TPSF Ch55 - Comfort - Chrysanthemum Garden

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 M1zushi [Translator]11-14 minutes

Facing the crying Pei Xiaoming, Yue Xiuzhi could only ease his emotions first. Patting him on the back, he said to him in a very gentle tone: “No, don’t blindly think about it.”

After receiving Shizun’s affirmative answer, Pei Xiaoming was a little confused for a while. He raised his head, facing his eyes that were a little red and swollen from crying, and asked cautiously: “Really?” nGzjeL

“As a teacher, I actually knew it a long time ago.” Yue Xiuzhi softly said.

Hearing this, Pei Xiaoming was a little shocked.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“It must have been a few months after this teacher accepted you as an apprentice.” Yue Xiuzhi said softly, “At that time, we detected you had the talent of the Nine Meridians, and you were accepted by this teacher, yet you still couldn’t draw Qi into your body. ”

“As a teacher, I rummaged through ancient books and found a physique called ‘Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body’, and found that it fit your situation very well. Later, as your teacher, I produced the Demon Suppression Pill for you, to suppress your demon veins.” XNayL5

“Actually, suppressing your demonic veins is not hating them.” Here, Yue Xiuzhi changed the words again, which is different from what he said to Fu Yuan and the others.

What he said to Fu Yuan and the others was that “at the beginning, he hated the demon race, so he suppressed the demon veins, and only later did he change his mind“.

After all, at that time, Yue Xiuzhi hoped that Fu Yuan and the others could accept the fact that Pei Ming had a Demonic vein. In this way, they were more accepting. Now, he mainly wanted to appease his apprentice, so what he said now was also his inner thoughts.

Just kidding, as a socialist successor, how could Yue Xiuzhi engage in racial discrimination!


“It’s just that people in the spirit world have enmity with the demon world. You are still young, so I worried that you would take things too seriously.”

Hearing this, Pei Xiaoming was completely shocked.

Shocked with great joy.

That kind of joyful emotion instantly submerged his fortress of fear like a tsunami, leaving only a little uneasiness floating on the sea. r5obPS

However, while he was happy, Pei Ming, who was standing beside him, had a twisted face.

He sneered hundreds of times, in his heart, a gloved mechanical arm at an assembly line was madly smashing Pei Xiaoming’s head ten times per second. There was also a big hand frantically pinching the villain’s face with Yue Xiuzhi’s appearance!

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What “searching through the ancient books” to find the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body, Yue Xiuzhi obviously knew it from his last life when he was with himself!

This kid couldn’t draw Qi into his body, so Yue Xiuzhi let himself bleed out to make the demonic suppressing pill; this kid had a Demonic vein, Yue Xiuzhi was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to deal with it, so he softly comforted him. YueHEj

Pei Ming obviously knew that Yue Xiuzhi had his own difficulties in his last life, it was logically impossible to blame him and emotionally, he felt sorry for him. But, in his narrow mind… he was going to die of anger! !

The anger and resentment and jealousy in his heart could not be vented. After much deliberation, he still managed to entangle the system, and squeezed it in his palm.

System: Although it hurts, I still have dignity! I’ll never beg for mercy as shamelessly as last time!

The system held on for three seconds with great backbone. Qk9lX7

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[Ah ah, Boss, why are you unhappy? ] The system cried out in pain, and asked Pei Ming.

[It has nothing to do with you. ] Pei Ming said, continuing to pinch the light ball in his hand.

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If it has nothing to do with me, why are you still pinching me! !

Ktf rsrafw megrfv lckjgvis, offilcu atja tf tjv rffc atgbeut atf frrfcmf bo atlr qgbajubclra. FqGuYK

What reincarnation of God, I think you are probably the reincarnation of lemon essence!

Szmfqa obg Ufl Zlcu, cb bcf firf mbeiv rff atf rsrafw. Vb Tef Wlehtl cjaegjiis vlvc’a xcbk jybea Ufl Zlcu’r eclijafgji jyerf bo atf nfufajgljc rsrafw.

Lf pera kfca bc klat tlr vfmfla.

“Dea Vtlhec, tjnfc’a sbe jikjsr tjafv vfwbcr?” Ufl Wljbwlcu jrxfv tlw. dNjnT0

“What I hate as a teacher are those demons who invade the spirit world and do all kinds of evil.” Yue Xiuzhi said, “If the people who invaded the spirit world and burned, killed and looted were the human race, of course this teacher would hate those people, but this teacher wouldn’t dislike humankind because of those people.”

“In the same way, this teacher won’t dislike all demon tribes just because some invaded the Spiritual Realm.”

“Demon Qi and Spiritual Qi are just a form of Qi. Demonic cultivation and Spiritual cultivation are just ways to pursue the Dao. Spiritual cultivators can still have a human face and a beast’s heart, and there are also Demonic cultivators with clear grievances.”

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After he said this, Pei Xiaoming’s eyes widened, as if he wanted to cry again. On the other hand, Pei-dage’s eyes were red with jealousy. tk6UNi

He couldn’t control the jealousy that rolled in his heart, and he thought obsessively: If you had said these things to me back then…


“Shizun!” Pei Xiaoming suddenly called Yue Xiuzhi.

“Huh? What’s the matter?” Yue Xiuzhi had just finished asking when Pei Xiaoming hugged his waist. Zlamoz

This kid was still the same as before, groaning in his arms, and a muffled voice came out: “I don’t think there is anyone better than you in the world.”

Yue Xiuzhi smiled: “Actually, being a teacher was not so good at the beginning.”

“Before I was brought back to Jiuhuaxiao as a teacher, I was actually not a descendant from an illustrious family, but someone born in a small village.”

Pei Xiaoming, who was in his arms, raised his head to look at him. In his line of sight, he could only see Shizun’s gracefully curved jaw. But he still listened carefully—this was the first time Shizun mentioned his life experience in front of him. OGF9qe

Cultivators, except for those from aristocratic families, generally seldom talk about their own backgrounds. Interact with people, unless that person says it himself, others will never ask. After all, the path of cultivation is long, often lasting for hundreds of years, and many people’s relatives and friends have turned into dust after a long period of time.

Pei Ming also temporarily let go of his jealousy that was growing like poisonous ivy and piercing into his heart and listened carefully.

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“Later the demons invaded, and the whole village was slaughtered. Only I survived and was taken to Jiuhuaxiao by the old Sect Leader.” Yue Xiuzhi’s tone was very flat, and he didn’t say much, but the other two people in the practice room had their hearts aroused.

The reason why Yue Xiuzhi didn’t say much was because he knew that this was not his experience, but belonged to the original Yue Xiuzhi. He is not qualified to tell others about his scars, and then make a long speech to win the sympathy of others. nNq3Wc

Originally, he wanted to rot all these memories in his heart. If he didn’t mention it, other people in the know of Jiuhuaxiao would not dare to mention it. Afterwards, this matter would be buried in the ground forever.

But him telling Pei Xiaoming about this matter today is because he has another purpose.

Yue Xiuzhi said with a rare stern expression: “So, A-Ming, as a teacher, I don’t care whether you have a demonic vein. I only know that you are my apprentice. But as a teacher, I hope that you will pay more attention to it because you are different, and maintain your goodness.”

“If you also become indifferent to life, I’ll have failed in my mission as your teacher.” Yue Xiuzhi said. JQouWc

This is his purpose.

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It doesn’t matter if he’s a demon or a human. But Yue Xiuzhi hoped that his apprentice would never turn into the appearance of Pei Ming in his previous life.

In order to become a god, he launched a war of spirits and demons, and many souls died just to help him succeed in his God’s throne.

Yue Xiuzhi couldn’t comment on Pei Ming’s rights or wrongs, because Pei Ming had indeed received the greatest malice from the world, and the Heavenly Way ordered him to launch the war of spirits and demons. YyUZod

The spirit world and the devil world have been out of balance for many years. After the battle between spirits and demons, the two worlds signed a contract, and there was no more imbalance, with the world remaining stable.

But Yue Xiuzhi couldn’t tolerate that in this life, the child that he raised with all his efforts would become like this.

Harming others is one aspect, but how could it not harm oneself? In his past life, Pei Ming sat high on the God’s throne, indifferent to life. How could he be happy?

Like a puppet manipulated by the Heavenly Way. HpTZwP

Pei Xiaoming nodded his head heavily, his previous joy receded like a tide, and his heart was filled with distress again.

He didn’t even know that his own Shizun had such a past.

And Pei Ming’s hands were already clenched into fists.

It turns out…it turns out to be like this. fqlNp6

No wonder you hate demons so much.

He actually knew that Yue Xiuzhi was not the real “Yue Xiuzhi”, but an outsider from another world. He didn’t know if Yue Xiuzhi had really experienced this past, but at this moment, he really hoped that Yue Xiuzhi hadn’t.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

He suddenly remembered that there was an insider beside him, so he continued to press the light ball in his hand, and asked: [In my world, when did Yue Xiuzhi came to do the task? ]

These things that are not classified as confidential, the system answered him very obediently: [When you were born. ] WLJIbt

Pei Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s fine……


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Otherwise, I wouldn’t even know how to compensate you… jZ7yq0

Pei Ming walked to Yue Xiuzhi’s side, suddenly stretched out his hand to grab Pei Xiaoming, and pulled him away.

It was only then that Pei Xiaoming realized that there was another person in the room, and he was coldly pulled down. He shouted in a panic, “What are you doing!”

“How old are you and you’re still clinging to your Master’s side? Don’t you think you’re troublesome?” Pei Ming said, and continued to pull Pei Xiaoming out, finally separating the two.

Yue Xiuzhi had black lines all over his face: “…” ANxPyD

Pei Xiaoming couldn’t take it anymore, he stood up suddenly and wanted to beat this guy up.

Pei Ming did not back down, his expression with eagerness to try.

He wanted to beat this kid up a long time ago!

“You two are enough!” blSKwO

Yue Xiuzhi couldn’t help but say something to stop these two teasers, and then said to Pei Xiaoming: “Sit down for me, you still have business to do!”

Two people quarreled, but he was the only one who was shot. Pei Xiaoming was wronged like a little baby who quarreled with others but was scolded instead of receiving his parents’ protection.

Yue Xiuzhi felt a little helpless, rubbed his head, and said in a low voice: “That’s how he is, don’t lower yourself to the same level as him.”

Pei Ming: Do you think I can’t hear you if you speak in a low voice? Y 7e0E

Yue Xiuzhi ignored him, but said to Pei Xiaoming: “Anyway, you know it yourself, so why not just unseal the demonic vein?”

“You should have awakened the demonic meridians before, but you forcibly suppressed it and made a mess of your body. Now you can’t continue this.” Yue Xiuzhi became angry as he said this, and couldn’t help pinching Pei Xiaoming’s ear.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

You child! If you stay silent, you will ruin your body!

Yue Xiuzhi has completely forgotten at this moment that the one who ruins his body the most is himself. T8faRq

The double standards flew away.

Pei Xiaoming still smiled foolishly after having his ears twisted, and nodded to his Shizun.

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