In this world, what feelings, what interests, what status, that is empty! As long as your strength is strong, strong enough that others dare not provoke you, then everything is yours! The so-called strength, will be taken away by others!

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This is the reality of everything

Huan Qing's face moved for a moment, as if listening to it.

The mad saint is a little relieved. It seems that the girl is still saved.

Add the final blow: "don't you want to avenge the child who died? Let him die so pitifully? Killed by your grandmother? Do you still expect that stinky kid of Jimo family to avenge your child? "

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Strike at the heart of the red!

Huan Qingyan's eyes finally burst into a look, which is a deep hatred!

"Reverend, I want revenge! I will avenge my child! He was just born and killed by your wife! Still die so miserably, now even the bones do not know where to bury! I hate it! Hate Jimo ya, hate your wife! I hate myself more. If I don't rely on Jimo career so much, I can be stronger and I won't be treated like this! "

At that time, the cave caved in too quickly and came fiercely. With the limitation of the array, ye Lingbao could not send the baby out safely. Ye Lingbao found out that the baby was dead, and Lingbao was seriously injured. In addition, he was unconscious, so ye Lingbao had to bury the baby on the spot and return to his body automatically.

"Reverend, you are right! If my own strength is so strong that even Jimo Ya is not my opponent, how dare you look down on me? Why does Jimo family know that jimoya is going to marry me, and want him to marry Bai Li Zi Xi? And Jimo Ya abandoned me for benefit and strength, and chose Baili purple?

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If I am powerful, how can I be calculated by bailizhi, and let the child in my stomach be misunderstood as a wild species by his father? Everything is because I am too weak! Too weak will be looked down upon and bullied! If you want to step on the mud, you can step on it as much as you want! "

Huan Qingyan thought that he was so muddleheaded to live on, but the crazy saint's words reminded him that the baby's Revenge has not been revenged! She's sorry for the baby. She didn't protect him. She couldn't even help him to recover!

And the enemy is still alive, because of the status and strength, terror will live well!

She won't take it! She's going to be strong enough to crush all this!

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Strong enough to let those who look down on themselves and insult themselves will look up to themselves one day!

She's got her spirits up.

The scar on her stomach is still there, reminding her of her painful past.

Crazy Saint finally put down his heart, but think of this girl talking about hundred Li purple Xi, suddenly a little hesitated.

It's also a hundred Li family. At the beginning, they didn't carefully examine the blood of Baili purple. Instead, they let the foreign doves occupy the magpie's nest and hurt their own flesh and blood.

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During this period of time, girl Yan was confused and didn't want to ask Bai Li Zi Xi. She has come to her senses now. She is afraid that she will ask about it soon. After all, she does not know that bailizhi is not the blood of Baili and was detained in the holy yard.

Girl Yan doesn't have deep feelings with the Baili family now. There are too many things involved in it. I'm afraid that the child will be separated from the Baili family.

This kind of thing, his old man can not worry about, throw it to bailiren to explain, anyway, he is the patriarch!

Crazy Saint decided so simply. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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