Ch14 - F*ck the Path of Apathy!

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Title's note

After a three months’ absence, it was natural to check the “learning progress” of the disciple, or, under the wutong tree, the three headed young boy who used to practice swordsmanship that with one glance made people feel a little silly was now a handsome young man who finished dancing the Hidden Moon swordsmanship gracefully only to make people feel unspeakable and unrestrained.

“Your Hidden Moon sword technique has broken through to the seventh level. It seems that you are not lazy after all.” Yue Xiuzhi said. 

He was praised like this. Pei Ming immediately said with pride, “That’s not right. I’m falling down every day, and it’s not too much to say that it’s a thorn in the side. I wanted Shizun to praise me, but I didn’t expect Shizun to just say that I’m not lazy, which makes me very sad.”

Yue Xiuzhi was angry and laughed at him. He suddenly dodged and snatched Pei Ming’s Against the Current sword in the blink of an eye.



Looking at Pei Ming’s dazed eyes, Yue Xiuzhi immediately felt that he had pulled back a game and said, “You are still weak. As a sword cultivator, you can’t even protect your own sword.”

“That’s because it’s Shizun. I’m not defenseless. If it were someone else, they wouldn’t even be able to get close to me. ” Pei Ming pouts, not ashamed but proud. 

When Yue Xiuzhi heard his words, he couldn’t help lifting the sword with its scabbard and patted Pei Ming on the head: “Just a little progress and your tail is already so high.”


As he said this, he began to dance the ninth move made before. As he was dancing, he slowly said, “You used too much force here, and the angle was not right. It’s not that you should not use force in this move, but you should use the internal force of your wrist to collect the force, and not let it go too much…”

His figure was more charming than Pei Ming’s. Pei Ming was young and vigorous, while Yue Xiuzhi was like a clear and cold freehand brushwork. The dark-haired youth under the wutong tree was dressed in a moonlight gown, and the silver edge dark lines on his cuffs rolled slightly with his actions. His sword was more casual than Pei Ming, but from that self-contained boundary it was evident that he had attained the realm of perfection.

This man looked cold and alienated, but he was gentle and soft hearted. His voice, like him, was cold like a spring with a thin moon shadow scattered under the moonlight, but you could hear the softness within it.


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Pei Ming looked at his Shizun’s figure, and his eyes were full of tenderness.

Yue Xiuzhi sheathed the sword, turned to Pei Ming and said, “Did you get it? You should practice several times.”

After Pei Ming finished practicing, Yue Xiuzhi leaned against the wutong tree and suddenly asked, “Is the Guiling Secret Realm about to open?”


The Guiling Secret Realm was one of the three most famous secret places in the spirit world. It opened once every 50 years and only allowed cultivators under the age of 50 to enter. 

In fact, this kind of setting was nonsense. A good secret place must have an age limit. It can be seen from a glance that it was a copy that the author forced to open in order to upgrade the protagonist. The logic cannot be studied deeply.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

However, it was difficult to make a reasonable explanation for this age limit. It was mentioned in the later period of the original work that this so-called secret realm was actually the fall of gods. The Way of Heaven was damaged because of the lack of gods, so the top powers also fell, which was the collapse of the divine calendar era.

Dea lc ojma, wjcs ugfja qbkfgr tjnf wjvf jc jugffwfca klat atf Lfjnfcis Qjs. Ktfs klii ajxf atf lclaljalnf ab fcafg atf Xelilcu Vfmgfa Efjiw, ktfgf atflg ybvlfr jcv rbeir kbeiv riffq obg j ibcu alwf. Qtfc atf ubvr gfaegcfv atberjcvr bo sfjgr ijafg, atfs wjs yf gfreggfmafv jujlc – bo mbegrf, ktfatfg atfs jgf gfreggfmafv bg cba vfqfcvfv bc atf wbbv bo atf ubvr. Ktlr kjr mjiifv “gfaegclcu ab rqlgla”.

The spirit returning secret realm was a cemetery of countless great powers. It was naturally a paradise for cultivators because of its countless treasures and secret skills. The practitioners who had made great achievements in the Guiling Secret Realm weren’t few. Therefore, the age limit of “under 50” was actually designed by the Heavenly Way for the protagonist. 

In his previous life, Pei Ming directly found the key of the Guiling Secret Realm, and took the realm as his own. The spirit world never had a Guiling Secret Realm again.

Hearing Yue Xiuzhi’s inquiry, Pei Ming nodded and replied, “Yes, it’s almost two months later.”

Yue Xiuzhi pondered for a while and said: “Although there are countless opportunities in the Guiling Secret Realm, it is also very dangerous. Although you are in the peak of the King’s realm and far better than your peers, it can’t be said to be foolproof. After all, the age limit of the spirit returning secret realm is fifty years old, and many people are more than thirty years older than you. Besides, the most dangerous people in the secret realm are not the entrants competing with you, but the spirit animals and dangerous mechanisms in the secret realm… It’s better to take advantage of these two months to help you break through the King Realm. ”

Pei Ming nodded and said, “Shizun, you have thought about it carefully.” 

As a master, he always thinks of him everywhere.

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So Yue Xiuzhi went crazy and set up a spirit gathering array with more than a dozen high-quality spirit stones in the practice room where the nine spirit veins were buried under, so that Pei Ming could practice in it.


To know, the very best spirit stone can be said to be priceless, a high-quality spirit stone itself was thousands of times the amount of spiritual energy in the top-quality spirit stone, not to mention that its spiritual energy was also impurity-free and pure, extremely conducive to absorption. In the market, a high-quality spirit stone can even be exchanged for 10,000 pieces of top-quality spirit stone.

It can be seen that the moat being built was inhumane. 

This p2w effect was also very obvious, and Pei Ming’s breath of Qi was increasing with the naked eye.

Ten days later, he almost left to the sage realm only by a thin layer of window paper. At this time, the accumulation of spiritual energy was useless, and he lacked a promotion tribulation.

Maybe it would be in the next second, maybe several years.

Yue Xiuzhi went into the practice room and brought Pei Ming a lot of food. He met Pei Ming and asked him, “How is it going?” 

Pei Ming said: “It feels like it’s a step away but also like a natural moat.”

“Don’t worry.” Yue Xiuzhi said, “The more this comes, the more you need to find a feeling.”

“As your mind skill, Heaven’s Prediction was the foundation of your practice. After 13 years of practicing it, you were able to see and even use the laws of heaven and earth. Do you know what was the root of the laws of heaven and earth?”

Pei Ming pondered for a moment and said, “It’s the Way of Heaven. In the divine calendar era, the gods were present and the Way of Heaven was prosperous. The Way of Heaven declined when the gods fell.” 

“Do you know why the gods fell?”

Pei Ming was shocked: “How would I know?”

Yue Xiuzhi smiled: “Don’t worry. Think about the Heaven’s Prediction Technique and the rules you can see from it.”

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Pei Ming closed his eyes and began to think about the Heaven’s Prediction. 

Rules… What are rules…

The natural aura, the spirit of all things, and the evolution of myriad, the rules should be very complex…… But, was it really very complex?

“According to the remnant history of gods’ history, the gods preferred the elegance of the spirit world, and the evil of the devil world, so they took the vitality of the devil world and added to the surplus of the spirit world. They were praised by the spirits of the spirit world, however, the good times were not long. One day, there was a gap between the two worlds of spirit and devil, and the gods fell down to repair the gap.”

Yue Xiuzhi led him step by step: “But what does these historical materials show?” 




It was just to repair the cracks. Why did the gods who could create the world fall because of this?


Because… of the Way of Heaven?

If it was true, the heaven and the gods are one body. After the gods fall, they were also greatly injured, but they still do so… Why?

The spiritual world loves gods because of their preference, but does the demon world hate gods because of their preference?

In this way, the main road was not complicated, but simple. Only when there was darkness can there be light, and only in this way can there be balance. 

So… the gods can’t be partial, they can’t… have feelings?

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Was that true? Are ruthless people, gods?

Thin sweat began to appear on Pei Ming’s forehead, and the whole person trembled slightly.

Yue Xiuzhi quickly grasped his hand and comforted him gently: “Don’t worry, just ask your origin.” 

Feeling the warm touch of another person suddenly coming from his hands, Pei Ming’s heart suddenly became clear after listening to the gentle pacification of that person.

— A god who can’t have feelings, what kind of god was he? What’s the difference between him and a puppet!

The gods should not be inferior to the Devil World and benefit the Spirit World, because they complement each other, but what’s wrong with his liking for the Spirit World?

— Only when one has love in his heart can he treat the world well. 

Because… I hope that the world in which that person lives is a better place.

Pei Ming’s mind never felt more clear than at this moment — F*ck your Way of Apathy!

His breath began to soar, and suddenly the sky above ten thousand meters was covered with thunderclouds.

The barrier of the sage level was crumbling! 


The butterfly flaps its wings, Pei Ming isn’t following the Heaven’s Will, what will happen now?


OG!Pei Ming’s Dao is pretty similar to Baili Qingmiao from Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know


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