Ch22 - A Dangerous Situation

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Pei Xiaoming also flew into the crack.

The closer you were to the crack, the more golden light it would shine. After entering the crack completely, you would be enveloped by a strong white light, which made you temporarily lose your vision. 

It took them a long time to see things, and they then found themselves and tens of thousands of participants standing on a snowfield.

As far as the eye could see, there were endless snow mountains, just like the snow mountains on the outskirts of Guiling City, but they were lonelier and vast.



Since we are new here, we dare not act rashly, because we have heard about the repeated danger of Guiling Realm. In particular, almost two to three tenths of the people would be lost in the places where they were transported at the beginning.

However, the place of transmission was different each time, so seniors couldn’t tell their own experiences. They could only tell the younger generation that the starting point of the Spirit Returning Secret Place was very dangerous, so you must be careful. 

Everyone did not understand, and Pei Xiaoming naturally held his ground. In fact, he belonged to the classic style of “acting like a pig and eating a tiger“.


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At first glance, there was nothing special about this snow mountain. After a short period of stupidity, everyone began to ask tentatively: “It seems nothing special. Although we know the danger of the starting point of the spirit returning secret place, it is not a way for us to stand here all the time. It’s better to go out first, when the time comes, the monster or the devil will show up.”

Everyone thought so. After all, those who dared to come to the Return Of The Spirit Of The Secret Realm were not cowards who were afraid of life and death, so they all started to leave the snow mountain.

The snow mountain seemed to stretch for thousands of miles. According to the normal walking distance, it must be impossible to get out in a few months. Everyone flew out of the snow mountain.


Pei Ming was still standing on the ground. He felt that things were not so simple, and he always felt that the variables were close to them.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vegf fcbeut, lc atf cfza rfmbcv, rbwf qfbqif ktb oifk ys klat atf lwqfglji rkbgv bg ys atflg bkc ragfcuat rffwfv ab yf qeiifv vbkc ys j qjlg bo lcnlrlyif ylu tjcvr jcv ofii tfjnlis bc atf ugbecv.

Ktfc, tbifr revvfcis bqfcfv lc atf rcbk, jybea bcf wfafg rdejgf, jcv j abkfglcu nlcf fwfgufv ogbw atf rcbk. Ktf nlcf kjr akb bg atgff wfafgr atlmx jcv vjgx, pera ilxf j yijmx pjvf. Pa gbrf ab atf rxs, jcv lc atf aklcxilcu bo jc fsf, j wjc ktb kjr oislcu klat j rqlgla yfjra kjr gbiifv eq lc wlvjlg. Ktf wjc kjr mbwqifafis lcnbinfv lc la, jcv la vlvc’a ajxf ibcu obg tlw ab ibrf tlr wbnfwfca.


There were more and more of such vines, and suddenly there were only a few people in the air. 

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“Why are there vines in the barren snow mountain?!” Some people were surprised, but no one could answer his question.

How could they infer the secret state of Returning to Spirit from common sense?

“No good! It seems that there is an air ban on cultivators above the snow mountain. Only spiritual beasts can fly. And those who fly with monsters will be entangled by this strange vine!” Someone screamed in terror.

When people thought about such a situation, they couldn’t help but feel uneasy, but the situation was worse than they thought of. 

The tendrils of the vine were also drilled out of the snow. Although thinner than the trunk, they were much longer than it. It waved its tentacles to the person next to it, and the speed was so fast that only a shadow was left, so it directly swept the person away.

The man pulled out his sword to attack, but something even more chilling happened. The tentacles of the vine unexpectedly grew many sharp thorns, which deeply penetrated the man’s body. The people around were creeped out, as if they could hear the voice of the man’s blood being sucked by the vine.

However, in a short time, the man was sucked up, and the withered body was thrown once by the vine, and it continued to seize the next spiritual practice.

There were more and more vines and tentacles. Fortunately, there were also many strong people here. After the initial short surprise, there were fewer casualties. 

The situation was in a stalemate, but the leaders of this generation also found a way to leave immediately after getting familiar with the situation.

——It takes too long to stand still with these vines on the ground. It’s better to fight with a spiritual beast!

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Many spirit beasts flew up from the ground, like flying high in the sky, and Pei Ming’s Xiaohong was among them.

Phoenix was indeed far ahead of all the other beasts, and Pei Ming suddenly separated himself from others. In his mind, he practiced the art of drawing heaven as if he could predict. Every time, he skillfully avoided those vines that rushed up. 

While struggling to avoid those vines, the people behind couldn’t help looking at Pei Ming and saying to themselves, “It seems that this is Pei Ming from Jiuhuaxiao. He is the first genius in the spiritual world and deserves his reputation.”.

Several more people were dragged down by vines, but dozens of people were still flying.

These people were relieved and thought to themselves: The starting point of the spirit returning secret realm is really the waves washing away the sand, and it is impossible to get out without some skills. But those who are really capable can still get away from it

Before they had finished thinking about this sentence, their pupils suddenly dilated. They saw a group of small but numerous red birds flying in front of them. Although the bird was not big, it was very fast. It ran into a person who was flying on a spirit beast. The small body of the bird suddenly ignited flames in an instant. Because the speed was too fast, the person was burned into a burnt skeleton and fell to the ground. 

“Sh*t! I said, why this air ban does not prohibit monsters from flying. They are waiting for us here!” One person cursed sadly.

If the spiritual beasts couldn’t fly, this group of red birds probably won’t have a chance to exit, right?

With such a large number of red birds coming, Pei Ming, who was the first to bear the brunt, was also the most unharmed. He and the little phoenix were surrounded by a pale red spherical boundary about two meters away. Although the shape seemed light, any red bird that rushed up turned into flying ash in a flash.

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This was the martial art that Pei Ming had developed over the years, which can be attacked and defended by combining the Heaven’s Folding Big Dipper with a fire system sky level skill, “Sky Red Flame”. It not only has super defense power, but also any creature that encounters the boundary will be attacked by the sky red flame, and even can transform the strength of the other party for its own use. 

The birds blocking the sky were knocked out of a passage by Pei Ming, making a “V” shaped space. Those who were still in the air now weren’t experienced geniuses. They directly followed Pei Ming closely, which greatly reduced the pressure of the Red Birds.

Pei Ming could have rushed out like this, but he suddenly saw a familiar figure below. He was startled, turned around instantly, and rushed down!


Speaking of this matter, it has to be rewinded to half an hour ago. 

Originally, Yue Xiuzhi stayed in the Liu Ya Peak and lived in his house. However, the stupid system that he hadn’t contacted for 13 years suddenly emerged.

[Hey, idiot, long time no see.] The system suddenly greeted him in a flat tone, as always, but called Yue Xiuzhi “stupid” – you know he used to call him the host, so it was still angry about Yue Xiuzhi scolding him before.

This is really a narrow-minded system. Before he left, Yue Xiuzhi let it go and beat him up. It has been angry for thirteen years, and the customer service function has been shut down for thirteen years. Now it finally appeared once and called him “stupid”.

Although Yue Xiuzhi didn’t care about the “idiot”, he suddenly became alert. 

This stupid system has not been seen for 13 years, but now it suddenly appears. It must be bad!

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