TPSF Ch49 - Come and go - Chrysanthemum Garden

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 M1zushi [Translator]13-16 minutes

At that time, Ming Mie Peak wanted to kill Fu Yunxu in the arena and cause serious damage to Jiuhuaxiao. Because the rule of the Spirit Test Conference is a battle of life and death, if you are afraid of death you shouldn’t have come.

If Jiuhuaxiao attacked Ming Mie Peak because of Fu Yunxu’s death, it would be against the rules, and it would become the public enemy of the other four factions. Nk 49y

The Spirit Test Conference requires the younger generation under the age of thirty to participate. In order to kill Fu Yunxu, Ming Mie Peak forced a forty-year-old Sage cultivator to change his bone age.

But it was discovered by Pei Ming. At that time, only Pei Ming, who was in the early stage of King Realm, took the initiative to challenge this person before he challenged Fu Yunxu. He played all his cards and won miserably in the end.

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In order to save Fu Yunxu, Pei Ming even suffered injuries to his sea of Qi, not to mention other physical injuries. It was Yue Xiuzhi who tried his best to treat Fu Yunxu for seven days before he was cured.

With this matter in mind, as Fu Yunxu’s father, how could Fu Yuan deny Pei Ming because of his demon veins? Y7N1o3

Lin Xun also sighed softly: “You don’t refrain from dying for that boy. What else can I say?”

Tang Haochuan looked at himself and the remaining two people, and said, “You’ve seen it all, we naturally can’t be that stubborn people.”

Lin Yue and Li Hanfeng also nodded, looking at Yue Xiuzhi with complicated expressions.

To be honest, among them, the one who hates the demons the most should be Yue Xiuzhi. On the contrary, they themselves, although they hated the demon race and were always vigilant against the demon world, none of their relatives and friends died at the hands of the demon race.


The old sect leader brought Yue Xiuzhi, who was only eight years old, back to Jiuhuaxiao from the corpse mountain.

This matter was only known to old people like them and a few seniors in the sect.

More than 600 years ago, the demons broke through a crack in the southern part of the spirit world and invaded on a large scale.

There was a very inconspicuous small village in the south of the spiritual world. V3gM2s

Unsurprisingly, when the demon army was marching, those demons slaughtered the entire village in order to rest.

At that time, the entire southern part of the spiritual world was reduced to flames of war, and there were casualties everywhere. No one noticed this small village that was slaughtered without a sound.

It’s just that after the demon army left, the old sect leader who went to intercept and kill the demon army stopped in this village by chance.

Only then did he realize that this village had become a dead village. 91Zu8g

The old sect leader couldn’t do anything more than sigh.

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Only with his Reunification Realm’s pinnacle divine sense, he discovered that there seemed to be a faint life in the corpse pile in front of the village.

There seemed to be forty or fifty people in the pile of corpses, and their death conditions were extremely miserable. They were either disemboweled or their heads were chopped off.

You can almost imagine what it was like at that time: the people living in this village discovered that the demons had invaded, and ran to the entrance of the village in panic, only to find that the demons had been waiting them for a long time. QaX7kN

So everyone had their expectations peeled and were brutally killed.

The old sect leader walked to the pile of corpses, and was surprised to find that an eight-year-old child was being held in the arms of a woman whose body had been slashed several times and whose chest was bloody. 4VU qh

The child is still alive.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Pa rtbeiv yf yfmjerf atbrf vfwbcr vbc’a mjgf jybea atfrf jcar, ktfatfg atfs jgf vfjv bg cba.

Ktf biv rfma ifjvfg gfrmefv atf mtliv. Ktf mtliv kbxf eq klatbea mgslcu, yea jrxfv atf biv rfma ifjvfg lc j tbjgrf nblmf: “Ktbrf qfbqif… ktb jgf atfs?”

“Ktbrf jgf cba tewjcr, yea vfwbcr.” Ktf biv rehfgjlc gfqilfv. dvkXYs

“How can we kill them?”


The old sect leader sighed deeply, and brought the child back to Jiuhuaxiao.

Before they left the village, the child buried those people one by one with his own hands. D8zJti

Is that female corpse holding the child his mother?

No one knows, and no one will ask.

The child was brought back to Jiuhuaxiao, and the talent of the top eight grade veins was measured.

This child was Yue Xiuzhi. 5p3YvV

In fact, Yue Xiuzhi reached the Reunification Realm in less than a century, and was the brightest pride of that era.

His top-grade eight veins are remarkable, but he is not the only one in the whole spirit world. What really made him rise so quickly was not talent, but his ruthlessness.

He went to fight with all kinds of monsters when he was a spiritual master, and he was the most diligent in taking on the missions of the sect, especially those missions of killing evil cults.

During the ten years of his rapid growth, Jiuhuaxiao took over all the most dangerous tasks. 43f857

He was brought back from the mountain of corpses, and he also grew rapidly in the mountain of corpses.

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In the hundreds of years that followed, there were several demonic invasions. Each time, Yue Xiuzhi rushed to the front, crazily massacring those demonic tribes.

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He didn’t care about the overall situation, no matter how he could make the demons retreat with the smallest loss, he only knew how to kill.

At that time, the Venerable Fatan who was as gentle as jade and caring about the world… all of this disappeared, leaving only a crazy and bloodthirsty face. WHizmb

Kill until you are exhausted, squeeze your last bit of strength, kill until there is no more good meat on your body.

Then he fell on the battlefield and was rescued by the old sect leader.

In fact, the old sect leader knew that Yue Xiuzhi preferred to die there.

But how could he bear it?! He can only stare at Yue Xiuzhi every time war breaks out, and save him when he is exhausted. ukYIdZ

That’s how Jiuhuaxiao became a powerhouse.

In the beginning, the old sect leader intended Yue Xiuzhi to be Jiuhuaxiao’s next sect leader, but gradually realized that Yue Xiuzhi was not suitable.

He will be the sharpest knife, but he can’t be the commander in chief. He can’t even guarantee his own life.

Before dying, the old patriarch was always worried about Yue Xiuzhi, so he called Lin Xun and told him firmly: You must take good care of Xiuzhi. 2gQzay

Lin Xun is several hundred years older than Yue Xiuzhi, and he also grew up watching Yue Xiuzhi.

…Maybe Yue Xiuzhi is willing to listen to Lin Xun’s words of persuasion?

The old sect leader knew that this was his self-deception thoughts, but he was really worried.

I brought him back from the mountain of corpses, but I couldn’t get him out of the hatred. T2aQsm

Based on this, if even Yue Xiuzhi didn’t mind Pei Ming’s demonic veins, and coupled with their relationship with Pei Ming, the other high-level officials in Jiuhuaxiao didn’t mind anymore.

In fact, Yue Xiuzhi also had this memory, but it was not written in the original book.

“Yue Xiuzhi” in the original book has a high reputation in the spiritual world, and he also cares about the world and the sect, and has almost no selfishness.

Otherwise, in the last life, Yue Xiuzhi would not have come out because Pei Ming had trapped Jiuhuaxiao with a formation for half a year—this is actually the plot in the original book. xW2Un3

Such Yue Xiuzhi is bad only for Pei Ming, which is not justifiable in the original book. So in the real world, this bug was automatically fixed, and “Yue Xiuzhi” had a miserable experience.

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Seeing that everyone could accept the fact that Pei Xiaoming had a demonic vein, Yue Xiuzhi couldn’t help but smile, but then covered it up again.

In fact, he was already prepared for them not to accept it. After all, Jiuhuaxiao had fought against the demon world for thousands of years, and its aversion to the demon world was already deeply rooted. 1B3wph

When he said it, he still had a little delusion, hoping that they would accept it…

It’s just that I didn’t expect that they were more interesting than I thought!

Yue Xiuzhi was very happy, but when he thought of the next thing, his eyes were heavy.

He turned to face Fu Yuan, and suddenly bowed: “Sect Master, I beg you to drive me out of Jiuhuaxiao.” 31Tl7y

Fu Yuan almost suspected that he had heard it wrong, “What did you say?”

The others present also looked at Yue Xiuzhi in astonishment.

Yue Xiuzhi sighed softly: “My apprentice is deeply involved with Sage’s Walk. According to what Sage’s Walk and Ming Mie Peak did before, they should want my apprentice’s spiritual veins.”

“If he has his veins drained, he will naturally not be able to survive.” QCb7Mc

“I don’t want to be a master who watches his apprentice die. I want to save him.”

“But I can’t put the entire sect in flames because of my own selfishness. If the sect removes me now, then Sage’s Walk will only dare to attack me, and will definitely not anger Jiuhuaxiao.”

“I, Yue Xiuzhi, have spent many years cultivating in vain. If I don’t die in the future, I will go through fire and water for the sect without hesitation!”

Yue Xiuzhi raised his head and said word for word. OxcvRM

After finishing speaking, everyone was silent for a while.

In the silence, Yue Xiuzhi turned around, raised his sword and left silently.

Fu Yuan wiped his face, his brows were almost knotted with worry.

The others were in no better state than him. AmsaRz

Actually, what Yue Xiuzhi did was right. It’s not worth fighting the entire spirit world for Pei Ming’s sake.

Although they are now on the opposite side of Sage’s Walk and Ming Mie Peak, if they go to rescue Pei Ming, they will directly give Sage’s Walk the best excuse to tell the world that Jiuhuaxiao is protecting demons, and even broke into Sage’s Walk base for this!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Then Jiuhuaxiao’s catastrophe would really come.

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It’s not worth it. K2oMal


Fu Yuan and the others had no time to think about Yue Xiuzhi’s thoughts. After he left Jiuhuaxiao, he immediately went to the gate of Sage’s Walk.

Sage’s Walk, because it used to be an envoy of the gods and its status is very detached, the entire sect has been built very well.

——Floating in the sky. HkMuD7

In the era of the divine calendar, the first suzerain of Sage’s Walk was a strong cultivator in the Deification realm. He cut off the snow-capped mountains in the west of the spirit world and brought them there. He used his spiritual power to hang the entire snow-capped mountains in the sky, and then built palaces on the mountains.

In order to make the snow-capped mountains never fall, this strong cultivator in the Deification realm arranged a formation, and even beheaded a spirit beast in the Deification realm, digging out its demon core. And from nowhere, an extremely huge top-quality spiritual vein was dug up and buried in the ground. The spirit vein absorbs the aura of heaven and earth to support the demon core of the spirit beast, and the demon core continuously provides energy for the formation. It can be regarded as a renewable and recyclable system, which is very advanced.

However, in order to pretend to be such a force, Sage’s Walk’s underground excellent spiritual vein and the deified demon core have been wasted.

You must know that even Jiuhuaxiao only has a ninth-grade spiritual vein, let alone a demon core at the level of Deification… This is unimaginable after the end of the divine calendar. BTJpXO

Not to mention the Deification realm or Transcendence realm, even the demon core of a Reunification Realm can be regarded as a treasure.

But in the original book, all of these were included in Pei Ming’s pocket.

Yue Xiuzhi appeared above the Sage’s Walk sect, and shouted: “Yue Xiuzhi comes to meet the Sage’s Walk sect leader!”

His voice spread thousands of miles away, and his voice could be heard throughout Sage’s Walk. This is the power of a Reunification Realm powerhouse. kjDysw

Sage’s Walk didn’t send out any pawns and didn’t talk nonsense with him, a Reunification Realm expert came directly with a voice transmission: “Venerable Fatan, a distinguished guest is here, what else can I do?”

Following the sound transmission, this Reunification Realm expert also appeared in front of Yue Xiuzhi.

Yue Xiuzhi recognized him, this is one of the envoys of Sage’s Walk.

Sage’s Walk is not like other sects that have the position of “Elder”. Among them, apart from the sect leader and the saint, the “Divine Envoy” has the highest status. ISPWU

They don’t have disciples either, and most people in Sage’s Walk are called “disciples of gods”.

Since Sage’s Walk has always kept a low profile, the outside world has never known how many envoys there are in Sage’s Walk. But so far, Yue Xiuzhi has seen five envoys, and without exception, they are all Reunification Realm cultivation level.

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Yue Xiuzhi knew that Sage’s Walk was stronger than he imagined.

The author has something to say: In fact, this is a foreshadowing that has been laid long ago. The master in the original book is also quite miserable, but he probably does not need sympathy. Everyone in Jiuhuaxiao is actually super nice. TUm25Y

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