Ch25 - Rong Jin (1)

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I’m so sorry I put up Monday as the schedule day ;w;



When fifteen-year-old Pei Ming walked into the crack in the Forbidden Area without looking back, he was desperate.



But it seemed that God finally paid him a favor – He let him meet Rong Jin.

Maybe good things always had to be tempered. After Pei Ming came out of the crack, he was just a young man who had just awakened and had no accomplishments. He was able to kill those Warcraft in the Forbidden Area before, but only because of a short burst of awakening. He himself had no accomplishments. Because of his outstanding appearance, he was stared at by a group of demonic slavers. 

He was caught and locked in together with a Demon youth that had outstanding features.


It seemed that these demon clans who sell slaves have been unscrupulous in catching slaves. When they catch the beautiful ones, they lock them up by gender and sell them to the nobles of the demon clans.

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Demon people were naturally born strong, and their physical quality was several times stronger than that of people in the Spiritual World. They don’t need much care to survive. Because of the scarcity of resources in the Demon World, the people who caged them only gave them one meal a day.

The law of the weak and the strong was particularly obvious in the Demon World, as soon as the food is delivered, it will be stolen by some stronger Demon teenagers.


But they knew that they could not do too much, because someone once had taken all the food before, which led to the starvation of another demon youth. So the demon youth who robbed the food was directly killed by those who captured them. With this warning, these young Demons who took food will leave a small part to ensure that other Demons will not be starved to death.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

However, the amount of food can ensure that the Demons will not be starved to death, but it does not include Pei Ming, who had his blood drained all year round and was weak.

Ycf vjs Ufl Zlcu mbeivc’a rajcv la. Lf ofia j ugjs yijmx obu ugjvejiis fcnfibqlcu tlw, jcv atfc tf ojlcafv.


Lf ofii bc atf atlut bo atf ybs rlaalcu yfrlvf tlw. 

Ca olgra, atf ybs kjr rajgaifv. Lf qertfv Ufl Zlcu j ofk alwfr jcv obecv atja Ufl Zlcu tjv cb rluc bo jkjxfclcu. Ktfc tf uefrrfv atja atlr ues rtbeiv yf kfjx jcv mbeiv cba tbiv bc.

So that night, when those people delivered the day’s rations on time and turned around to leave, the boy suddenly shouted at the man: “Someone here is hungry and dizzy. Don’t you care!”

After all, Pei Ming’s appearance can be said to be better than that all of the teenagers in this room. After seeing Pei Ming’s face, the man sent some food and a bottle of low-grade pills for treatment and ordered other Demon teenagers in the room not to rob him.

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After all, there was a lesson in the past, and other Demon teenagers did not dare to touch these things. 

The boy gave Pei Ming pills to take. It took two hours for Pei Ming to wake up.

Pei Ming slowly opened his eyes, and saw a gray face, but his eyes were shining at him.

He heard the boy say, “You have finally woken up, eat quickly.”

There was no food left in this room. Everyone ate it as soon as they got it. Even with the order of the Demon family that had captured them, the boy did not have much. 

Pei Ming was stuffed with food by the boy before he knew the situation.

He chewed conditionally. When he saw the boy passing a water bag, the boy said, “Drink some water, too.”


He finally understood something, swallowed the food in his mouth, drank water, and said to the boy, “You saved me?”

“It’s nothing but a word of help to the people who sent us food. You know, they will never let us die.” The boy smiled and spoke. 

Pei Ming nodded, picked up the food again and asked, “Don’t you need to eat?”

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The boy waved his hand and said, “This is from that man.”

Pei Ming didn’t ask again, but silently picked up the food and ate it. While eating, he listened to the boy’s voice——

“Your body is too weak. You are the first person I saw here who fainted from hunger.” The young man said this without a hint of ridicule, but with some good intentions. 

But in fact, Yue Xiuzhi, who wore Rong Jin’s cover, was very guilty when he said this sentence. After all, Pei Ming’s body was empty because of him. But he still gritted his teeth and told the script according to the system.

“To tell you the truth, I’ve been here for so long that these people have changed several times. You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen!”

The young man said, and suddenly slapped his chest: “For your good looks… why don’t you become my little brother? I will cover you in the future!”

Pei Ming looked up at the young man and said nothing, but the young man seemed to read a bright irony from his eyes. He was angry all of a sudden: “You look down on me? I just don’t want to fight with them at ordinary times. After you become my younger brother, you can eat every day.” 

The boy used to think he was not hungry anyway, so why waste his strength to fight?

Pei Ming didn’t know what he thought at that time, so he gave a chuckle and nodded.

Then Pei Ming found that the boy was really good at fighting.

The Demon teenagers in this room had the basic physical quality of the Demon, and most of them had low level accomplishments. They were still very powerful. But the next day, after the food was delivered, the boy beat them all by himself. 

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But the young man was not as aggressive as the original food snatchers. Instead, he kept enough food for himself and Pei Ming, and distributed the rest of the food equally to the other people in the room.

The young man told Pei Ming that he actually had four levels of cultivation as a demon, which was already very high among the ordinary people of a Demon family. It seemed that his natural bloodine was also good, so he could beat those people every time.

Later, other people unconsciously gave priority to the young people’s food. Anyway, the young people didn’t take much, and the rest of the food was equally distributed.

The teenager was very lively, and often told Pei Ming some stories about the Demon World. Pei Ming listened quietly. Once Pei Ming suddenly asked him by a supernatural means, “Why don’t you tell me about yourself after all these stories?” 

The young man was stunned, and then shrugged his shoulders and said, “Well, it’s not my story. But since you asked, it’s OK for me to tell you. I’m an orphan. I heard that my adoptive parents adopted me a few months ago. My adoptive father was ill more than a year ago. In order to pay for the treatment, he sold me here.”

It was clear that Pei Ming’s own story was a hundred times sadder than his own, but for some reason, Pei Ming felt a little sad after hearing it. He patted the boy’s hand and clumsily tried to comfort him.


The young man couldn’t help laughing: “I’m fine. It’s all over now. We’ll depend on each other in the future, OK?”

Pei Ming looked up at him. The young man’s face was gray and dirty, but his eyes were very bright, just as he had seen him at the first sight. 

He looked at him steadily, then nodded slowly.

How to say, that dark and crowded room was also considered some of Pei Ming’s rare, happy times.


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