All the onlookers saw that the figure trembled slightly and seemed to be very excited. The shadow, which had been solidified, suddenly began to drift.

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Then suddenly, the yellow light on the statue of Yaosheng was full of light, and a thick voice sounded, like a sigh, and seemed to be happy: "boy, Ben Sheng is finally waiting for you!"

A word arouses a thousand waves!

What's the situation? Yao Shengxian said that it was finally time for the hundred Li family to find this blood vessel?

This mood, this word, everyone is square.

Bailifeng is half holy at least. He first wakes up from his surprise and has a flash of ecstasy in his eyes.

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Hearing the words of Yao Sheng, she attaches great importance to Yan. She even uses the word "wait". In this land of Lingbao, who can afford to wait for a saint?

It is self-evident what this means to Yan Wenchou and Baili family.

As a clan leader, he soon understood the meaning.

Exchange a surprise look with bailifeng. I'm so excited that I don't know what to say.

Huan Qingyan just came back to God, and then he was hit by such a thunderbolt and gold invincible pie. He was also stupid.

Yao Sheng is waiting for himself?

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It's scary, OK?

Do you have a grudge against yourself? The tone is wrong. It seems that Yao Sheng's tone is very gentle.

Old with yourself? I'm kidding. Yao Sheng has been flying for thousands of years. My grandfather's grandfather's grandfather is afraid to be a little tadpole!

It can be heard that the feeling of food saint is full of joy, a little sadness in joy, a little nostalgia in sadness, and a bit of regret in the memory. What's the matter?

Huan Qingyan can't help but open the brain hole to the outer planet.

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At this time, the jiaozhu on the jade hairpin on her head flashed, and the voice of Jiaojiao sounded in her ear: "Xiaoyan! Xiaoyan! I heard the voice of my God! It's really him! In my lifetime, I didn't think I could hear the voice of God again. Xiaoyan is right to follow you! I'll be with you later

Huan Qingyan almost wants to shed tears: elder sister Jiaojiao, the male god in your dream is the food saint!

Secretly ask Jiaojiao with consciousness, "Jiaojiao, do you know me?" Or is the tone so kind?

Jiaojiao replied happily, "I don't know!"

Then she continued to be a professional girl, immersed in the joy of hearing the voice of the God, and had no time to take care of the magic beauty.

Well, no one can answer. Huan Qingyan looks up to see the figure.

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The statue of Yaosheng was covered with aura for a while. The eyes and brows of Yaosheng seemed to be driven by spiritual power, and the eyes of obsidian became glorious. Just glancing at the whole scene casually, a silent pressure of saints made everyone unable to carry it, and the water lowered his head.

The statue is high above, overlooking all living beings kneeling at his feet. The vision has been focused on the phantom beauty kneeling in the center, as if exploring something.

After a long time, he sighed and said, "boy, you have suffered!"

The voice is full of love and heartache.

Huan Qingyan only felt that this sentence, warm hit his armed almost no flaws in the heart, countless grievances and toss up, a drop of crystal tears on the ground in front of the body, dizzy wet.

After only saying this, the statue pondered for a moment, and then slowly opened his mouth when the mood of Huan Qingyan stabilized: "Ben Sheng has been waiting for you, the descendant, for several years. Today, I'm very glad to see you. Now you have awakened the blood of my hundred Li family. Well, I'll give you something to collect! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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