Fortunately, Nangong Beichen boy appeared in time.

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Hundred Li purple Xi has no way to help, will look at just has been beside, cloud light breeze clear Jimo ya body.

"Gongziya, help me, childe ya, I really love you and want to marry you, so I have to use this method to deal with you. Our Lingbao is the best match. My Luan Lingbao is the most suitable one for you..."

Jimo Ya indifferent leisurely, only gave her a few words, "many lines of injustice, will die."

Baili Jiabao said, "yes, childe Ya is right. You should have died for your crimes. If you want to die happily, you'd better recruit from the facts. How many bad things have you done? And where are the things of your evil eye master hidden..."

Baili Zixi didn't give up and said angrily, "childe ya, I'm just a victim of evil Qi. Even if I'm not a member of Baili family, I'm Luan Lingbao, the most suitable one for you Would you rather have a cheap woman who has been cheated by a demon than me? "

The voice of the second half of the sentence was blocked directly by Jimo Ya and could not be heard by outsiders.

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Bai Li Zi Xi found her voice became dumb, and she was frightened. What made her panic was that Jimo Ya was murderous to her

She was almost out of her wits like a mountain!

He screamed and fainted.

When Bai Li Zixi fainted, the word "Jinling" in her body flew out, because the evil Qi had been eliminated by Jinling, which was just like me.

Jinling is a game again, only to drill into the altar.

Then, a large number of pure aura of gold, slowly and constantly floated out.

Turn the air in the square into gold

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All the people cheered and waited for this moment. It was a rare opportunity only happened in the last ten years. It was very useful for low-level monks, so everyone began to meditate.

On the stage and off the stage, apart from Wang Lingshi and the semi saints, no one paid attention to the gossip of saints and demons. They were all immersed in their own practice.

Jimo Ya looked at the coma of a hundred Li purple Xi, eyes gushed through a strong killing machine.

But now is not the time to kill her. For the sake of the overall situation, let her die first, and Xiao Yan's hatred will be counted in the future.

Looking around the rich aura of gold spirit, Jimo Ya thought, let the magic Qing Yan also come out to absorb, after all, this opportunity is rare.

Besides, now I don't have to act any more. It's time to explain to this girl.

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Therefore, he flies toward the half of the holy mountain where Huan Qingyan lives.


when Huan Qingyan wakes up, he doesn't know where he is.

This is a room, four square, about 30 square meters, antique, door, screen curtain, soft bed, pear blossom wood collapse table, table with some cakes and fruits.

Huan Qingyan is lying on the soft bed. Her heavy disguised clothes and coats have been replaced with comfortable white middle coats made of cotton and silk.

Who helped her change her clothes?

She sat up in shock!

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The memory just received her coma before, that middle-aged monk's face and voice, "sleep, sleep, you are tired..."

Is it the middle-aged monk?


She quickly got up, the room was empty, the hypnotic middle-aged monk had already disappeared.

She checked her body and felt no discomfort except for the change of her clothes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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