"It's not about you, it's about your master magic eye! With so many God selectors, you are the only one who can learn the skills and skills of many sages. Maybe the devil eye master has been hidden in you since he was a child. He did not come across the border to show his spirit, but just a wisp of evil spirit attached to you! Hum, since I was a child, I grew up to be a demon. I have bewitched many cousins of Baili family... "

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Bailigabao's words seem to remind people of something.

It is quite possible to think about it.

In recent years, I haven't heard of any God elect's master.

You don't even have a master of gongziya!

The master didn't help him when he was in danger of life and death. However, her purple master often appeared. This is strange.

The calligrapher was once one of the most powerful in feisheng, and the disciple he chose is also the most powerful talent of the younger generation in Lingbao mainland.

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Bailifeng brought the topic back, and he said in a deep voice, "Nangong boy, can you demonstrate the blood watching secret skill, let me wait for everyone to have a look?"

In the final analysis, we will not give up until we reach the Yellow River.

Bailijapo yelled, "Shengzun, why don't you believe acridine? Bailizhi, I've already felt that she is a fake. Besides, Nangong's three eye blood has just awakened, and it may not reach the level of demonstration?"

The blood watching skill is also classified into three levels: low level, intermediate level, high level and top level.

Low level blood observation can only be seen roughly, intermediate level can be seen clearly, but can not be demonstrated. Only after reaching the advanced level can the demonstration be carried out.

Nangong Beichen said with a confident smile, "it's OK. You can demonstrate it. Would you please give me a drop of blood?"

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Bailigabao blinked and simply said, "OK!"

He bit his finger and dropped a drop of blood to Nangong Beichen.

Nangong Beichen asked for a drop of blood from bailifeng, and Baili Ren also asked for a drop.

Then I looked at the hundred mile purple.

Before speaking, Bai Li Zi Xi stepped back a few steps, "no! I'm a member of the Baili family. My father is a member of the Baili family. I'm of noble status. Nangong Beichen, are you aiming at me for the sake of Huan Qingyan Don't think about it

Bailigabao took advantage of her emotional excitement and did not pay attention to it. She ran over and pricked her arm with something.

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He pricked back a drop of blood and handed it to Nangong Beichen.

Now Baili Zixi has only the spiritual master's cultivation. Even if the whole God is on guard, she can't escape bailijapo's sneak attack.

Baili Zixi was about to collapse. She was so angry that she pointed to Baili Jiabao, "you, you, you, how dare..."

Bailigabao ignored her.

In the crowd of the hundred mile family, there was a young man who looked at all these things with his eyes and nose and his heart. He didn't have any redundant expression.

It's like watching this scene coldly.

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Baili Zixi was treated like Baili Jiabao. She was wronged to look at the young man, "brother Yejun..."

This young man is exactly Bai Liye Jun who has been drawn from his affection roots.

Bai Li Ye Jun turned a blind eye to Bai Li Zi Xi's help and turned his head.

When Bai Li Ren, the patriarch, saw this scene, he was relieved. It seemed that the secret method was successful.

I've got a hundred Li, a hundred Li's, and a hundred Li's daughter's blood.

Everyone was staring at him, wondering how the Nangong family's blood watching technique was demonstrated. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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