The crazy Saint finally saw the magic and Qing Yan's brain was clear and had the will to fight. When he was happy, he decided to love the little girl more: "girl, because of her husband and son, Jimo Ya's mother has a special status in Jimo family because of her husband and son. Plus the support of Murong family, I'm afraid it will be many years before you find her revenge. In this way, Ben Sheng is idle too. If I don't want to help you catch that old lady, I'll shut up for several decades first? "

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Huan Qingyan wanted to refuse, but he thought about it. He wanted to upgrade his current strength to Wang Lingshi. Then he could crush Mrs. Ru and crush the Murong family. I'm afraid it's not enough.

Baili family saved themselves and enlightened themselves. Apart from being the blood of Baili family, I'm afraid there are other purposes?

After the event of jimoya and production, even jimoya, the lovers who love more and more life in the past can betray for the benefit. What else can't be used to betray?

I have to say that crazy saint's words coincide with the time when Huan Qingyan is in the most pain and despair, and his mind is shaken. It really enlightens the deaf and enlightens the public, and the influence on Huan Qingyan is not generally great.

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She is now thinking about problems, has begun to think about using each other, no longer based on personal preferences.

Their own strength is not enough, first with the help of the hundred Li family strength, to the baby revenge again, otherwise you still want to let your wife in the outside for decades?

Don't think about it!

Having made up his mind, Huan Qingyan nodded and tried to show his gratitude with a smile: "thank you, holy master. Qingyan is very grateful! The great kindness of the holy one will be rewarded in the future

Crazy Saint Ben was impatient to stay at home and listen to all kinds of trivial things. At the moment, he listened to Huan Qingyan and agreed to catch your wife back. He was very happy.

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Immediately patted the chest to guarantee: "girl, don't worry, Ben Sheng will take care of you and take the old ladies back for your disposal! You can take good care of yourself. After you have recognized your ancestors, Ben Sheng will teach you in person

With that, he forced the unexpected broken window to go.

Looking at the crazy saint's far away figure, Huan Qingyan's eyes slowly firmed up, covered his heart and swore in a low voice: "baby, don't worry, mother will avenge you!"

In one night, bailijapo just felt that it was like a sudden change in the situation of a hundred Li family. The wind and clouds were surging and the atmosphere was so vast that it became almost unable to adapt to it.

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In the past, who didn't hold a hundred mile purple? Even the patriarch's grandfather and elders were leaning towards her.

She is also a lineage. In terms of her qualifications, she is no worse than Bai Li Zi Xi, and her family background is not inferior to her. However, she has to be oppressed by Bai Li Zi Xi everywhere.

If the hundred Li purple Xi is really that kind can subdue the public, she is also convinced.

But in her, not only her, in the heart of many legitimate girls in the Baili family, Baili Zixi is not a good person.

Maybe it's a girl's innate sensitivity. Although Bai Li Zi Xi shows her generous, dignified, gentle and amiable side everywhere, the more so, the more they think bailizhi is fake.

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Not to mention, she still has an ambiguous relationship with several cousins in the Baili family.

Several girls have reminded their cousins that they either think they are jealous of Baili purple, or they think that they are childish and don't take them seriously.

Bai Li Jia Bao thinks that she and those sisters will be pressed by Bai Li Zi Xi for a lifetime.

But I didn't think that Jimo Ya and Jiusheng joined hands to force out the true face of hundred Li purple. It's really gratifying! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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