Murong Xinnuo came back to his mind and took back the eyes fixed on Nangong Beichen. A suspicious red cloud surged up his face, lowered his head, and said in a coquettish and angry way, "there is no such thing. I didn't... "

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"Yes, no, no, it's just that my eyes are like paste on nangongzi. Ha ha Eh! What's flying over there seems to be Jimo ya? He seems to be in a hurry. Where is he going

Jimo Ya is just passing by here and coming down from the holy mountain. This is the only place to go to the gate of the holy city.

Jimo Ya's wantonly searching for people in the holy city could not escape the eye of Wang Lingshi.

Wang Lingshi, one of the Jimo family members, stopped Jimo ya. "Xiaoya, what are you looking for?"

"Back to the elder, nothing."

Finish saying, take feather guard, go in a hurry.

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Nangong Beichen saw such a situation and his eyelids jumped. He kept up with Jimo Ya without saying a word.


from the next day, Huan Qingyan began to be picky.

"The stone house is too stuffy to eat. Let me go out for a walk..."

The dumb girl was only responsible for her daily life and had no right to let her out, so she went out and invited two women in.

Fat woman and Ma Po did not say anything, and took her out.

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Huan Qingyan only knew how deep the cave was and how complex the terrain was.

Compared with the underground city of the goblin kingdom that she had been to before, it was not bad.

"Even if we pass through the stone wall, we can not find that Wang's spirit is hidden in the stone wall." Ma Po said with a smile.

Huan Qingyan's face was stiff. She couldn't pass her consciousness in the stone room. She thought that only her room was shielding consciousness. Unexpectedly, the whole cave was shielded.

"And girl, this cave is a labyrinth and a natural array. It is most suitable for seclusion. Outsiders can't get in. The people inside must take it with them if they want to go out! Even if your two maids, we two old ladies, can't go out. " She added.

If you wish to see the face of Huan Qing Yan again stiff on a point, happy smile.

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Huan Qingyan doesn't believe it. She must be lying to her. How can it be?

After another winding passage, they came to a place full of stalactites. The two women stopped and said, "well, girl, let's stop here today. This cave is very open. Let's see the scenery here. Let's go back. "

Huan Qingyan looks again, whether there is underground river or not.

Ma Po said with a smile, "girl, although there are many stalactites here, they all seep in from the spring hole. There is no too wide underground river channel here. There is only a small spring eye like this for mice to pass through, so as to prevent people from entering the water."

Motherfucker, another road is blocked.

If you rely on self-help, there is only one way left!

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Find a place where the terrain is complex and safe, and hide in the space first.

Huan Qingyan comes to the spring. The spring is only the size of a fist. A spring is bubbling out. Huan Qingyan reaches for a handful of spring water and washes his face.

"How refreshing

The fat woman said, "isn't it? It's still cool for pregnant women

Huan Qing Yan said patiently, "I know. We'll go there to have a look at stalactites. It seems that it's very good. It's also good to get some back when decorations." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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