Who on earth brought her design here?

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White dust seal?

It was Bai CHENFENG who guided her to Yangcheng friar market!

Bai CHENFENG was afraid that she would not like to go with him. Did she think of such a mean way?

Huan Qingyan comes down from the bed, she wants to go out, she wants to find the white dust seal to settle accounts!

Just got up, saw two unified in green dress maid came in, a person carrying water, a person holding towel and other toilet equipment.

Come in first give the magic Qing Yan Fu, also don't speak, put the water in front of the phantom Qing Yan, signal to give her to groom.

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Huan Qing Yan was full of questions and said angrily, "who are you? Why did you cheat me? Shut up here? "

The two green maids looked at each other and shook their heads together.

One of the maids made a dumb voice to Huan Qingyan. She was dumb!

Huan Qingyan grabbed another maid, "you say, is it white dust seal? Does he think it's OK to send a mute and not speak? "

Another maid also has a dull face. She also points to her throat. Another maid can make a dumb voice, but she can't even make a dumb voice.

Just pointing to the water basin, and pointing to the face of magic Qing Yan They just came to serve the magic Qing Yan, the rest of what do not know.

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What is the meaning of the white dust seal?

"No, no! You must let the white dust seal to see me! What do you want him to do? " Under the anxiety of Huan Qingyan, he knocked over a basin of water on the table and splashed more than half of his clothes on the ground.

Two maids quickly from a corner of an overcoat cabinet, and out of a clean and comfortable new clothes out, indicating that they want to change for Huan Qingyan, and one is still anxious to make a comparison.

Huan Qingyan ignores them. While they are not paying attention, she runs out of the door first

As soon as she looked outside, her heart suddenly cooled.

What kind of normal room is this? Outside is a hard and cold open cave, relatively wide and uneven, like a natural cave, with damp and cold water stains hanging on the stone wall.

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Her little room is in the middle of the mountain!

Huan Qingyan suddenly thinks that she may be wrong. Even if Bai CHENFENG wants to imprison her, he will not choose such a bad environment

She's going to get out of here!

The two dumb maids in the back have caught up with each other. Huan Qingyan covers his stomach and runs towards the open chamber in front of him

Finally ran to a corner, suddenly saw two women appeared.

"Illusory girl, I advise you not to do useless work. This labyrinth cave was chosen by my wife for a long time. It was specially prepared for you. " There was a smile on her face.

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Huan Qingyan looks at it carefully again. Aren't these two women who your lady once sent to serve her and were rejected by her?

"You! It's you! I recognize you

The two women didn't care. Their smiles were weird. One of them said, "you can call me old fat woman. The one next to me is Ma Po. I'm both here to serve the girl and give birth to a child. The best thing for a girl is to give birth to a child. After giving birth to a child, she will let you go. My wife wants only the child. "

These two people's names are appropriate. The one who is fat is called fat woman, and her face is full of pockmarks. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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