Ch15 - Thunder tribulation and collapse

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Since Yue Xiuzhi raised Pei Xiaoming, he has always hoped to cultivate integrity in him… Well, if not, he should at least be kind. Only those who are treated tenderly by the world will want to treat the world tenderly.

But according to the original setting, the gods must be ruthless, and only by being ruthless can they become gods. 

But they were all made of flesh and blood. Who can be born ruthless?

Pei Ming in his previous life was also a cute little boy, but his fate was so cruel to him that it pushed him to ruthlessness step by step. But in this life, there was no limit to the plot. After all, Yue Xiuzhi can have any OOC and he really couldn’t bear to let Pei Xiaoming follow in the footsteps of Pei Ming.



How much pain would it take for such a silly child to become like Pei Ming in his previous life?

A person who was originally kind and has not been abandoned by the world cannot be merciless to the world. 

Therefore, Yue Xiuzhi had been worried about one thing: how could Pei Xiaoming become a god under such circumstances?


Later, he thought for a long time and gradually realized.

He boldly guessed that the reason why the Heavenly Way wanted to deprive Pei Ming of his divinity was not that Pei Ming preferred the spiritual world, but that Pei Ming damaged the Demon World because of his preference for the spiritual world.

The gods can have partiality, but not injustice.


It had always been just a guess. This time, he tried hard, and if he didn’t want to, he would think of another way. But when he heard the thunder of the tribulation roaring above the sky, he knew he was right.

Seeing the breath of Pei Xiaoming rising rapidly, finally, with the breakthrough of the bottleneck of the sage land, the thunder above also roared down!

Yue Xiuzhi was totally absorbed in the situation and was ready to help his disciple take the thunder tribulation at any time.

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After all, the stronger the cultivators were, the stronger the thunder tribulation would be. It must be particularly difficult to deal with such evil spirits as his disciple. 

At the beginning, Pei Xiaoming was hit dozens of times as many people as his peers when he crossed the king’s border. Pei Xiaoming almost died when he finished crossing the border.

Of course, Yue Xiuzhi would not help Pei Ming with the thunder tribulation unless he had to, because the thunder robbery tribulation would be ten times stronger if someone interfered, but if his life was really in danger, Yue Xiuzhi would never ignore it.

Forgive him for being so prepared, but never expected that the thunderstorm disappeared the moment it fell.

The roar of plundering clouds for hundreds of miles around also stopped, and it was so quiet that people in the surroundings were worried. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yue Xiuzhi suddenly panicked and looked at Pei Xiaoming’s direction.

Ufl Zlcu’r bglulcji rajaf bo atf Vjuf gfjiw revvfcis ofii, jcv atfc ofii lcab atf Blcu’r rajaf, ktlmt kjr fzagfwfis ecrajyif. Llr ilqr kfgf yibbvifrr, jcv atf ktbif qfgrbc agfwyifv klat rkfja.

Tef Wlehtl tegglfvis wbnfv obgkjgv jcv erfv rqlglaeji fcfgus ab qgbyf tlr ybvs.

Ktf jegj lc atf ybvs kjr lc vlrbgvfg, atf afcvfcms ab ub boo atf gjlir! 

Yue Xiuzhi didn’t think too much about it. He quickly put his two fingers on his back and tried his best to suppress Pei Ming’s spirit.

Pei-dage was also beside them at this time. Seeing the situation of this little fart boy, he immediately understood.


He did not know what method Yue Xiuzhi used to suppress the Holy Demon Body of the Extreme Vein, so that it could be activated without the demonic energy, and covered up the evil nature of the little fart child, but the disadvantages of this method had been exposed at this moment — the Holy Demon Body of the Extreme Vein only activated by the Holy Vein made it incomplete. Walking on one foot and it will collapse one day.

As time went by, the veins on Pei Xiaoming’s forehead burst out, and he looked like he was desperately fighting but was almost exhausted. He trembled all over and tried his best to say, “Shizun……” 

Yue Xiuzhi was also working very hard to suppress the aura that was nearly disintegrating. He shouted to Pei Xiaoming, “Concentrate, don’t be paranoid! I can guarantee your safety!”

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After saying that, he directly bought a bottle of pills that could improve his spiritual power in a short time in the system store. After taking it out, he removed the bottle mouth and poured the whole bottle with his head up. He dropped the bottle and began to overdraw his spiritual power.

Pei-dage, who was beside them, felt a little sad when he saw the little fart boy’s misery. After all, no one knew better than him that Heaven would not let him die anyway, but just let him suffer.

However, when he turned his head again, Yue Xiuzhi was on the verge of exhaustion. He was biting his lower lip, his face was white, and he looked extremely weak yet strong. 

Pei-dage’s look was a little complicated.

Yue Xiuzhi didn’t know that there was a big guy standing a step away from him. He was full of one idea: Soon! Hold on!

At the same time, Pei Xiaoming broke into an extremely powerful aura in the sea of qi that had collapsed for several times, forcefully suppressed those wandering auras and gathered them together.

“A-Min, it’s now. Come on!” Yue Xiuzhi warned loudly. 

Pei Ming quickly stabilized his spiritual energy and rushed to the barrier of the Sage Realm with all his strength again.

In the stage of promotion, he was possessed by a heart demon, just like sailing against the current. He had to move forward, but retreating was a dead end!

Finally, there was no accident this time, and the thunder tribulation was frozen again!

Yue Xiuzhi just wanted to jump out and block the thunder for his apprentice. After all, Pei Xiaoming was just out of danger and very weak, but he was stopped by Pei Xiaoming. He said, “Shizun, let me come by myself.” 

Besides, the more Yue Xiuzhi thought about his disciple’s fragile state, how could Pei Xiaoming also not think about his Shizun’s current condition?

In addition, the thunder tribulation itself must be carried by oneself. How could Shizun help him?

He left the practice room and walked quickly for tens of miles to an empty place to welcome the arrival of the thunder tribulation.

The thunderclap was still dozens of times stronger than those of the same class, but Pei Ming still looked straight up at the thunderclap. 

Everything in the world has its own laws, but there are always some laws that are implemented in everything, such as… everything can be transformed.

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Good can become bad, and bad can also become good. Good things can become bad, and bad things can naturally become good.


In the darkness, those thoughts were getting clearer and clearer. One move from the Heaven’s Prediction technique kept rolling in his mind, and when the first lightning strike came down, he instead flew up, raised his Against the Current Sword, and used the Against the Current Sword to directly catch the thunder.

Yue Xiuzhi, who was watching from afar, raised his heart, but a miracle happened at this moment. Instead of going down against the sword, he saw the thunder strike condense on it. The thunder’s purple arc kept beating on the body of the water sword. 

Yue Xiuzhi was shocked: This can also happen?

The main character can do whatever he wants_(:з”∠)_

A series of thunder strikes broke down one after another, and the momentum was bigger and bigger, but all of them were taken over by the water sword without exception.

The last thunderstorm seemed to carry the power of destroying the heavens and the earth, ruthlessly splitting on the Against the Current Sword, and everything around, producing a momentary blinding white aura because of the fierce collision. 

After the light and shadow, only the thunderstorm disappeared and the purple arcs on the Against the Current Sword disappeared, but the Water Sword seemed to carry the mighty pressure of heaven and earth.

Pei Ming flew to Yue Xiuzhi from midair, looked at him anxiously and asked, “Shizun, are you all right?”

With the advancement of his strength, the damage that Pei Ming had just suffered had actually recovered, but Yue Xiuzhi had not.

He had already overdrawn his spiritual energy just now, and the whole bottle of spiritual medicine he ate could increase his spiritual energy in a short period of time, but there was a period of weakness after taking it. 

The most fatal thing was that he has released a bowl of blood every month for 13 years. In fact, it has caused great damage to his body. He has been weak in recent years, and this time he suffered double injuries. His body was really hard to bear.

But he didn’t want his son to know. On the one hand, he didn’t want Xiaoming to worry about him, and on the other hand, he didn’t want to expose the Demonic Suppressing Pill.

So he shook his head and said to Pei Xiaoming, “I’m fine, I’ve just run out of spiritual power and became weak. I’ll go to Yaowang Peak to find your Uncle Lin to recuperate.”

And then said, “You have just broken through, and your current state is unstable. The urgent thing is to consolidate it. The spirit stones in the cultivation room have only been consumed less than half, so you can first close up there for a few days, and I will go find your Senior Uncle Lin myself.” 


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Pei Ming opened his mouth to say something else, but Yue Xiuzhi dodged, used the technique of shrinking into the ground and left.

He could not do anything but return to the cultivation room.

— Pei-dage, who was standing on one side, followed closely. 

Like the little fart boy, he saw that there was something wrong with Yue Xiuzhi. The difference was that the little fart boy could not follow him, but he could.

He appeared in Yaowang Peak with Yue Xiuzhi.


When the gate guard saw him, he quickly saluted and said, “Greeting Fatan-zunzhe.”

“This Venerable is here to find Peak Master Lin, where is he at this moment?” Yue Xiuzhi asked. 

The disciple quickly replied, “The peak master is refining pills in the alchemy room.”

Lin Xun, the leader of Yaowang Peak, was a drug addict. He stayed in his alchemy room every day to make pills.

The “Old Man Lin” mentioned to Pei Ming before Yue Xiuzhi was him. In fact, he was not old, but beautiful. The reason why he was called Old Man Lin was that although he had good talent (he had a talent of eight veins) but because of his obsession with pills, he broke through the border at nearly 900 years old and became the leader of a peak, which was the oldest among them.

Yue Xiuzhi nodded and went straight to the Pill Room. 

As usual, the elixir room was full of all kinds of elixirs and medicinal smells. Lin Xun was buried in the cupboard behind him. Seeing Yue Xiuzhi coming, he was surprised: “Why did you come here… No, why is your face so bad?”

Yue Xiuzhi found a place to sit down at random, and explained briefly: “Just now, my disciple had some problems in his cultivation practice. I overdrew some spiritual power, and that’s it.”

“Ah… you.” Lin Xun suddenly felt helpless. “How dare you overdraw spiritual energy when you know you are weak? I don’t know if you have just ‘overdrawn some spiritual power’?”

“Even if your disciple is so good, I don’t know why he deserves you dying for him! You are weak because of his blood and pills. Now you are still so willful. Look at what you are like now!” 


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