If it was not for the reputation of the Baili family in this incident, bailijapo would have drunk to celebrate.

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Waiting for her to return to the Baili family with her elders, I didn't expect a bigger surprise waiting for her.

There won't be any more elders at home. What do you do? How about a hundred Li purple, and how about another person's home.

The air is so fresh.

In particular, recently, I don't know whether it is to sweep away the bad luck of the Baili family. The patriarch ordered to prepare for the centennial celebration.

For a while, this somewhat decadent Baili family was boiling again.

The top and bottom, each performing his or her own duties, are very busy.

The elders recite sacrificial words every day. As long as the younger generation is idle, they will be caught as servants.

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Baili Jiabao managed to avoid the big elder's claws and sneaked to the patriarch's yard for a rest.

I saw the patriarch in his study, one by one writing Linghe invitation post.

As Bai Li Jia Bao knows, it is necessary for the clan leader to come forward to write the invitation letter of Linghe in person, and it is necessary to reach a certain standard.

But it's just a centennial celebration. What's so strange about it?

Is the patriarch so careful?

It's not scientific!

Baili Jiabao wants to ask, but she thinks that she is hiding from her job to slip into the patriarch's yard. If she takes the initiative to go out, isn't it a trap?

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In hesitation, Baili Ren has already written the invitation post of Linghe.

What he was able to write in person was only the sanctuary, the academy and the other big families.

It didn't take much time, and as soon as bailigabao entered the yard, he knew it. He just kept one eye open and one eye closed.

Seeing Jiabao as a child, she thought of her father who died for a false saint. The patriarch felt soft.

Beckoning for Garbo to come in.

Baili Jiabao lingered for a while, or obediently entered the study, looking at the crane on the table, or did not resist: "grandfather, we are just a hundred years of national celebration, why should we be so cautious?"

Hundred Li Ren injects spiritual power into the crane, and looks at the flash of the crane's aura and disappears in an instant.

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This is the enigmatic way: "naturally there is a prudent reason, do not go back to work, still want to continue to be lazy?"

Bailigabao stuck out her tongue and ran away.

Naturally, the problem just now is not over.


Jimo family.

Jimo Ya's days can almost be said to be used to describe the years.

Mo Wei sent back news one after another. The Shangqiu family, Nangong family and the royal family of chuiyun Empire, which were paid close attention to, didn't hear about Huan Qingyan.

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Life or death is unknown, even the whereabouts can not be found!

After clenching his fist, Jimo Ya still needs to keep calm on the surface. Now, in addition to the Mohist who has been trained by himself, he doesn't believe anyone in Jimo.

Yan wench's accident this time, let him trust Jimo home is more thin layer.

After a calm consideration, Jimo Ya was about to call for orders when he heard that Mo Si came in and said, "little Lord, the patriarch has sent an invitation. Please have a look."

Jimo Ya took the invitation and swept it through three lines. It was sent by the Baili family. It said that their family would have a centennial celebration in the near future, and invited the Jimo family to attend.

Pondering for a while, Jimo Ya asked, "what does the patriarch say?"

Mo Si replied truthfully: "the patriarch said that the celebration of the hundred year anniversary of the hundred Li family seems different from that of the previous years. It seems that this year coincides with the birthday of the once delicious saint, so it is more grand than the previous years. The holy house, the Empire of the University palaces and other families were invited to attend. Our Jimo family has been estranged from the Baili family because of the holy daughter. This time, we would like to take this opportunity to ask the little Lord to go in person, so as to make a change. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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