Ch17 - Take the medicine

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After thinking like this, Pei Ming looked at these things again suddenly felt irritable. He  couldn’t help raising his hand, trying to destroy them.

Suddenly, he thought of something. He placed down his hands and put the things into his own space. 

The gods could naturally open up a space to place their own things.

He thought, maybe one day… he can deliver these things over there?



If that day comes, he must scold that fool Yue Xiuzhi once and for all.


Pei Ming’s body was gnashing its teeth in the original world, and part of Pei Ming’s primordial spirits in another world was not idle, and returned to Liu Ya Peak with Yue Xiuzhi.


He gave the prescription of the medicinal diet to the worker in the Liu Ya Peak. It wasn’t long before the medicinal diet was sent to Yue Xiuzhi.

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Yue Xiuzhi stared at the bowl of medicinal food and didn’t drink it for a long time.

Does a good medicinal diet have both a curative effect and a good taste? Why does this it smell so terrible from afar? It is seriously suspected that Lin Xun was still angry with him before and he added some bitter herbs to the medicated diet!


Yue Xiuzhi was a handsome man in modern times, but he was actually… very afraid of hardship.

In modern times, it was better to say that all kinds of capsule granules are used when you were ill, and there was nothing unbearable without touching traditional Chinese medicine. He never thought that in this world, he would eat this even after he had entered fasting stage.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf olgra rlucjifv ab atf kbgxfg ab ub bc – wjlcis yfmjerf tf vlvc’a kjca ab yf rffc jr j vlrugjmfoei qfgrbc ktb abbx wfvlmlcf tlwrfio. Fcobgaecjafis, tf vlvc’a xcbk atja atfgf kjr jc biv wjc cjwfv Ufl yfrlvf tlw jii atf alwf.


Ktfc tf rajgfv ja atf ybki bo wfvlmjafv obbv obg j ibcu alwf. Coafg j ibcu qfglbv bo qrsmtbibulmji mbcragemalbc, atf tfgb ygbxf tlr kglra jcv qijccfv ab vglcx la. 

Unfortunately, he overestimated himself. The medicine sent out a suffocating bitter taste when it was taken into his mouth. He couldn’t stand it without a few drinks.

He put down the bowl and tried to resist the desire to retch. After calming down for a while, he picked up the bowl, poured a few mouthfuls, put down the bowl again, tried to retch, and I it was swallowed back by him.

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Pei Ming stood beside him, subconsciously trying to pat him on the back, but he had to walk through again.

He looked at Yue Xiuzhi in such a mess. He didn’t know what to do, but he could only think maliciously on the surface that he was really a fool and could not bear the pain of this medicine. 

After several times of this, the bowl of medicated food finally bottomed out. At this time, Yue Xiuzhi had reddened eyes. Because he was too flustered just now, the bowl was not even, and the corners of his mouth and clothing were also stained with some drug stains. It was really embarrassing.

If outsiders knew that Jiuhuaxiao’s first battle force, the reclusive Fatan-zunzhe, had made himself look so embarrassed because of drinking medicine, it would’ve been a joke.

Yue Xiuzhi thought like this and smiled at himself. Turning around, he thought that he would drink the medicine that was so bitter that it made him collapse every day. He could not help feeling that the future was dark.

For the first time, I regret giving blood to Xiao Ming to practice the Demon Suppressing Pill _ (: з」 ∠)_ 

Although he knew that Yue Xiuzhi couldn’t hear him, Pei-dage couldn’t help but said, “Now that you know how hard it is, why didn’t you think of that when you spoiled your body?”



Xiao Ming also came out of the practice room more than ten days later, and his state at this time had been firmly fixed in the early stage of the sage land, and was only one step away from the middle stage.

Then the fourth day after Xiao Ming came out, Lu Fanyi came to find them. 

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Lu Fanyi was a regular visitor of the Lyu Ya Peak. He didn’t look like a decent guy. He came here to chat with Yue Xiuzhi and fart(compliment someone). Occasionally, when he was interested, he would show some moves, play chess, and often come to think about the medicine of Yue Xiuzhi. He always came here with a playful face, but this time his expression was rarely serious.

He sat down in front of Yue Xiuzhi and said frankly: “Last time Pei Ming went to exterminate the Zhen Ye Clan, wasn’t it strange that although the Zhen Ye Clan plundered talented people from all over the country, they did not find them in their hometown, nor did they find any signs of taking the pills that were so called pulse pumping training, and then reported them to the Clan?”

Yue Xiuzhi nodded and asked, “Did you find anything?”

“Although Mr. Pei killed the Zhen Ye Clan, within a few days, the act of robbing geniuses did not stop, but became increasingly fierce. Originally, the Zhen Ye Clan had only one strong man in the sage land, but now there are dozens of strong men in the sage land, and even one strong man in the reunification stage. Their men have great power and courage. During this time, they not only robbed the folk talents who have not been found, but also broke into some small and medium-sized clans to rob. ” Lu Fanyi said slowly, looking a little heavy. 

“In order to plunder these people, they also committed a number of distraught cases of slaughtering the village. Now the secular world is in a panic.”

Yue Xiuzhi felt that this was not simple, but it did not happen in the original book. He was silent for a moment and asked, “How did the Zongmen deal with it?”

Pei Daming was also a little surprised. He had never heard of this in the previous world. This world was really different.

“I am responsible for this. We tracked their whereabouts several times, stopped their atrocities, and tried to extort confessions from them, but these people committed suicide without fear of death. Only a pawn in the cocoon breaking state was afraid of death, and provided us with some information.” 

“He said that no one in this organization knew where the captured genius had gone, except those who were strong in the sage realm and the one from reunification realm. Those people committed suicide because their families were under the control of this organization. Suicide was just a death, while confession was the death of the whole family.”

He said, but showed some disgust: “This man would rather have his family killed because he was too afraid of death. He told us that although he did not know where the geniuses had gone, he knew the location of the next robbery by the sage land strongmen. After he told us, we caught a sage land strongman. He told us about the Ming Mie Peak and the Devil’s World, and then he died of poisoning.”

Yue Xiuzhi raised his head in shock when he heard this: “Ming Mie Peak and the Devil Kingdom?”

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Pei Daming raised his eyebrows, as if he understood something. 

“Yes.” Lu Fanyi nodded slowly: “We suspect that Ming Mie Peak has colluded with the Demon World. They helped the Demon World to collect these talents in the spirit world, and then transported them to the Demon World… It’s said that the Demon Emperor’s trip to the river is about to break through the unification and become the only strong person beyond the boundary after the end of the divine experience.”

When he said this, he raised his head slightly, looked into Yue Xiuzhi’s eyes and said, “So the spiritual world is in danger.”

Yue Xiuzhi: “What are you waiting for? It’s better to get rid of Ming Mie Peak first.”

Lu Fanyi shook his head and said, “Although Ming Mie did have a motive to do this, we have no evidence. The strong man in the sage land is dead. The rest of them disappeared after the strong man in the sage land had an accident.” 

“Without evidence, we cannot attack Ming Mie Peak.”

The five major gates of the spiritual world were: Jiuhuaxiao, Ming Mie Peak, Shengzhexing, Huaqing Pavilion and Yaowang Valley. In fact, there were five major gates in the divine calendar era, but they are not completely the five major gates now. Jiuhuaxiao and Huaqing Pavilion rose later, squeezing out the original two sects to enter the ranks of the five major gates. However, the sage line is a very unique existence. Everyone in the five large doors can be pushed down, but the position of the saints’ conduct remains unchanged.


In the era of God Calendar, they were the messengers of the gods in the spiritual world and could summon the will of the gods.

Therefore, there has always been a rule among the five major sects that if they want to attack a certain sect, they must obtain the consent of the saints. The Sage’s Guild requires that there must be a legitimate reason to attack a certain sect. If you attack yourself without permission, the Sage’s Guild will issue a judgment order to punish that sect together with the other three major sects. 

Therefore, without evidence, they cannot move against Ming Mie Peak.


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