Ch24 - Brainlessly blowing Shizun’s praises

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It seemed like a canyon had been split directly from the middle of the snow mountain. Below was the darkness that cannot be seen at a glance. In fact, it was all the remains of those vines. In an instant, all the vines stopped dancing, and they became shriveled and hit the ground like all their nutrients were sucked up at once.

Many people were saved and looked at Pei Ming gratefully. 

Yue Xiuzhi was finally saved. He was wondering why Pei Ming would come to save him. He was worried about whether he had exposed the truth, but now he couldn’t care so much, so he hurried to Pei Ming.

Pei Xiaoming had just sat down with little Phoenix and was going to leave the snow mountain directly. However, when he looked down, he saw a person who was very familiar to him, just like his Shizun. Seeing that he was entangled by vines, he could not think of anything in his mind. He only knew to rescue him immediately.



At this time, he saw Yue Xiuzhi’s appearance clearly, and was disappointed that he was not his Shizun.

He found that this person was not like Shizun at all, and he did not even know how he had such a strong sense of familiarity at that time. Even now, he feels very similar to Shizun. 

But he did not regret it. Although this person was not his Shizun, he could not sit and watch the death of a person who made him feel so similar to Shizun.


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But what he didn’t know was that when Pei-dage on him saw the appearance of Yue Xiuzhi at the moment, there was already a huge wave in his heart!

This person is… Rong Jin?!

He followed this little fart boy to the Spirits Returning Realm this time. He originally wanted to find Ming Yue, but why did he meet him instead?


But isn’t Rong Jin from the Demon family? Why did he meet him in the spirit returning secret place?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ca atlr wbwfca, tlr tfjga kjr nfgs mbwqifz, jcv tlr regqglrf jcv vbeya kfgf lcafgaklcfv, yea tf kjr bnfgktfiwfv ys j yegra bo fmrajrs.

Llr lcaelalbc abiv tlw atja atlr qfgrbc kjr Ebcu Alc – atf vlnlcf lcaelalbc kjr jikjsr gluta.


Cr wfcalbcfv fjgilfg, Tef Wlehtl, obg mbcnfclfcmf, vlgfmais jvperafv tlwrfio ab atf jqqfjgjcmf tf tjv erfv bcmf lc atf bglulcji ajrx, atja lr, Ebcu Alc. Lbkfnfg, tf cfnfg atbeuta atja remt j ijhs yftjnlbg kbeiv vlgfmais fzqbrf tlr kjlrambja! 

Just when they both had different ideas in their hearts, a strong purple light shone in the huge crack cut by Pei Ming, and instantly pulled Pei Ming down from the Rift Valley!

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Yue Xiuzhi suddenly opened his eyes and jumped down the crack without hesitation.

This purple light looked like a tunnel. Yue Xiuzhi felt that he was not falling vertically, but passing through a certain space. But there was a purple all around that blocked his vision, and he couldn’t judge his direction at the moment.

He looked at Pei Xiaoming, who was falling rapidly in front of him, and with some difficulty, he grabbed his sleeve. 

——Don’t go away, brat.

As if they had passed through a very long tunnel, when they stepped on the ground again, they found themselves standing in a hall.

Although most of the halls built in the spiritual world were magnificent, they weren’t too luxurious. This hall was just the opposite. Although it is still very magnificent, with the dome more than 100 meters high, the decoration was extremely luxurious, more like the style of a demon.

“This is supposed to be a tomb of an ancient power… It may be a demon.” Yue Xiuzhi glanced at the hall and said. 

After all, he had been idle for 13 years. He usually taught his disciples, played games, and watched movies. Sometimes he thinks his life is too depraved then he goes to read books. Over the years, he has learned a lot about the history of this world.

It can be seen from these columns and murals that this was indeed the style of the ancient times, and it was also somewhat different from the style of the spiritual world. However, because there were few books about the Demon World in the Spiritual World, he was not very sure.


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Pei Xiaoming frowned slightly and asked, “Why were we brought here?”

Yue Xiuzhi shrugged and said, “How would I know? Maybe you just cut off the snow mountain and touched some mechanism.” 

Since Rong Jin’s character was only 18 years old at that time, Yue Xiuzhi now looks just like a teenager. The shrug of shoulders was both natural and cute.

It was precisely because the cover he was wearing now is a teenager, so Yue Xiuzhi couldn’t help acting like a little “more like a young man”.

Pei Xiaoming couldn’t help but look at him again, and he was even more surprised at how he felt that this person, who was not the same as his Shizun from head to toe, was just like his Shizun.

“I still want to thank you. If it wasn’t for you, I would be miserable… Why did you save me?” Yue Xiuzhi asked, he really wondered why his disciple suddenly came to save him. Did he recognize him? 

Pei Ming didn’t mean to hide anything. He said frankly, “I mistook you for my Shizun.”

“Your Shizun? Is he very similar to me?” Yue Xiuzhi raised his eyebrows in Rong Jin’s cover, still a little curious. After all, his appearance was not at all similar to Rong Jin’s. If I have to name a similarity, the only thing is…we are both good-looking (suddenly narcissistic.jpg).

“… you?” Pei Xiaoming turned his head to look at him, shook his head and said, “Not at all. Maybe I’m blind.”

Yue Xiuzhi: “…” 

“My Shizun is more beautiful than you, and his realm is much higher than you. He is also more gentle and taller than you…” Pei Xiaoming ignored Yue Xiuzhi’s increasingly dark face and boasted about his Shizun. He simply wanted to exaggerate all the advantages of Yue Xiuzhi ten times: “My Shizun is the best person in the world… No, maybe the immortals are not as good as him.”

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Yue Xiuzhi: “…”

There are more and more black lines on the head of Yue Xiuzhi. Pei Xiaoming thought that he had been hit, but in fact, he was embarrassed enough to commit cancer.

Damn it! Why does he have pretend to not be here and watch his disciple brag like a mindless brag?! 

Pei Xiaoming usually looked normal. Why was he so terrible in front of outsiders, otz

Yue Xiuzhi couldn’t bear to interrupt Pei Xiaoming’s endless chatter and said, “Let’s find out what’s special about this palace. There are countless secret treasures left by ancient powers in the Spirits Returning realm. This palace looks very unusual. At least it’s the tomb of a super strong person, and there should be great gains. Even if we can’t find these, we should also find the exit.”

Pei Xiaoming stopped his embarrassing flattery and began to look around the palace.

In fact, he was more erudite than Yue Xiuzhi. He not only knew history, but also was very proficient in array – just like the original Pei, they were always interested in arrays. 

At this time, Pei-dage on his body had already come out of him, and nobody could see him standing next to Yue Xiuzhi who was wearing Rong Jin’s cover, fixedly looking at him. His expression was very complex, as if he had seen again the once brilliant Demon youth through time.



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