Huan Qingyan also calmed down, anxious is useless, especially by your wife to drill this hole, caught.

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"Madame won't let me have children, and I will also have children. But why does your wife want to catch me here to have children?" The truth should be found out before countermeasures can be made.

The fat woman's small eyes flashed, "our wife is naturally to protect the illusory girl. Now there are rumors all over the place that the girl's stomach is wild. In case someone is unfavorable to the girl and the child can't be born, what should we do?"

Ma Po echoed, "yes, our wife is just a good intention. She asked phantom girl to live in Jimo mansion before, but she didn't listen to her. Therefore, our wife can only do this."

Huan Qingyan cursed in his heart. If it was true, why didn't you take her back to Jimo family? It's hiding her here secretly?

There must be some ulterior purpose in mind.

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But now the situation is very bad for her, not suitable to turn over.

First, pretend to be stupid and don't know anything, get familiar with the terrain and environment, and then look at the situation.

What your lady wants is a child, and she will not do it to her until the child is born safely.

"It's my wife's hard work. Well, I've got it. I just don't want to stay in the holy city. It's really quiet here. It's a good place to have babies. It's suitable for raising babies."

The two women looked at each other, and they also prepared other powerful means. If they were unconvinced, they would come to the hard one directly, which seemed unnecessary.

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Your wife has also explained that a woman should not be upset when she gives birth to a child.

Otherwise, if the children are not protected, they will meet each other.

"The girl is a sensible person, so we don't need to say much. The terrain here is humid, so I'd better go back to my room and have a rest. What's more, even if you send the two dumb girls to do it, I can't say that there are all of them, but we will try our best to meet the needs of our little master. "

Huan Qingyan didn't object, so she turned back to the room and said, "I have a question. How did that middle-aged monk get in touch with his wife? How does Madame know that I will run to Yangcheng? "

"That's not easy. The middle-aged monk is from Murong family. Naturally, he has quick and convenient contact information It's better not to ask, girl After Ma Po answered half, she was reminded by a cough.

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There seems to be a leak.

Yes, both of them are Murong family members, not Jimo family members.

They only obey your wife, and have nothing to do with the people of Jimo family.

Huan Qingyan was forced back into the room by two women. As soon as she guessed, she knew that these two were Murong family members. The accomplishments of both women were not low. She did not know whether there were other people guarding the labyrinth mountain with complex terrain.

Huan Qingyan needs to keep her energy up. She doesn't believe your wife will let her go.

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Your wife wants only the child in her womb. When she gives birth to the child, it is estimated that it is the time of her death. She must not die here unknowingly.


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