Finish saying, from the statue fly out of a black thing, can't see what shape to, just close to the hand of the magic Qing Yan.

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As soon as the matter flew out, the mechanical sound of the ancient bowl was excited: "the fragments of Archaean cauldron have been collected! Archaean cauldron fragments have been collected! Please put the fragments and Archaean cauldron into the space at the same time for final fusion! In this integration, the family members of this space have come out to help the host to integrate in person. It's time to lose and never come again 3-2-1 - confirm and agree to merge! "

The beauty of illusion

"Space upgrading due to debris fusion! Host do not attempt to enter the space! Do not attempt to enter the space! The opening date of the space will be announced! Further notice! " After the ancient bowl was repeated twice, it finally stopped.

The magic beauty continues Medium.

It took me a long time to recover. The first reaction was to look up at the statue. If it was really a miracle, would you find that she had a space?

Will you find the space movement just now?

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What to do? Huan Qingyan is tense all over! This space is her last retreat and a place to settle down. What can I do if she is found by outsiders?

The statue seemed to feel the tension of Huan Qingyan, and her eyes twinkled twice. When the darkness went down, the earth yellow light on her body was in full bloom and merged with the illusory shadow, and then it rushed to Huan Qingyan and enveloped her firmly.

Bailifeng was the first to react, and then his feet were lifted. An invisible pressure kept him in place. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not advance half a minute.

Half saint can't move, not to mention others, all of them are moved back three feet by an invisible force.

The only thing left behind was a cocoon of light wrapped by the earthy yellow light, which could not even be seen.

Some people exclaimed: "it is the inheritance of sages!"

As the name implies, this is the sage's divine consciousness left in Lingbao land. After selecting the successor, he injects his own inheritance into the inheritor's consciousness.

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Generally, they accept inheritance and are afraid of being disturbed. They are especially mysterious and careful.

Who is not secretly touching in a secret place, or accepting the secret room of one's own home.

Throughout the ages, it is the first person to accept the inheritance in public.

Everyone was boiling at once.

Sage inheritance!


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See it with your own eyes!

I've come to the hundred mile house this time! This adventure, who can meet.

With this qualification, we will have a few hundred years' negotiation resources. Who will not envy them.

Some people have tried to take out the shadow stone to take a picture. As a result, they are stunned by the oppression.

No one dares to move his mind any more, so he can only look at it obediently.

The four university palaces, holy houses and other seven families, as well as representatives of the four empires, showed relatively calm and calm.

In addition to jimoya, Shangqiu Mengqian and Nangong Beichen, they have seen and experienced the inheritance of the God elect. The rest of them have also met for the first time!

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It's only once in my life!

It's just that they are more reserved and stable.

Only a few intelligent people felt vaguely that the pattern of Lingbao would change after the ceremony.

Jimo Ya is also nervous and happy for Xiaoyan, which is a great good thing!

He is very happy to see what can make Xiaoyan strong.

Huan Qingyan can't care about other people's eyes at the moment. She has no idea at all. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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