is now a true spirit Master. Because of the geographical environment, Canglang academy avoided the erosion of evil Qi.

Canglang school palace suffered the least damage and also protected some residents of nearby towns.

Therefore, they get the most benefits from the rain of purification, and now their strength has become the first of several university palaces.

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See the magic Qing Yan, magic star cold first surprise, but immediately and guilt up.

Ma Tianyin sent the phantom lady back to Canglang academy, and naturally explained everything she had done.

Shame and shame!

His mother would hurt his sister. What would he look like to see her later?

But this is his own mother, is also a heart of love son, he can scold her what?

Just, in the middle of the night, I always feel guilty and uneasy, and I dare not to contact. I'm afraid my sister hates me.

At the moment I saw my sister coming, her face was still the same as before, but although her momentum was restrained, she was still noble and aloof and refused to be seen from thousands of miles away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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