TPSF Ch50 - Gatecrash - Chrysanthemum Garden

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 M1zushi [Translator]10-13 minutes

“Seeing guests behind closed doors, is this how Sage’s Walk treats guests?” Yue Xiuzhi looked at the Divine Envoy and his tone was full of accusation.

That Divine Envoy chuckled lightly, and said directly: ” I, Sage’s Walk, don’t dare to receive a distinguished guest like Your Venerable.” uv9oUN

“Now, no one in the world knows that the Venerable has accepted a demon as his disciple. The disciple who gets along with you day and night is actually a demon. We outsiders don’t know whether you know about it, Venerable.”

“Oh, a thief is just a thief.”

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Divine Envoy squeezed Yue Xiuzhi inside and out, thinking that he already knew that Pei Ming was a demon, and that he intended to protect Pei Ming.

In fact, this sentence is true, but Yue Xiuzhi cannot admit it at this time. sS1Q5R

“So you, Sage’s Walk, won’t open this door for me today?” Yue Xiuzhi said coldly.

The Divine Envoy bowed slightly, and calmly said: “I hope Venerable Fatan will forgive me.”

Yue Xiuzhi lowered his eyes, held the sword in one hand, and coldly said: “Benzun merely feels sorry for your great mountain protection.”

In fact, he also felt that Sage’s Walk would not open the mountain protection formation for him. He asked in advance, just in case he could save some effort. After all, splitting the mountain protection formation took a lot of strength.


Anyway, Sage’s Walk is a bunch of lunatics, what if their brain suddenly twitched and they opened the door for him?

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Facts have proved that he was thinking too much. It is true that Sage’s Walk is a group of lunatics, but it is not yet the point of fools.

At the same time, Divine Envoy was calm on the surface, but in fact his body was tense, ready to stop Yue Xiuzhi’s violent rise at any time.

Yue Xiuzhi pressed his scabbard with one hand, and grabbed the hilt with the other hand. The spiritual energy between heaven and earth surged towards the sword, and Yue Xiuzhi’s expression gradually became more severe. BGJ7g3

This moment of silence is the best early warning of the madness to come.

The Divine Envoy frowned, knowing that Yue Xiuzhi could no longer gain momentum. Although he knew he was not Yue Xiuzhi’s opponent, he had to stop him.

He double-hit Yue Xiuzhi several times in a row, the palm prints dissociated from his body, and several large white palms attacked Yue Xiuzhi.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tef Wlehtl vgfk tlr rkbgv nlbifcais, rwjrtlcu atfrf qjiw qglcar bcf ys bcf. AW38P2

“Pr atfgf cb bcf firf lc Vjuf’r Qjix, jcv sbe kfgf rfca bea ab vlf?” Tef Wlehtl rjlv lc j wbmxlcu abcf, jcv ktlif rqfjxlcu, tf rijrtfv bea klat tlr rkbgv jujlc.

Ciatbeut atlr Glnlcf Scnbs lr jirb j Efeclolmjalbc Efjiw meialnjabg, tlr gfjiw lr bcf rafq jkjs jcv tf ibrfr ys ja ifjra j atberjcv wlifr. Lf lr bcis atf ijaf rajuf, jcv Tef Wlehtl, jr atf qlccjmif bo Efeclolmjalbc Efjiw ktb lr jybea ab yfmbwf agjcrmfcvfca, mjc vfofja tlw klat bcis j ofk rkbgvr wbnfr.

Just when he was about to acquaintance his sword with this Divine Envoy, a sound of a guqin shook Yue Xiuzhi’s attack.

Yue Xiuzhi took a few steps back, and sneered at him, “It’s all about hiding your head and showing your tail, and playing with these fancy things.” 9B3bzp

“Forget it, Benzun knows a thing or two about the sound killing method.” Yue Xiuzhi said, and suddenly he raised his sword and slashed nine times at the snow-capped mountains below Sage’s Walk palace!

It turned into nine huge sword shadows and chopped towards the snow mountain below, one after another. Finally, it hit the void, making a huge roar, and a white light curtain loomed. This is the Sage’s Walk’s mountain protection array.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

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In the beginning, the mountain protection formation could stop the shadows relatively easily. Later, as the sword shadows slashed down one after another, cracks began to appear on the white light curtain, and the collision sound became louder and louder, with the white light curtain continuously trembling. It was as if the sky was trembling with the might of this destructive power.

What’s even more frightening was that the intervals and positions created by the nine sword shadows are not the same, and the impact sound seems to coincide with a certain pattern. As the white light curtain kept vibrating and resisting, the roaring sound kept echoing in this world. fjrNCo

The palaces under the protection of the mountain protection array also began to vibrate continuously and violently. Some palaces even couldn’t bear the vibrations and fell down. At the same time, some screams of “disciples of gods” from Sage’s Walk were vaguely heard, some were covered by the fallen palace, and more were injured by the roar attacking their Sea of Consciousness.

“If you don’t come out again, Benzun will kill all the disciples of gods in your Sage’s Walk! Anyway, they are a bunch of trash, so it is not a pity to die. When you organize your group of Divine Envoys, Benzun will clean you up one by one.” Yue Xiuzhi coldly said.

Are you kidding me? I was suppressed in the Spirits Returning secret realm, and was seriously injured. In the past three months, I was almost suffocated to death, and I had to rely on my apprentice and Jun Huachen to protect me. Now that I’m finally recovering my injuries and I’m close to breakthrough. Would I still be afraid of these animals?!

Bully my family’s whelp, I can’t kill you! hCm9BI

The man who played the guqin in the dark gritted his teeth. He didn’t expect Venerable Fatan to be so difficult to deal with!

Didn’t the rumors say that he was cold and reticent, but cared about the world? Why are you like a gangster now?!

These thoughts flashed by, and at the same time, he immediately summoned the other Divine Envoys that were on Jiuhuaxiao to rush to his door. As soon as Yue Xiuzhi finished speaking, they appeared in front of Yue Xiuzhi.

Yue Xiuzhi took a look at these people: there are seven people in total, plus the original Divine Envoy, then there are eight people. W2zIQ3

Eight people? Does Sage’s Walk only have eight Reunification Realms?

He doesn’t believe it.

At least, the suzerain of Sage’s Walk didn’t come.

Actually, Yue Xiuzhi has never met the suzerain of Sage’s Walk. In fact, no one from outside seems to have seen the suzerain of Sage’s Walk. But he remembered that the person who played the guqin was the “Great Divine Envoy” of Sage’s Walk, and externally, he had been in contact with the other four sects. The remaining seven Divine Envoys, judging by their demeanor, are all headed by this Great Divine Envoy. It can be seen that the suzerain of Sage’s Walk is not here. tV6aAT

The Great Divine Envoy said with a smile: “I heard that Jiuxuahiao’s Venerable Fatan has a heart for the common people, and he can’t stop hating the demons. Now, he not only wants to protect a demon, but also keeps saying that he wants to destroy my Sage’s Walk. It’s really shocking.”

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“Benzun has already discerned himself out of Jiuhuaxiao, and has nothing to do with Jiuhuaxiao. Besides, whether my disciple is a demon or not is not up to your Sage’s Walk. As for killing your Sage’s Walk…” Yue Xiuzhi mockingly said, “It’s just a den of thieves, if it is destroyed, it will wipe out harm for the world!”

“My lord, please be careful! Slandering Sage’s Walk, do you know what will happen to you?!” The Great Divine Envoy sharply asked.

“You talk a lot of fucking nonsense!!” Yue Xiuzhi slashed at him with a sword. This sword contained the power of heaven and earth, which was stronger than the nine swords that attacked the mountain guard formation just now! po8tAK

At this moment, Yue Xiuzhi and his family’s Pei Ming were synchronized. Did the people of Sage’s Walk die because of talking too much?

He said he was going to destroy Sage’s Walk, but they still cared if he’d slandered Sage’s Walk!

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Fucking idiots!

That sword was Yue Xiuzhi’s all-out blow. Although the Great Divine Envoy was already at the pinnacle of the Reunification Realm, he couldn’t block this half-step into detachment’s all-out blow. The guqin he was blocking in front of him was shattered inch by inch, and he himself spat out a mouthful of blood. o8U05q

When Yue Xiuzhi slashed at the Great Divine Envoy, the other seven Divine Envoys violently attacked Yue Xiuzhi.

The seven Divine Envoys were all around the late stage of the Reunification Realm, plus the Great Divine Envoy also joined the battle, so Yue Xiuzhi had a hard time coping.

It didn’t take long for Yue Xiuzhi to kill two Divine Envoys, but his body was covered with scars and his robes were covered with blood.

But Yue Xiuzhi didn’t care, instead, in a gap, he threw something viciously towards the snow-capped mountain, shouting in his heart: Blow it to death for me!! aZAcq2

They only heard a deafening bang, and the explosion resounded through the sky!

Yue Xiuzhi threw a small black metal ball. After it hit the mountain guard formation, it exploded violently. When it exploded, a strong white awn was emitted, and the sky and earth were as bright as the sun in an instant. Ordinary people burst into tears only by looking at it.

This was a good thing Yue Xiuzhi bought from the system mall. He forgot what it was called. Anyway, the name is very good. It cost him a total of 700,000 points. It is enough to blow up this bullshit mountain protection array!

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The moment Yue Xiuzhi threw the ball, someone caught the gap in his defense and he was stabbed in the abdomen. rU1IdR

But he didn’t care at all, and he didn’t care that the aftermath of the explosion was still going on. He directly flew to the palace in the snow mountain!

The Great Divine Envoy gritted his teeth, this Yue Xiuzhi really wanted to die for his apprentice!

Unable to stay angry at one place, they could only keep up with him.

Yue Xiuzhi propped up his body shield and passed the vigorous Qi across the explosion zone without any damage. Due to the destruction of the mountain protection formation, he can use the consciousness that was previously isolated by the mountain protection formation, and he felt Pei Xiaoming’s Qi again. Ao9Wdp

Yue Xiuzhi saw an eerie cylindrical building that was made of black iron and was placed in a iron bucket, and his eyes were blazing with anger.

 Over there!

Under that!

He slashed through the air with his sword, and instantly chopped off half of the cylindrical building! Aj5dWa

At the same time, Pei Ming, who was in the dark dungeon, also heard loud noises one after another in a blur of consciousness, and even heard Shizun calling him.


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Is it… a hallucination?


M1zushi: epic entrance of Shizun saving the day!

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