Finish saying to look at Jimo Ya's face to sink down, see Mo four back a cool, dare not say again, lower head.

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Jimo Ya was angry. It's all because of Bai Li Zi Xi. If it wasn't for her, where would there be such a big misunderstanding with Yan?

To the present state?

Their hundred Li family is one of the eight big families. They don't even know that their blood is seduced and degenerated by the demons. Fortunately, they want to be dirty with Jimo family?

If it's just a centennial celebration, it's OK for imperial families of various universities to send people to congratulate them, but it's the birthday of Yao Sheng, which makes people have to consider the candidates.

It's no wonder that Jimo clan leader let jimoya go. It's also because of the identity of Jimo clan. He is the first person in the new generation of Jimo family.

Because of the hundred mile purple Xi affair, Jimo Ya personally came to the door to congratulate him, and also gave the Baili family a step down to ease the relationship between the two families.

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Jimo Ya where has the mind to manage the family celebration of the hundred Li family, now his wife and son are separated, and the hundred Li family can not be separated from the relationship.

We should also bear the pain and hate to congratulate, the sage can not do it!

Jimo Ya is about to leave the post casually on the table, indicating Mo Si: "take it back to the patriarch, and say I'm not free. Let him send someone else."

Mo Si saluted, picked up the invitation and went out quickly.

Before a moment, Mo Si came back quickly. He looked at Jimo Ya with a bitter face. He took out the invitation card from his arms and put it on the table respectfully: "little Lord, the patriarch said you must go this time. He and Lord Laisheng discussed this together."

Jimo Ya slightly Zheng Zhong: "Laisheng also let me go?"

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Mo Si nods.

Jimo Ya waved: "go down, continue to stare at those three places, can't relax for a moment, once there's news, immediately report back!"

Mo Si took orders and left.

Jimo Ya pondered for a moment, looked over and over the invitation card on the table several times, glanced at the meditation in his eyes, put the invitation card away and went straight to Penglai courtyard.

Penglai courtyard has already been ordered that no one can enter except the clan chief and jimoya.

There is also a border on the periphery, and no one can come in.

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Before jimoya entered the courtyard, he heard the secret message of Laisheng: "you are going to represent the Jimo family in the ceremony of Baili family. I heard that because of the Christmas festival, we pray for the food saint. After the celebration, we will take out a bottle of Tianyi holy water, the secret treasure of Baili family, as a return gift. You must bring back at least ten drops this time. "

The tone was very serious.

Jimo ya heart move, take a deep breath, just with a few shivering ask: "uncle, but?"

But there was not a word from Lessing.

In addition, the mad Saint finally persuaded Huan Qingyan to refresh himself. An old bone was idle. He was born to protect his shortness, and his temper was urgent.

I think it's better to do it before the centennial celebration, without delaying the celebration.

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Therefore, he also rushed out of the door.

Before that, he had already learned through the news channel of Baili family that Murong Ru fled back to Murong family after the incident.

On hearing this, the mad Saint went straight to Murong's house.

But when he arrived at the Murong family, he received news again. A few days ago, the patriarch of the Jimo family ordered the Jimo Kaiyuan elder to go to the Murong family and personally escorted Murong Ru back to the Jimo family.

And it's like you're trapped in a lock.

Hearing the news, crazy Saint sneered. Those younger generation of Jimo family learned the art of deduction and became more and more tied up. They were afraid of the will of heaven and the punishment of heaven. What's the fun of being cautious? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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