TPSF Ch40 - Sage's Walk makes a move - Chrysanthemum Garden

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M1zushi [Translator]13-16 minutes

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Yang Yueling has already heard about the only direct disciple of Fatan-zunzhe, Pei Ming of Liuya Peak in Jiuhuaxiao. vyp6fm

But Yang Yueling didn’t take it seriously all the time, thinking that they are both geniuses, so is there such a big difference between the middle grade of the eight veins and the nine veins?

She is one year older than Pei Ming, and she was in the middle of the King Realm when she entered the Spirits Returning Secret Realm. She got some opportunities in the Spirits Returning Secret Realm and became at the peak of the King Realm. She heard that Pei Ming was only at the peak of the King Realm before he entered the Spirits Returning Secret Realm – the news that Pei Ming broke through and entered the Sage Realm was unknown to other sects.

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She thought that her cultivation should be equal to that of Pei Ming, but now that she saw Pei Ming, his cultivation was at least above the Sage realm!

She has no way of ascertaining how much. Q5 Wxj

The giant python that wiped out all her guards was cut off by Pei Ming’s sword lightly.

At this moment, she had to admit that there are mountains beyond mountains, and people beyond people.

But she no longer has any resistance. It seemed that the heart lake that hadn’t had any ripples in nineteen years was violently shaken when it met this young man.

In fact, there is a scientific reason why a hero saves a beauty and makes a beautiful woman fall in love at first sight. For example, the suspension bridge effect, the psychology of gratitude, the psychology of following the strongest, etc., but for Yue Xiuzhi, this is the function of the plot!

kqM VB

Look at this Pei Xiaoming, this unfilial straight boy, apart from being able to fight a little bit and looking a little better, what else is there? Frustrated, Yang Yueling asked him to save her, but he didn’t even think about it, and only did so after he opened his eyes to profit.

It’s not that he, a Shizun, said that his apprentice was not good, but Yang Yueling took a fancy to Pei Xiaoming… It can only be said that the plot opened a hundred times filter for her.

After probably resting for a stick of incense, Pei Xiaoming glanced at Yang Yueling and said, “Enough rest, should we go?”

“But…my wound seems to have worsened.” Yang Yueling bit her lip and said hesitantly. P8R2Dp

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As she spoke, she pulled her clothes down her shoulders, revealing the wounds on her shoulders.

The wound is quite serious, and the bone can be seen deep down, but Yang Yueling has already taken the healing elixir, and the wound has stopped deteriorating and is slowly improving.

With the clothes she opened, a large piece of collarbone was exposed.

Pei Xiaoming:“……” oV7iFh

He is a muddleheaded person, and he doesn’t have the idea of seeing no evil, so he just glanced at it briefly, and then said in a flat tone: “The wound is slowly healing, and with your cultivation at the peak of the King Realm, it will heal within three days. You are at King’s, and you can’t even bear this kind of pain? Huaqing Pavilion is really big-hearted, dare to let someone like you come in and die.”

“If it hurts you, just stay here by yourself. Those Spiritual Stones veins and the powerful mausoleum are not enough to bother you.” After finishing speaking, he turned and left.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yang Yueling: “…”

Lfg ojmf aegcfv gfv klat jcufg, jcv rtf lwwfvljafis qeiifv eq tfg mibatfr. Vtf tjv cfnfg rffc j ragjluta wjc bo atlr ifnfi lc tfg ilof! NXF0QM

Kb yf gfjrbcjyif, rtf lr j ulgi, jcv fnfc lo rtf lr j ilaaif bea bo atf bgvlcjgs, rtf tjr fztjerafv jii tfg mbegjuf lc tfg ilof ab vb remt j ybiv atlcu, bxjs?

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

She was originally an ascetic with a weird temperament, and she finally met someone she liked and wanted to appear weaker, but she flirted with a blind man!

But she was rebellious by nature and refused to admit defeat since she was a child. The more Pei Ming was like this, the more competitive she was aroused! 0TV bA

She stood up and followed Pei Xiaoming viciously.

Pei Xiaoming was planning to tell her not to follow her. To be honest, he had been annoyed enough for the past two days, but before he could say anything, he suddenly shivered.

Someone is approaching quickly!

There are about 30 people, the cultivation level is at least the Sage level, and there are two people who he can’t detect the cultivation level, so they probably belong to the Reunification level! 8VRg23

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In Guiling Secret Realm, most people only have the Shattering Cocoon Realm, and there are very few King Realm and Sage Realm, let alone Reunification Realm, and it is such a large-scale cluster!

Pei Xiaoming’s whole body was tense, ready to attack at any time: It seems that these people are no good!

He didn’t even think about running. After all, a strong person in the Reunification realm can shrink a mile into an inch. d nrDp

Moreover, these people’s cultivation bases are all above the Sage Realm, and there are experts in the Reunification Realm to help them hide their aura. In fact, when Pei Xiaoming found out, they were already very close to him!

From when he noticed it to being surrounded by this group of people, it took only two breaths.

This group of people are all wearing white robes, with the symbol of a crescent moon on their chests. Anyone with a little common sense in the spiritual world knows that this is the symbol of the Holy One!

How could it be Sage’s Walk… He originally thought it was Ming Mie Peak. OzdkFM

Since the fall of the gods, Sage’s Walk has been keeping a low profile, staying in the middle of the spirit world, and rarely doing external activities. Generally, only when it comes to the activities of the five major sects of the spiritual world, will Sage’s Walk send some people to symbolically participate.

But no one will underestimate Sage’s Walk because of this.

In the era of the divine calendar, although Ming Mie Peak was the top five sects in the spiritual world, it was only because Sage’s Walk was too lazy to compete. Sage’s Walk is the messenger of the gods, with the support of the gods, and has always had a transcendent status. At that time, two Ming Mie Peaks were not enough for Sage’s Walk!

After the end of the divine calendar, everyone felt that there would be no gods in the world of spirits and demons, but Sage’s Walk always believed that the gods would return. UwLKhB

Although they no longer have the support of the gods, the heritage they left behind in the era of the divine calendar cannot be underestimated.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seven hundred years ago, before the rise of Huaqing Pavilion, there was still a sect called Ping Yaozong among the five major sects in the spiritual world, which was ranked third at that time. But they attacked Yaowang Valley without Sage’s Walk’s permission, so the strong Sage’s Walk attacked thousands of miles at night, and Ping Yaozong was destroyed overnight.

What kind of concept is this? Even Jiuhuaxiao now would never dare to say that he would destroy the third-ranked Huaqing Pavilion overnight. oa6e7t

But Sage’s Walk can!

From there, the world that slightly underestimated Sage’s Walk because it was too low-key didn’t dare to underestimate Sage’s Walk anymore. Sage’s Walk has since become synonymous with mystery and power.

But why Sage’s Walk came to chase him this time, Pei Xiaoming really couldn’t figure it out!

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How could Sage’s Walk be with Ming Mie Peak? Their status is inherently detached, and they have always kept a low profile. They don’t care about fame, and they have nothing to fight for. It is completely different from Ming Mie Peak’s motivation to return as the first sect! z9Ri8C

But the situation didn’t allow Pei Xiaoming to think too much, and one of the strong men in the Reunification realm quickly came over with a sword!

Pei Xiaoming threw out the talisman that Shizun gave him in an instant. The strong man seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and a blue light flashed on his body, making the talisman disappear into nothingness.

“Your talisman is very powerful, but if you use it too much, it will become worthless.” The strong man smiled and cut it off with a sword!

Pei Ming drew his sword to resist, and the huge momentum caused the pressure on his feet to increase sharply, drawing a deep hole of two or three meters in the ground. 1tb6xT

If it was replaced by a normal saber of a strong man in the Sage realm, it must have been cut off. Fortunately, Against the Current Sword is a magic weapon, there was only a slight tremor.

The strong man of Reunification glanced at his sword, and said: “This sword is a good sword. It seems that Yue Xiuzhi really loves his disciples like his life.”

As he spoke, he took advantage of his strength to soar into the air again, and kicked Pei Ming hard in the chest. E9QA2D

Pei Ming flew more than 20 meters in an instant, vomiting blood continuously.

Yang Yueling, who had been stunned since she was surrounded, saw Pei Ming was injured, and hurried forward to help.

“Don’t come here!” Pei Ming shouted at her.

The remaining Reunification Realm expert who hadn’t fought against Pei Ming glanced at Yang Yueling, and said in a deep voice, “The direct disciple of the master of the Huaqing Pavilion, the successor of the Yang family in Dongling… it’s useful, grab it.” Frxsdq

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Yueling was instantly knocked out by a person and carried away on his shoulders.

Hearing this, Pei Ming estimated that Yang Yueling would not die, so he no longer cared about it.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Now he can’t even protect himself. Whether he lives or dies depends on his own destiny.

The strong man approached Pei Ming slowly, with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth: “Before coming, the suzerain was worried about accidents. Not only did he bring so many people with him, he also specially asked me to use the divine descent technique to possess this body. Now it seems that it is too much to make a fuss!” WQxXnj

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Pei Ming had already stood up but was knocked tens of meters away by him again.

But he faintly understood. He said, how can there be a normal person who participates in the trial of Guiling Secret Realm who is strong in Reunification Realm, and it is absolutely impossible to cultivate to Reunification Realm under the age of fifty unless he is a genius of nine veins.

He once heard that Sage’s Walk has a secret technique called the God’s Descent Technique, which can allow powerful people above the Reunification level to possess themselves on people who have cultivated in the Sage level. Unlike taking away somebody’s body, if it is used, even if there is a powerful soul that has transcended the state, the physical body can only be cultivated in the sage state. But if the God’s Arrival technique is used, the physical body can exert half of its power! LBrZwP

It’s just that this will do a lot of harm to the Almighty Soul.

It seems that Sage’s Walk has really spent a lot of money!

Pei Ming kept getting knocked down and then stood up by himself. After a while, his whole body was covered in blood.

Obviously, more than 30 people came, but from the beginning to the end, only this strong man in the Reunification realm made a move, and it was just a joke like a cat catching a mouse, instead of giving Pei Ming a fatal blow immediately. 9mS07G

“You are so weak, it’s boring to beat you.” The man said while attacking, “I really don’t understand, why the suzerain should be so careful, a brat like you, I can kill you with one hand and you can be crushed to death.”

Pei Ming fell to the ground again, unable to struggle for a long time, he could only watch helplessly as the man approached step by step, and raised his sword to give him a final blow.

At this moment, Pei Ming’s eyes flashed coldly, he grabbed his sword with one hand, stood up quickly, and stabbed the Against the Current Sword fiercely into the man’s belly with the other hand!

The sword’s edge and the protective qi of the Guiyi Realm expert resisted each other, making an ear-piercing friction sound, but the protective qi was instantly broken by Pei Ming, and the Against the Current Sword pierced straight into the man’s belly! nV37SZ

Looking at the corner of the man’s blood-soaked mouth, Pei Ming said, “That only shows that he, the suzerain, is smarter than you… You talk too much nonsense!”

What Shizun prepared for him was not only talismans, but also an elixir that could force him to upgrade to Reunification Realm for half a column of incense.

The reason why Yue Xiuzhi didn’t use it for himself before was because his realm was suppressed by the rules of Guiling Secret Realm, and taking pills would be of no use, but would disturb the rules and be punished.

The other people standing on the sidelines saw Pei Ming fight back, and instantly attacked Pei Ming! w4bUod

However, Pei Ming acted as if he didn’t see it, and quickly pulled out the sword and then stabbed him down again, stabbing the man seven times in the blink of an eye!


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