Ch16 - Jealousy

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When Lin Xun said that, he became more addicted to it: “You putting the ordinary blood is just fine, but you put blood essence! You don’t even know how to take care of yourself, do you still want to live?”

For cultivators, especially those who are in the Reunified Realm like Yue Xiuzhi, giving a bowl of blood a month was not very appropriate, but the burden was not too great. Yet the difference between “essence blood” and “blood” can be said to be a thousand miles away. 

There were three classes of blood: ordinary blood, essence blood and heart blood. Cultivators have a strong resilience. For those in the sage realm, serious injuries can recover the next day. But ordinary blood and essence blood were different. Losing a few drops of essence blood for a few days will make one weak for several days. Although Yue Xiuzhi was strong, a bowl of blood essence every month will be a lot of burden on him, and it could easily hurt the root of his cultivation.

Pei Ming was a bit upset when he heard Lin Xun scolding the little fart child in front of him, but he was stunned as he heard what was said behind him.



——You let yourself bleed for him every month!


——It doesn’t matter if you put ordinary blood, but you put essence blood!


What is this man talking about?

Pei Ming took nearly ten seconds to understand this sentence with difficulty, and suddenly his blood was surging.

He couldn’t help roaring at Yue Xiuzhi angrily, “You actually drained your blood and refined pills for that kid?!”


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“No wonder… I said that your asshole Demonic Suppressing Pill had such miraculous effects. So you…” He cursed irrepressibly and became angry: “You are really willing!”

“You used to take my blood every day. You were willing to treat me like that, but now you are willing to treat yourself like this! How is that boy better than me?! Don’t you wish to die!”

He knew that Yue Xiuzhi could not hear anything, but he was still yelling at him. His heart was full of rolling blood at the moment, and his mind was completely overwhelmed. He could only vent out his anger and jealousy by yelling these words.



Aren’t they the same person? He was tortured day by day, and he didn’t get any pity and love, but that boy was so deservedly loved by Yue Xiuzhi?!

Why did you let me see this? Let me always think that Yue Xiuzhi is a scum. Why should I see him treating the another me so well?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ca atlr wbwfca, tf olcjiis gfjilhfv atja fnfg rlcmf tf mjwf ab atlr kbgiv jr j qjga bo atf bglulcji rqlgla, atf fwbalbcr atja boafc gbiifv lc tlr tfjga obg atf qjra 13 sfjgr tjv olcjiis wfa atf ijra ragjk ja atlr wbwfca – la kjr pfjibers. 

Tfr, pfjibers. Lf jvwlaafv atja la kjr wjv fcns.

Why did that guy meet such a good Yue Xiuzhi, but he met a bastard?

Beside Yue Xiuzhi and Lin Xun, in the world they could not see, the hysterical soul suddenly became quiet.

If, if I had met this kind of Yue Xiuzhi…… 

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That would have been so nice.


I don’t care about the suffering I have suffered — only the weak are afraid of it. I just… want to have such a person who can extend such support when I am in my most difficult time… If such a person really appears, I will be fearless even if I had to go to hell the next second.

Yue Xiuzhi, if only you had been nice to me too, I had hoped… 

If, back then, in that snowy field, you’d turned your head to me and called me “A-Pei” again, I would’ve been willing to die for you.

The ray of soul gradually turned red, but there were no tears.

How could a soul cry?

As usual, Yue Xiuzhi couldn’t notice Pei Ming’s existence, and at this time, he naturally didn’t notice Pei Ming’s collapse either. 

He just frowned slightly because of Lin Xun’s accusation and said casually, “It’s OK. I have always taken all kinds of blood nourishing divine things. You know, there is nothing missing from the Liu Ya Peak, but there is also no shortage of these heavenly spirits and land treasures.”

In fact, what he said was half true. He had a system store in hand, so there was no shortage of blood making holy products. But the medicines that can greatly restore the essence and blood of a strong person in the reunified realm wasn’t really cheap. Each of them was precious. He would eat the medicine when he was really not able to support it, and would try to support it when he was able to.

In fact, he felt that his own body was not that serious, but a little weak – equivalent to a person with severe anemia in modern times. It was not a big problem at first. But who knew that his son would have such a big problem in his promotion, which made him overextend his spiritual power, and suddenly he was unable to support himself.

If Lin Xun knew about his thoughts, he would be very angry. But now, he almost died of anger after listening to Yue Xiuzhi’s nonsense. 

“Like hell I believe you! Are those heavenly spirits and earthly treasures cabbages?!”

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Hearing these words, Yue Xiuzhi was about to contradict, but Lin Xun stopped him. Lin Xun said helplessly, “Forget it, I can’t stop you, but you’d better take care of your body. Now you are so weak, you must not use your spiritual power rashly. This time you have hurt your foundation and taking some pills can cure the symptoms but not the root cause, so you must take care of it slowly.”

He then wrote a prescription and said to him, “You should take this medicinal diet every day. When you stop practicing your demonic suppressing pills, you can come and ask me when to stop.”

Yue Xiuzhi took the prescription and looked at it carefully. He found that it was all precious medicinal materials that were commonly used by the people at his level. The cooking method was not complicated, so he nodded. 

“You also need this bottle of Tianbu Pill, which was made from the blood of Golden Dragon. I only have this one here. Take it. Although the pill treats the symptoms not the root, the symptoms must also be treated.”

Yue Xiuzhi took this bottle of pills, but he felt a little hot. He knew that Lin Xun had a Tianbu pill here, and he knew how much Lin Xun treasured it often. Unexpectedly, he gave him the Tianbu pill today.

He couldn’t help saying, “Lao Lin, I can’t take this pill…”

Lin Xun waved his hand: “Don’t say that to me. You call me Lao Lin, and you like to call me Old Man Lin. Indeed, I am hundreds of years older than you. I grew up watching you, and the old patriarch asked me to take good care of you before he died. I know that my strength is much worse than yours, and I have never had a chance to help you. This time, I finally have a chance so naturally I wouldn’t be stingy with a pill.” 

Yue Xiuzhi was good at everything, but he hated the Demons too much. Such hatred can easily cause him great losses. The old patriarch had brought him up single-handedly. In fact, he was secretly worried about this, so he entrusted Lin Xun to take care of him.

He didn’t blame Xiuzhi. If it hadn’t been for… he wouldn’t have been so hostile to the Demons.


When Lin Xun said this, compared with his very young and beautiful appearance, the scene was actually a bit funny. But Yue Xiuzhi didn’t care about this funny thing for a long time as he was deeply touched in his heart.

At this time, Pei Ming also gradually calmed down. He took a breath and looked at Lin Xun. 

Lin Xun in the previous life was very sad after Yue Xiuzhi’s death. He ran to him and blamed him like crazy. At first, he thought that this guy was very annoying, but he could not kill innocent people indiscriminately, so he didn’t do anything and let him leave Jiuhuaxiao with Fu Yunxu.

But now, he thought this guy was unexpectedly pleasing.

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At the same time, in the deity world.

On the throne of the temple, the god who was enshrined in the heavenly path suddenly opened his eye, but now there was some indistinguishable light flashing in the eyes that were originally filled with endless samsara. 

He summoned his divine envoy and gave an order: “Immediately collect some blood-enriching and health-nourishing holy products.”

‘Originally thought that God Venerable finally summoned him, he must have something important to command’ Subordinate: “……”

A blood tonic? Who is it for? Your Highness? ……Do you still need this kind of thing?

However, the will of the god was naturally not something that one of his divine envoys could ask. After a short pause, he immediately agreed and withdrew. 

Working for the gods was not generally efficient. Not to mention that the resources of the world were also free to be mobilized.

After a while, the divine envoy presented a large number of extremely precious blood forming and health preserving treasures, each of which could cause bloodbaths in the outside world.

The divine envoy introduced one by one: “Your honor, this is the Red Emperor Pill which can instantly recover even a person who has to drain his blood dry. This is the “Nirvana Pill of Marrow”, don’t mention blood making, it can not only save people who have only one breath left, but also transform them. This is…….”

After the return of the gods, the Heavenly Way had recovered its prosperity. The spiritual energy between heaven and earth was dozens of times more abundant than before. There were also many sacred objects that have not appeared for thousands of years in the original world. 

But these things do not exist in that world.

The god waved his hand and motioned for the envoy to step down.

Then he stared at these holy objects and was a little distracted.

Even if I can live and die in this world, I can’t bring these into your world……. 


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