The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1437: 1437

I can't help but feel gloomy.

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Sorry for my mother.

Fortunately, Luo Qiao and Ma Tianyin also learned the news and came to see him.

Ma Tianyin felt that he was derelict of duty. Even if he was set free by Huan Qingyan, he automatically stayed in the vicinity of the phantom lady, guarding her for fear that she would come out again.

For a long time, and falling Qiao looked at the right eye, two people by magic star cold agree, married for a couple, evil is love.

Now they are both overjoyed to see the old lord.

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For a moment, the atmosphere was lively.

No one mentions the phantom lady, she is also timid, now is shivering, hiding in the side yard, dare not come out.

Seeing his old friend, he saw that everything was very good. Although there was no fluctuation in his heart, Huan Qingyan comforted him with warm words. On the face of his illusory father, he also gave numerous spiritual stones and spiritual plants.

Let magic star cold both shame, and fear, he seems to feel that his sister this time, really will never see again.

For Luo Qiao and Ma Tianyin, Huan Qingyan's eyes softened a little. Luo Qiao never had a second heart for herself. She married Ma Tianyin, and she looked ruddy. She seemed to have a good life. Finally, she was comforted.

Ma Tianyin only looked at Ma Tianyin one more time. The threat in his eyes made Ma Tianyin want to kneel down and swear that he would definitely hold Luoqiao in his hand in his whole life and dare not neglect it.

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Luoqiao is already pregnant, and Huan Qingyan gives her many rare delicacies in private. These are excellent tonics for pregnant women and their children.

If a child receives Reiki nourishment in her mother's womb, her birth talent will certainly not be low.

Luo Qiao was moved by her eyes. She knew that there was a big difference between her and herself. This time I met her, it was a farewell.

In the heart understand, but never say it out, only quietly request to serve the magic Qing Yan again.

She combed her hair again and looked at the beautiful and elegant looking glass. However, she was indifferent and alienated from her bones. She just sobbed and said, "take care, miss!"

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On the day of leaving Canglang academy, Huan Qingyan also saw a couple. Both of them were familiar with each other. Although they were fighting all the way, the love between them could be seen by the blind.

Zheng Chong for a moment, fantasy Qing Yan just remember, that is the name of Le Guo ER and her fiance?

It seems that I can't remember clearly.

Not long ago, goodbye to the ancients, but it has been like a few centuries.

Those in the past are gradually blurred and can not be recalled

From the trance back to God, the magic tilt Yan mouth: "let's go back!"

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Behind him, Bai CHENFENG followed in silence.

On the way back to the city, Bai CHENFENG finally found a chance to open his mouth and revealed his identity.

Huan Qingyan soon realized the key to the problem: "does that mean that you can never leave Lingbao land and can't fly up?"

In the white dust covered eyes, there is deep pain and despair, just like an abyss.

After a long silence, Huan Qingyan's voice whispered: "then I will accompany you in Lingbao land for a hundred years. When you are reincarnated again, I will not be too late to fly. This is what I owe you --"

before the voice falls, Bai CHENFENG interrupts her: "Xiaoyan, you don't owe me! I love you, infatuated with you, is my business. You don't have to feel guilty, you don't have to feel guilty! If you really want to make up for me, in the days before the ascension, good accompany me, OK , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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