Huan Qing Yan said patiently, "I know. We'll go there to have a look at stalactites. It seems that it's very good. It's also good to get some back when decorations."

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This spring is rather turbulent and not suitable for storing ancient bowls.

After smearing a little spring water on the bead hairpin on his head, Jiaojiao was awakened.

"Why, where is this?" Jiaojiao's figure, if not present, appears on the top of the Pearl hairpin, and curiously asks Huan Qingyan.

"Jiaojiao, I've been caught by bad people. Can you help me escape?"

"No water! Can't get out You can't fight when you come out. "

"Forget it."

Huan Qingyan sighs, and soon the water mark on the Pearl hairpin dries up and the Jiaojiao disappears again.

Huan Qingyan comes to a large area of stalactite area. There are many potholes, and the colors are colorful, which seems to be able to hide.

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There is no play, or can only hide space.

As a result, Huan Qingyan hid in a large stone stalactite area, just about to enter the space.

Find out, can't sense the space!

The bowl is still in her body, she can sense it, but the space is closed!

This cognition, lets the phantom incline the Yan to be frightened greatly

What's going on?

When she was hypnotized before, she also wanted to enter the space, but because she was hypnotized too fast, when she reflected that she wanted to enter the space, it seemed that she also suffered resistance, so that she did not have time to enter the space, she went to sleep.

She thought it was because she was slow and her body and mind didn't respond.

Now her physical condition is good, why can't she enter the space?

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Huan Qingyan panicked and asked with consciousness, "ancient bowl, ancient bowl, how is this going on?"

After a long time, the echo of the ancient bowl came: the host had a shallow consciousness of rejecting entering the space. According to the analysis, it was the fetus in the host's stomach.


The beauty of illusion

Is the baby not willing to enter the space again?

Jimo Ya said, let her give birth to a baby before, had better not enter the space again, afraid of time disorder, affect the baby's growth.

Does the baby listen?

Or about to be born, the baby does not want to be born in space? Or can the baby not be born in space at all?

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The head of Huan Qing's face is big.

How could this happen?

No way to enter the space, there is only one way, now escape, later the stomach is bigger and bigger, the action is more and more inconvenient.

Huan Qingyan wants to do it. Suddenly, he makes a move, which makes the two women unable to defend themselves. He puts them on the ground and runs away

"Well, you little goblin, you want to run away? Stop

Stop it!

Huan Qingyan turned back and made up two ice breaking bullets on them, and then ran away without looking back.

The labyrinth terrain here is complex, and the magic inclines Yan is running around, running where is where.

Fortunately, she picked some roads casually and found an exit

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It's more inspirational!

The two women also said that this is a maze, fooling her, hum!

When Huan Qingyan saw the hope, suddenly, a strong drowsiness came.

With a deep voice, "you are tired, take a rest Go to sleep... "

The footstep of illusory incline Yan begins to float soft again, that can hypnotism is still here, did not walk!

She can resist illusion, but she can't resist sleep. Moreover, the middle-aged monk's hypnosis should not be low. Once she is put into practice, she will not be able to resist the illusion within a few seconds.

Now, things are terrible.

Huan Qingyan sleeps in the past again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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