Ch21 - Bury it in the snow

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Thank goodness, the sand sculpture Pei Ming really didn’t see it.

But when Yue Xiuzhi found out that Pei Ming was extremely hot, his mind, which had been filled with the shame of pretending to be a woman, slowly remembered that in the original book, it was Pei Ming who had been hit by something similar to a powerful aphrodisiac. The “Acacia deliciosa”, after hurriedly escaping from the mausoleum, he met Ming Yue. Then the two of them……. What the hell. 

And according to the sand carving law of these novels, these aphrodisiacs were very difficult to solve, and if they can’t be solved, they will usually explode and die.


Yue Xiuzhi looked down at Pei Ming who was holding him tightly, and his eyes darkened.

But he can’t really let the little brat explode and die. He can only take him to a nearby cave. He saw that the boy had just broken the mausoleum by force, and his body was full of wounds. He planned to give him a medicine first.

How could he have known that the dead boy suddenly pulled him over and made him stagger, so he had to drag him into his arms. While Yue Xiuzhi didn’t know the situation, he found his mouth was chewed.


“……!!!” He was stunned for a few seconds and struggled desperately, but the dead boy’s strength was terrible – after all, although the realm was suppressed, his physical strength still belonged to the realm of detachment, and his strength was greater than his own. Pei Ming put one hand around his back and grabbed his arm, the other hand pressed the back of his head, and then put his tongue in aggressively.

Yue Xiuzhi’s eyes widened, but he couldn’t get away from the boy. He never thought that he, a straight man who had made several girlfriends, would be forced to kiss by the smelly boy he had grown up with.

It’s a tongue kiss!

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Lie in the trough, and make my tongue numb, ok! It’s amazing that you can hold your breath at a high level! 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yue Xiuzhi was terrified by the terrible kiss. When Pei Ming finally ended the kiss, he found that his skirt was torn half open before he could relax.

…… (Rbaf ①)

Tef Wlehtl olcjiis ygbxf bea. Fcfzqfmafvis, tf qertfv atf ybs jkjs. Aera jr tf kjcafv ab ifjnf, atf raeqlv rsrafw revvfcis wjvf j cblrf.

[You go away and this guy will really explode.] 

Yue Xiuzhi was stunned. He turns to look at Pei Ming and tentatively asks: [Then I’ll throw him to the river to calm down?]

When he thought about it, he thought that the river water was not very useful for Pei Ming, and added: [Or bury him in the snow?]

Lf tjr jigfjvs rajgafv ab mjimeijaf tbk ibcu la klii ajxf tlw ab ufa ab atf cfjgfra rcbk wbecajlc cfjg tfgf.

The system could not help laughing: [Do you still not understand these routines? You just bury him in liquid nitrogen, and there is no use for eggs except freezing him.] 

[… What should we do?!] Yue Xiuzhi gritted his teeth, thinking that if the system really made him dedicate himself, he would stop this task and finish it together!

Fortunately, the system was still a bit human. He thought about it for a while and said: [Why don’t you try to help him… with your hands?]

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Yue Xiuzhi was a little tangled: [Is this useful?]

Prc’a atlr xlcv bo cbnfi gbealcf jii agef? 

Although he had been very strange, for men, what’s the difference between a real shot and a hand shot

[How do you know if you don’t try? You have reached this stage. It’s too bad to lose all your previous efforts, isn’t it?]


Although I always feel that the system was killing him, the system was also right. So many things have been endured, and it’s too bloody to play here! 

——The system will convince him every time he doesn’t want to do a task.

You have paid so much, so all your previous efforts have been wasted?

Yue Xiuzhi clearly knew that this was a trap, or an incorrect attitude, but he did not want to pay before.

Then… give it a try? 

If you just use your hands, it’s not that intolerable…… Right?

So he gave Pei Ming a blow with his hands and gritted his teeth.

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Just… How long has it been? Why hasn’t the boy finished yet? Was the leading role of home ordering so great?

Fortunately, after helping him to deliver the medicine, the boy’s medicine property gradually faded. 

Yue Xiuzhi looked at Pei Ming, who was sleeping heavily. He couldn’t help gnashing his teeth and pinching his face. He wished he had pinched his Ding Ding, so he’d better cut it off!

If I, your Shifu, were not at a high level, I would have dislocated my hands!

When Pei Ming was pinched with a black green on his face, he put down his hand with reluctance.

Anyway, the boy was full of injuries, and he can’t find anything_ (: з」 ∠)_ (Fearless.jpg) 

The following days were not so hard. Although every time Pei Ming showed his “boyfriend power” like a peacock, Yue Xiuzhi always wanted to blow his dog’s head, but he still used the greatest self-restraint of his life to endure.

At the last moment, when he used the disposable Hades Sabre talent he bought, he looked at Pei Ming’s despair and grief, and felt a little distressed.


He was ruthless and asked the system to send him back to Liu Ya Peak.

Then he couldn’t help asking the system to show him the image of Pei Ming after he left. 

The image that entered his eyes made him stare in shock – full of blood, behind Pei Ming was the wreckage of demon beasts everywhere, and in front of him was endless vicious demon beasts.

[How could this happen?!]

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According to the original work, he should have completed the last step of breaking the array after the sacrifice of the nether moon. The array in this core area was actually the suppression array of the spirit returning secret place. After he broke the array, the spirit returning secret place would belong to him.

But now what’s going on? 

Pei Ming gave up the array he was about to unlock directly and turned around to kill the monsters in the core area like he lost his mind.

[It can only be said that the effect you played is very good. In the original book, it was written that after the death of Ming Yue, Pei Ming was sad, but he also knew that he could not waste Ming Yue’s painstaking efforts, so he broke the array and got the secret of returning to spirit. But now the death of the “Ming Yue” you played was too much of a blow to him, and he has lost his mind. Maybe he thought that the “Ming Yue” was killed by these monster beasts. He should be going to kill all these monster beasts to vent his anger.] The system was as calm as ever.

[What about that?!] Yue Xiuzhi was maddened by the poor attitude of the system: [His spiritual power has been exhausted, how can he sustain it? And how can he get the spirit returning secret realm if he doesn’t crack the array? You don’t care? It’s better that I don’t do this task. He is more likely to kill that monster alone and then break the array than to kill all the monsters in the secret realm!]

[Don’t worry about it. I have calculated that there is more than one way for him to get the spirit returning secret place.] 

Yue Xiuzhi listened to the bland tone of the system, and then turned to look at the crazy Pei Ming in the image. His heart suddenly became very sour.

A-Pei, are you stupid? I lied to you……

He pulled out a wry smile and lost himself slightly——

I really don’t know now, do you hate me more for being so cruel to you, or do you hate me more for cheating your whole life outright? 

M1zushi: btw those that bought the whole novel can DM (M1zushi#4731) me with the receipt + your email to receive acess to the current chapter translations (39)
and this dumbass has a lot of term inconsistencies. Is the term Guiling Secret Realm better than Spirits Returning Realm?

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