TPSF Ch39 - Yang Yueling - Chrysanthemum Garden

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 M1zushi [Translator]10-12 minutes

thank you Somebody and X for the extra chapter!

You still blame yourself like this, but I still don’t dare to recall how I took revenge on you. qlZdux

At that time, how much pain you suffered…

Only because Yue Xiuzhi was the one who treated him like this, Pei Ming felt that he was too harsh on himself.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

If it were anyone else, with Pei Ming’s character, he would only feel that they deserved it.

It’s just that before Pei Ming thought about it, he heard Yue Xiuzhi say, “Even so, I actually don’t want to face him anymore.” ZxdrL6

“…I really don’t dare to recall what it was like at that time. I feel like death is tens of millions of times better than being tortured by that. I just said that I ‘almost broke down’ at that time, but it wasn’t true. I had already collapsed.”

“Reason is reason. Reason tells me that I still owe him, but emotionally…?”

“After all, I’m just a layman, a selfish person.”

“I’m really scared. Even though I feel ashamed of him, I can’t face him anymore. Even though I can forgive him intellectually, I can’t emotionally.”


When Pei Ming heard Yue Xiuzhi say that he couldn’t forgive him, his heart inevitably tightened.

But in the face of Yue Yuzhi, he can always show the greatest tolerance and understanding in his life.

In fact, it’s inevitable that Yue Xiuzhi can’t forgive him, isn’t it?

Who can face the abuser without any grievances after being treated like that? 9r o3V

Even he, who was tortured by Yue Xiuzhi before, can forgive him and even feel sorry for him now. Isn’t the reason for it because Yue Xiuzhi has already been tortured by him?

Pei Ming couldn’t guarantee it.

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He went back for revenge, and he let go, but who can ask Yue Xiuzhi to also let go ? VjPMIt

He actually knew this a long time ago, but he just had an illusion in his heart, hoping that Yue Xiuzhi would really have no ill will.

The facts shattered his illusions, so he no longer has unrealistic hopes.

He only heard himself say: “Don’t be too harsh on yourself. How can there be any saint in the world? If you think this way, it’s definitely not selfish, but human nature. There will be no better way.”

It’s okay, Shizun. X2J45v

I will let you put it down slowly.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

I hurt you… I’m really sorry. In the future, if you want to stab me a few times or take revenge on me, I won’t have any complaints.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ufl Zlcu atbeuta bo atlr, jcv revvfcis atbeuta jujlc: Snfc lo sbe tjcv atf xclof ab Tef Wlehtl jcv obgmf tlw ab vb la, tf mjc’a vb la.

Lf rlutfv lckjgvis. PkZoVD

Dea Tef Wlehtl delmxis rbgafv bea tlr fwbalbcr – tf jikjsr vlv atlr, tf yeglfv fnfgsatlcu lc tlr tfjga, jcv tf yeglfv la alutais.

There was even a light smile on the corner of his mouth, and he patted Pei Ming’s shoulder: “I’m sorry, I said so much all of a sudden.”

It’s really Smith Marseille to force you to return to the tree hole.

“It’s okay.” Pei Ming shook his head, and forced himself to look like an outsider: “Some things are better said, but if you keep holding them in your heart like this, it will become a sore point.” mHBn8I

Yue Xiuzhi didn’t speak for a while.

After a while, he smiled and said, “I’ve been with you for two or three days, and this is the first time you’ve said such reliable words.”

“I’ve always been very reliable, okay!” Pei Ming raised his eyebrows.

But he felt a little heavy in his heart. eMD5Vm

Shizun really buried the matter in his heart too much. If it goes on like this, it will be very bad for Shizun.

Perhaps it’ll provoke heart demonsor it won’t.

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At this time, it is useless to persuade Shizun… let’s take it slowly.

Anyway, since I’m here, Shizun can’t do anything serious. a8yZCn

Although the two pretended to have their own concerns, the matter on Ming Mie Peak’s side was settled, and Yue Xiuzhi had to rush to Pei Xiaoming’s side as soon as possible.

Yue Xiuzhi originally thought that he had already solved the danger to Pei Xiaoming’s life that the system said earlier, but when he arrived and saw the mess everywhere, he realized that he was completely wrong.

Back to two days ago, Pei Xiaoming and Mo Xiu came out of the small world.

In the beginning, everything was as usual. Pei Ming found a mausoleum of great power, and with the help of Mo Xiu, he found a lot of good things. CTDvFe

But after he came out of the mausoleum, he found a young girl tightly entwined by a giant python.

That girl is very beautiful, and her figure is even more exquisite.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The girl’s palm-sized face was flushed. Seeing Pei Xiaoming, she hurriedly called out for help, “Help! Hurry, come and save me!”


Pei Xiaoming glanced at the giant python and found that it was in the middle stage of the Sage Realm.

Then he walked away silently.

He himself is not a person who is willing to help others. People are dying in Spirits Returning Secret Realm all the time. Can he still save them one by one?

Coming to Spirits Returning Secret Realm, everyone was ready to die. nxm1B0

You can save someone for a while, so what if you save them? Can you save them forever?

The girl who saw Pei Ming walk away without hesitation: “…”

But this was her last straw. She didn’t care about getting angry, so she could only continue to shout: “Please! Help!”

“I am a direct disciple of the master of the Huaqing Pavilion…” jw6teU

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“If you save me, I will give you a high-grade spirit stone vein!”

When Pei Xiaoming heard this, he stopped suddenly.

A high-grade spirit stone vein is enough to equal the sum of the wealth of several Reunification Realm powerhouses! Kd7FRP

As rich and powerful as Jiuhuaxiao, there are only three. And it is shared by tens of thousands of people in the whole sect.

He drew his knife and jumped up, cutting off the giant python.

Yang Yueling opened her eyes wide, watching the extremely handsome young man descending from the sky. There seemed to be a cold star in those phoenix pupils without too much emotion, but they were fatally attractive.

The role of the plot is fully exposed here, Yang Yueling fell in love with this young man at first sight just like what was written in the original book. Zuon P

Blood splattered everywhere, and the giant python was split into two.

Yang Yueling fell heavily to the ground, and her whole body was bewildered.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Pei Xiaoming glanced at her, and said : “I am Pei Ming from Liuya Peak in Jiuhuaxiao. Remember to hand over the title deed of the high-grade spirit stone vein there. If you don’t send it one month after the end of the secret realm, I will go to Huaqing Pavilion to ask for it in person.”

After speaking, he was ready to leave. UCnLzk

Seeing that Pei Ming was about to leave, Yang Yueling quickly stood up and chased after him.

While running, she said, “I am Yang Yueling from Huaqing Pavilion. I have long admired your name. Thank you for saving my life this time!”

“No thanks, it’s just a deal. Can you stop following me?” Pei Xiaoming said, looking at Yang Yueling who was walking beside him.

Yang Yueling exposed her left shoulder, the scars on it were deep enough to show the bones. gXDdZm

“Mr. Pei, I’ve been seriously injured. If I can’t get out alive, then no one will know about my deal with you.” Yang Yueling said pitifully.

Pei Xiaoming:“……”

That’s why he didn’t save people in the first place.

Look! He’s entangled! E3ro49

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Pei Xiaoming has already weighed in his heart whether to give up that high-grade spirit stone vein.

Although it’s a pity, this woman is really annoying…

Pei? Unable to get romantic hints? Straight man? Xiaoming, thought so.

Perhaps seeing Pei Xiaoming’s impatience, Yang Yueling hurriedly said: “I know there is a mausoleum of the Transcendence Almighty near here. I originally planned to take my protectors with me, but they all died. ” XQn8 h

After thinking for a long time, Pei Xiaoming agreed.

Forget it, it’s hard to find the tomb of the transcendental power. Apart from being a little annoying, this woman can barely bear it.

When it’s really hard to protect her, let’s talk about it, they are not relatives, so they can’t blame him.

Therefore, Pei Xiaoming and Yang Yueling set off on the road together. qDo1EL

But Yang Yueling only has the cultivation base of the peak King realm. Although she is not low among her peers, she is far from Pei Xiaoming.

Moreover, she was injured, and even if she took medicine to recover, she still had lost energy and blood after all, so her traveling speed was very slow, and she always took half a day to rest for a while.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The original one-and-a-half-day road dragged on for two days.

This afternoon, Yang Yueling asked to rest again. Pei Xiaoming became impatient, and for the first time thought about whether to leave this annoying woman behind. 0GSg5t

Yang Yueling was very happy.

She is the direct daughter of the Yang family in Dongling, and was sent to the Huaqing Pavilion when she was a child. The top-grade spirit stone vein is actually the capital that her family gave her to settle down.

In the past few generations of the Dongling Yang family, one generation is not as good as the previous generation, so she, a genius with eight veins, has always been placed in high hopes.

Moreover, she had arranged a marriage with Jun Huachen since she was a child, hoping that the Dongling Yang family could get the support of Huaqing Pavilion, and that the two geniuses Yang Yueling and Jun Huachen would unite to produce more outstanding offspring. wngVyR

But in fact, she has always been dissatisfied with her involuntary marriage. Although Jun Huachen is very good and has always admired her, she just doesn’t like it.

In fact, she has always resisted this kind of forced marriage. She felt that such a life was too restraining and boring.

The author has something to say:

Actually, don’t you guys find it very cool to arrange a plot like Yang Yueling and Jun Huachen! Not only was Daming not unhappy when he was “cuckolded”, he was beaming instead! (Quick, hurry up and pester that little kid! Don’t bother me!) 8hvr4H

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