TPSF Ch54 - Unsealing - Chrysanthemum Garden

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 M1zushi [Translator]13-16 minutes

“We in Jiuhuaxiao still have a few people who have been stuck at the peak of the Sage Realm and cannot break through, such as Mr. Zhao and other seniors, and some other juniors. I will try my best to let them all break through to the Reunification Realm.”

Speaking of this, Yue Xiuzhi suddenly remembered something: “By the way, Sect Leader, does our Jiuhuaxiao have three seniors who were seriously injured before and who have been hidden for hundreds of years?” KBg4M7

“Yes, they are all heroes of our Jiuhuaxiao… and the sect is sorry for them.” Fu Yuan nodded, and then his eyes lit up, “Can you save them?”

Yue Xiuzhi nodded slightly, and said, “I’ll try my best, it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He remembered that among the three seniors, two of them had their sea of consciousness severely injured, and one had their spiritual veins damaged. These problems are not big and there are medicines in the system store for repairing consciousness and reshaping spiritual veins but… they are very expensive.

Right now, he was a little annoyed why he only remembered these seniors now. They all sacrificed themselves here for the sake of Jiuhuaxiao. He knew he had a way to help them, but he never thought about it before he remembered them. WL9SNY

In fact, the main reason is that these seniors have almost no communication with him in life. The seniors has been hidden from the world for hundreds of years, and Yue Xiuzhi has only been reborn for thirteen years. Almost no one mentioned this in front of him, and it was the same in the last life. The reason why Yue Xiuzhi knew about them was because there were a few words in the huge memory of the original body “Yue Xiuzhi”. Besides that, the memory of the original body is too huge and Yue Xiuzhi himself only understands the general idea.

Moreover, in the previous life, he maintained his personality with great care, and the pockets where he kept his points were cleaner than his face. Naturally, he would not have thought of these things and this life also has some habitual thinking from his past.

Just now when he thought of these three seniors, he was thinking of someone who could forcefully break through the peak of the Sage Realm to the Reunification Realm, and if there was anyone who was originally a Reunification Realm cultivator but couldn’t take action due to injuries.  With these thoughts, he searched the original body’s memory before he remembered it.

“That’s great. When my father was alive, he owed these seniors so much. Now I can feel at ease.” Fu Yuan laughed.


“With the addition of Senior and Mr. Zhao, we have seven more Reunification Realm powerhouses.” Yue Xiuzhi said, thinking to himself: What should I do? Suddenly, I feel that I have a great chance of winning, and I’m about to float away!

Hold on, hold on, don’t waver!

They have a lot of cards on their side, and Sage’s Walk and Ming Mie Peak’s cards are probably also as good as theirs, so they still have to prepare for the worst.

Yue Xiuzhi glanced at Pei Xiaoming in his arms, and thought, if he really can’t do it then, at worst, after Xiao Ming’s spirit veins are unsealed, he can let Xiao Ming put the entire Jiuhuaxiao in the Spirits Returning secret realm! 0Uc2eS

It’s not too late for a gentleman to take revenge after ten years. The Qi in the Spirits Returning secret realm is several times stronger than the outside world, and there are countless treasures. If you really want to stay in it for ten years, who said Jiuhuaxiao can’t stay in one place and hit the Spirit World?

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Little did they know that Pei Ming, who had been looking at Yue Xiuzhi from the corner of his eye, could not help turning dark again when he saw Yue Xiuzhi looking at Pei Xiaoming who was in his arms.

This kid is eighteen years old, why do you treat him like he’s eight months? You’re holding him in your arms for so long!

After discussing all these matters, Yue Xiuzhi went back and counted his points. The original 11.5 million points were now only a little over 7 million. Yue Xiuzhi spent more than 6 million in one go and bought the things he planned before, with one million reserved. 7anZtf

Yue Xiuzhi, who had never spent so many points in his entire life, was a little soft on spending, feeling that he was such a prodigal.

Thinking about his last life, he suffered for more than 20 years, and was repeatedly poisoned by the little demon of fate, and he only hit 1.15 million. You know, a million points can bring him, who died in reality, back to life!

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Although this is actually different from the concept of resurrection from the dead, Yue Xiuzhi’s soul is still intact, and it is still called resurrection. In fact, it only needs to repair the wounds on Yue Xiuzhi’s body, and then insert Yue Xiuzhi’s soul. The difficulty is relatively large. The system’s authority is actually not that big. But for Yue Xiuzhi, this is resurrection!

——P jmaejiis rqfca jii atf wbcfs P tjv ab oluta obg rlz ilofalwfr lc bcf ub. jOHt1S

Tef Wlehtl atbeuta vffqis.

Lf vlraglyeafv atfrf atlcur ab fnfgsbcf lc Aletejzljb bcf ys bcf, jcv tjcvfv Me Tejc atgff qbgmfijlc ybaaifr. Coafg afiilcu tlw jybea atf foofmar, tf jrxfv tlw ab lcnlaf atbrf bea bo rfmierlbc.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Everyone in Jiuhuaxiao closed their doors one after another, and Yue Xiuzhi also started to unseal Pei Xiaoming’s spiritual veins.

It’s just that he was planning to take Pei Xiaoming to Liu Ya Peak, when he ran into “Jun Huachen” on the way. ZwNmfd

“You…what’s the matter?” Yue Xiuzhi asked.

Pei Ming raised his eyebrows: “After all, I’m from Huaqing Pavilion, so I don’t have your trust now, and I don’t have any place to stay in Jiuhuaxiao. I heard that Liu Ya Peak is very empty, so I naturally hope that the Peak Master will give me a place to stay.”

“…The Sect Leader didn’t arrange a place for you?”

“No.” Pei Ming candidly replied. yEYlRi

Actually, there was, but he refused.

“…” I’ll believe you if I was a ghost! Although it is difficult for the Sect Leader to trust him, can he still be so stingy that he doesn’t arrange a single residence?

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I’ve never seen anyone who lied more than this guy and didn’t even prepare drafts!

But what else can I do? Yue Xiuzhi’s way of getting along with this guy always seems to be like “giving in”, “helpless” and “pretending not to know”. 7RlDJr

So he took Pei Ming to Liu Ya Peak.

On the way, Pei Ming asked him casually, “They’re all going to retreat, what are you going to do?”

“My apprentice’s spiritual vein was sealed by the people of Sage’s Walk, I have to unseal his veins first.” Yue Xiuzhi said flatly.

“Oh, that’s right, I can help.” AMx0NQ

“…” Yue Xiuzhi was helpless, “It is enough to unseal me alone. Although the sealing method is a bit complicated, it is not too difficult.”

“In case of emergency, wouldn’t it be good to have multiple helpers?” Pei Ming’s expression at the moment could be called innocent.

Yue Xiuzhi raised his forehead: “…All right.”

“But you can’t make trouble.” 6J8lRk


This time it was Pei Ming’s turn to be speechless, why did he speak like he was a troublesome three-year-old child?

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In fact, he was just angry with that kid and didn’t want him to get along with Yue Xiuzhi.

The place where there is enough Qi needed to unblock it is naturally the practice room where the Ninth Grade Spiritual Stone mine is buried. W2FQfZ

The three of them entered the practice room, and Yue Xiuzhi let Pei Xiaoming sit on the futon, and began to gather all his strength to attack the seal of the spirit vein.

Unsealing was not particularly complicated or laborious, but it was quite time-consuming.

It took nearly a day, and the seal was finally completely broken.

Pei Xiaoming’s spiritual veins were unsealed, and the surrounding spiritual power instantly poured into his sea of Qi. Finally, the dry sea of Qi was supplemented with spiritual power again. His sea of Qi should have been better, but Yue Xiuzhi found that with the infusion of spiritual energy, the sea of Qi suddenly became chaotic! OSGWMz

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The spiritual power was scurrying around in the sea of Qi, causing the sea of Qi to be damaged again. Yue Xiuzhi panicked and discovered that there seemed to be a trace of demonic energy emanating from the depths of the sea of Qi.

What happened? ! Where did this guy Pei Xiaoming get his Demon Qi from? Wasn’t his Demon vein not activated? !

Standing aside for a whole day, Pei Ming, who has been acting as an invisible person, also lost his eyes at this moment.

Earlier in the Spirits Returning secret realm, when he and Yue Xiuzhi met this kid who had fought Sage’s Walk and was seriously injured and unconscious, he had actually seen that the kid’s Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body had been activated. A6jnxT

It’s just that this kid didn’t show any signs of awakening the Demon veins, and his body was unexpectedly seriously injured. Although Pei Ming was a little surprised, he didn’t investigate further.

Now that he thought about it, it may be that this kid used some method to forcefully suppress it after he awakened, so that he made himself like this.

Pei Ming wasn’t concerned with his business – after all, he knows that this kid will not die, but Yue Xiuzhi was really worried.

At this moment, he was really at a loss. 4MIdEP

His disciple seems to have awakened his Demonic vein. If he suppresses the Demon Qi pressure at this time, it will relieve the pain for a while, but there will be endless troubles in the future. But if he rashly helps the Demon Qi to break through the seal, the consequences will be even more unpredictable.

Just when Yue Xiuzhi was in a dilemma, Pei Xiaoming groaned and finally woke up because of the pain caused by his Qi being continuously attacked by the flying Spiritual Qi.

He noticed that the Demon Qi in his body began to dissipate, and found that Shizun was behind him.

At this moment, he recalled what those people in Sage’s Walk said before he fell into a coma, and only then did he vaguely remember that the secret that he had a Demon vein had been exposed. f8XdON

And at this time, Shizun was by his side!

For a moment, the panic in Pei Xiaoming’s heart broke through his rationality, and he held on to Yue Xiuzhi’s cuff tightly, fearing that the most important person in his life would reject him and abandon him.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

In fact, if he calmed down and thought about it, he would easily know that things were not as bad as he thought. After all, according to those people at Sage’s Walk, Yue Xiuzhi actually knew his secret of having a Demonic vein a long time ago, but he still went to Sage’s Walk alone to save him, and he is still by his side now. These are enough to show that Yue Xiuzhi didn’t dislike him because he has a Demonic vein.

But at this moment, he had completely lost his mind, and the panic in his heart was burning his heart like a raging fire. KVv2kY

“Shizun…that pill…give me that pill!” Pei Xiaoming’s voice seemed like he was about to cry in the next second.

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“A-Min, calm down!” Yue Xiuzhi sternly shouted.

He naturally knew that the pill that Pei Xiaoming was referring to was the Demon Suppressing Pill. At this moment, he also vaguely understood what happened to Pei Xiaoming. It should be that he had awakened the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body for some reason before, and later used the Suppression Pill to forcibly suppress it.

Yue Xiuzhi was also extremely worried at the moment. kV5wa0

This kid…why is he acting so recklessly!

It has already awakened, can you still take the Demon Suppressing Pill to forcibly suppress it? Even I can’t predict the consequences!

Like him, he can barely suppress it, but the damage to the sea of Qi is still no good! Just in case……

It is definitely impossible for him to give Pei Ming the Demon Suppression Pill at this moment. It has been forcibly suppressed once, and now if he takes the Demon Suppressing Pill, if he’s lucky, the sea of ​​Qi will be damaged again, but if he continues to toss like this, his Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body will also be crippled. z8sry

Anyway, now everyone in Jiuhuaxiao can accept that Pei Xiaoming has a Demon vein. This time, he must simply let his apprentice awaken the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body!

Yue Xiuzhi:“……”

This will not only be good for Pei Xiaoming’s health, but also improve his combat effectiveness by several levels, killing two birds with one stone!

Yet looking at his apprentice like this, he obviously has a knot in his heart. If Yue Xiuzhi doesn’t untie his knot, he won’t be willing to awaken the Demonic vein. SA9Vz8

After getting yelled at by Yue Xiuzhi, the tears that had been rolling in Pei Xiaoming’s eyes finally fell down with a patter.

“Shizun…If some people say that I Demonic veins…Would you, will you not want me…” He cried so hard, his tears kept falling down.

Yue Xiuzhi: “…”

Although I feel distressed, I actually want to laugh a little out of this situation. wTqEMd

This kid has never cried since he was five years old.

When he started crying at this time, he was crying exactly like when he was his Little Bean.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

——Of course, the last time he came out of the core area, Pei Xiaoming cried once for his little friend. But at that time Yue Xiuzhi was in a coma and didn’t know it.


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