This kind of flattery, flatter in the crazy holy heart, can't help but the feeling of Nangong Beichen is greatly changed.

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"You boy, stop Ben Shengzun, don't you just want to flatter me?"

All the people present were laughing.

Nangong Beichen suddenly looked a little moved, and a slight convex place in the middle of his forehead suddenly cracked, showing another eye.

This eye is a vertical pupil. It is not as smart as normal eyes. It is lifeless. It can't see any fluctuation. However, it brings people a sense of depression and danger.

Everyone was surprised.

"Trough, what's going on? Open your eyes? "

"I don't know. You don't know. This is the inheritance of Nangong family's blood and talent. Three eyes, do you understand?"

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"What's the use of that?"

"Have you ever heard of an old legend? You know what? Any camouflage can't escape the eye of three eyes. You can also see the lineage of your ancestors of eight generations. It is said that there is also mysterious attack power. This is not very clear. "

"Cow force!"

"No? Or can you be one of the eight families? "


The people below are talking.

Several semi saints and Wang Lingshi on the stage all looked at Nangong Beichen with gratifying eyes. In their eyes, there was another hope of a human race, which was a good thing.

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The higher the realm, the higher the ideological consciousness.

As for the younger generation on stage, most of them are envious.

Crazy Saint Baili peak see white dust seal three eyes open, but some do not understand.

"What the hell do you want to do

Nangong Beichen chuckled faintly, "Shengzun, you are not talented. Fortunately, you have awakened the blood inheritance, opened your eyes, and learned the family's blood watching skills. Today, I can't bear to see the semi Holy One, and was deceived by the crafty and evil girl. So, dare to call the Holy One..."

As soon as this statement was made, both Baili peak and Baili family were stunned.

The deception of the evil girl? Is it a hundred miles purple?

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The Nangong family's blood watching skills are well-known

Do you mean?

Hundred Li purple Xi suddenly felt something bad, "Nangong Beichen, what are you talking about? I'm just a victim... "

Her surname was specially emphasized.

Looking to bailifeng for help.

Although bailifeng is short, he is not confused. He looks solemn, "Nangong boy, what do you mean?"

Nangong North morning did not answer, slightly arched hands, directly looked at the hundred Li purple Xi.

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The third eye on his forehead suddenly gave out a strange light, shining on his purple body. The light flashed past, and the speed was extremely fast.

"Come back to the Holy One, from the boy's investigation, this daughter is not the blood of your hundred Li family!"

Decisive words, decisive!

There was an uproar.

The clan leader Bai Li Ren was the first to stand up. His face was full of suspicion and he blurted out, "how can this be possible? When Xiaoxi was born, there were visions at that time. We went looking for them... "

Behind him, however, there was a valiant young girl standing up, "grandfather, what's impossible? I thought she was wrong. My father went to pick her up, but she died! My father was not supposed to be a robber, but he was cut to death by the natural calamity. It must have been the devil who caused it... "

Baili Zixi was a little flustered, "Baili Jiabao, you always aim at me, I won't care about you, at this time, you can't talk nonsense! How could it have been about me? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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