"I don't know. My ancestors told us that we should take good care of the dress lady, but I don't think she has any ambition. How can she get better?"

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"Ah, our young lady is really miserable. You said that such things happened to her, and she was lucky not to be crazy --"

"Shhh, you don't want to die! The old ancestor has explained that no one is allowed to gossip, or he will be handed over to the torture room for punishment! "

"Good sister, I know that I'm wrong. I'm also a miss who loves me. I'm as old as a flower, but my heart is withered. I'm bored when I look at it!"

"Alas The maid looked up at the room again.

With Miss's accomplishments, they could not hide their words from her ears, but she did not react at all. The wrinkles on the silk blanket covering her legs did not change.

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They looked at each other with a sad face and didn't know what to do.

At this moment, a voice rings out behind two people: "is Yan wench better?"

The two maidservants were startled, turned their heads, and then relaxed. They saluted respectfully without mentioning: "see your majesty!"

It's Baili peak.

Wave hands, signal two people to rise: "Yan wench?"

Ganoderma lucidum replied: "Miss, today, just like in the past, she sits by the window for a whole day. She doesn't cry or laugh, she just stays in a daze."

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Crazy Saint bailifeng walked into the room and was angry when he saw that he was dying and had no love.

He has always had a bad temper and bad patience.

But the girl who loves me has a bit of guilt, so she tolerates it very much. Seeing that a month has passed, the girl's injuries have almost recovered, but she is still so disheartened that she has to die all day long. She is angry and painful.

Anyway, it's also the blood of the hundred Li family. How can it not be attacked?

For his old man, love and love are all floating clouds, for which he has to die and die, he has to bear the blood of his body.

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If the girl is allowed to be so decadent, I'm afraid people will be decadent.

Therefore, he went straight forward and pulled the thin blanket covered by his legs and threw it away, and his face sank.

Huan Qingyan is startled. She just turns her head and looks at the crazy saint. Then she looks at the blanket that falls on the ground and the two maidservants who look frightened behind him.

Turning his head indifferently, he turned a blind eye to everything.

The mad sage's temper was not so neglected. When his beard was raised and the table was patted, he scolded, "do you look like you're dying now? People are not people, ghosts are not ghosts, Ben Sheng saved you back, is that what you are like? "

Huan Qingyan turned a deaf ear.

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Crazy Saint if not always in the heart of meditation, this is my hundred Li family baby, can not beat, a beat to death! Be patient! exercise patience!

After reciting it for a hundred times, she managed to suppress the pressure of the spleen and tried to make a painstaking effort: "girl Yan, you are still young, and now you are back in your family. Your blood in ancient times has also revived, and your talent is good. Over time, your achievements will not be inferior to Ben Sheng. Why should you be decadent for that stinky boy of Jimo family? "

Jimo, on hearing these two words, the unreal Qingyan eyes finally have movement, showing the color of pain.

Crazy Saint finally had a little reaction, and immediately strengthened his persuasion: "girl Yan, you have to know why you fall into this situation, because you are not strong enough! If you are strong enough, that is, the Mohist School dare not look down on you, that is, the mother of Mo Ya dare not fight against you, and you will not become abandoned chess pieces! Do you understand? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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