TPSF Ch56 - Almost exposed - Chrysanthemum Garden

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 M1zushi [Translator]14-17 minutes

Originally, the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body’s awakening required the activation of both the spiritual Qi and demonic Qi, but Pei Xiaoming had already awakened once, and the demonic Qi was suppressed in the depths of the sea of ​​Qi by the demon suppression pill.

Therefore, for Pei Xiaoming to fully awaken the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body, he only needed to let the demonic Qi in the sea of Qi break through the seal. 6S7KfF

“So there shouldn’t be any problem.” Yue Xiuzhi said, “It just hurts.”

Pei Xiaoming grinned. He wanted to show his fearless bravery in front of his Shizun, but at this moment he looked extremely stupid.

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——The child was overjoyed just now, and now he is a little bit overwhelmed.

“Why are you talking so much nonsense to him, let’s start quickly.” Pei Ming said impatiently. wev us

Pei Xiaoming couldn’t help turning his head and glaring at Pei Ming.

He has endured this inexplicable guy for a long time!

He inexplicably appeared, inexplicably entangled with his Shizun, and now inexplicably hindered him from getting along with Shizun!

I wouldn’t doubt it’s a seductive bitch that came from somewhere!


By the way, isn’t the same inexplicable woman from before this guy’s fiancée? Two psychopaths should stay together forever, what are you doing next to Shizun!

At this moment, Pei Xiaoming’s heart seemed to be filled with barrage of bullets.

But they really should get going.

Pei Xiaoming sat down on the futon and closed his eyes. Yue Xiuzhi whispered in his ear: “You first try to let the demonic Qi break through the seal, if it doesn’t work, I’ll help you break the seal.” 3EK41b

Pei Xiaoming nodded, and began to look inwardly at the sea of Qi.

The unsealing was smoother than they imagined.

Since that fight with the people from Sage’s Walk, he hasn’t taken the demonic suppression pill for more than two months. The seal was getting weaker and weaker, and the demon Qi in the body has already begun to disperse.

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Also because the seal was getting weaker and weaker, his ability to manipulate the demonic Qi was also getting stronger. He began to manipulate the demonic Qi and used it to hit the fragile seal barrier. pTq9 D

It didn’t take much effort for him, the impatient demonic Qi hit the seal non-stop, and the seal was crumbling.

There was a bit of pain in Pei Xiaoming’s brows, but he only had joy in his heart at this moment.

In the end, the seal was directly broken by the demonic Qi, and a large amount of demonic Qi poured into the sea of Qi.

This was considered a success, but before Yue Xiuzhi could be happy, Pei Xiaoming’s complexion changed drastically! GXn7tK

He suddenly turned pale, bit his lower lip tightly, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

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Seeing this, Yue Xiuzhi quickly penetrated his spiritual power into Pei Xiaoming’s sea of Qi to investigate the situation.

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Pa rffwr atja atf rqlglaeji Hl jcv vfwbclm Hl tjnf yfuec ab mbcogbca fjmt batfg, jr atfs’gf lcmbwqjalyif klat fjmt batfg, jcv ybat tjnf ojiifc lcab wjvcfrr yfmjerf bo fjmt batfg’r fzlrafcmf. Rbk atfs jgf rmeggslcu lc atf rfj bo Hl.

“Lbk mbeiv atlr yf?!” Tef Wlehtl ktlrqfgfv lc j qjclm. fUoYku

Seeing this, Pei Ming also plunged his spiritual power into Pei Xiaoming’s sea of Qi.

“I don’t know either… When I first awakened, it was obvious that the spirit energy and the devil energy were directly fused together!” Because of the intense pain, Pei Xiaoming struggled to speak.

Pei Ming probed and said calmly: “When you first awakened, the spiritual Qi and demonic Qi should have merged naturally. But you forcibly separated and suppressed the demonic Qi before, and now it’s impossible to let them fuse by themselves!”

“Then what should I do?!” Yue Xiuzhi asked hastily, feeling really helpless at this moment. i7Aw52

Pei Ming himself has never encountered this kind of situation. After all, when he himself awakened, he was not as stupid as Pei Xiaoming who, at a glance, forcibly separated the demonic Qi and suppressed it.

However, as a person who has awakened the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body for hundreds of years, Pei Ming has long been familiar with the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body. After thinking for a while, he said to Pei Xiaoming: “It’s not a big problem, just try to stimulate your spiritual and demonic veins.”

“The key to the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body is not the spiritual QI and demonic Qi in the sea of Qi, but the spiritual and demonic veins in your body. They are also the key to controlling the spiritual Qi and demonic Qi!” Pei Ming said.

In fact, when the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body has been mastered to a certain level, the spiritual veins and demonic veins will also merge. oaGCWE

Hearing this, Pei Xiaoming quickly activated his spiritual and demonic veins to fuse the spiritual Qi and demonic Qi.

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The demonic vein was sealed before because the demonic Qi in the body was suppressed. Now that the demonic Qi was poured into the sea of Qi, the demonic vein instantly activated.

As both the spiritual and demonic veins were stimulated by Pei Xiaoming, the spiritual and demonic Qi gradually calmed down. They no longer surged, nor repelled each other, and finally slowly merged.

There is no danger. 0muLVc

Yue Xiuzhi took a deep breath. After the tense nerves were relaxed, he had the energy to start thinking about other things.

——Something seemed wrong just now.

——How does Jun Huachen seem to know so much about Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body? !

He suddenly turned his head and asked Jun Huachen: “Do you know the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body very well?” u94JRp

Pei Ming suddenly realized that he seemed to be revealing a little bit. The situation was critical just now, so he couldn’t take care of so many things at once.

But he wasn’t someone who had never seen any wind and rain, and this scene could not scare him. He said with a normal expression: “Of course I read it from ancient books.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Yue Xiuzhi looked suspicious, and whispered to himself: “Read it in an ancient book?”


He himself told others that he knew about Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body from ancient books, but he just bully others who don’t know. He knew better than anyone else that the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body had long been lost, and logically speaking, there would not be any surviving ancient books to record it.

“That’s right.” Pei Ming didn’t seem to notice Yue Xiuzhi’s suspicion at all. His expression was still sloppy, and he even asked, “Why are you asking this?”

“…After all, my apprentice also has an Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body. There are very few records about this physique in ancient books, and I don’t know much about it. So if you also know about the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body, as his master, naturally I need more ask.” Yue Xiuzhi said.

Yue Xiuzhi is also struggling at this time. He told others that he knew about Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body from ancient books. Now, to refute Pei Ming, to tell him that there is no record of Extreme Vein Holy Demon in ancient books, isn’t that a slap in his face? Xbu1sz

So he could only temporarily make up an excuse.

Fortunately, this excuse is very valid. Hearing this, Pei Ming replied directly: “I learned from a great power’s tomb in the Spirits Returning secret realm that a powerhouse has an Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body.”

This is possible, because the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body is actually a genetic mutation. According to the original book, there was a person who had this kind of situation in the era of the divine calendar. Because it was so awesome, it was widely circulated during that time. But with the destruction of the divine calendar, no one knew about the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body.

According to the original book, the reason why Pei Xiaoming has the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body is because the Heavenly Way thought that a person who has this good genetic mutation, which is both powerful and easily provokes conflicts between the spiritual and demon world, can easily feel the malice of the spiritual world. It is really wonderful to make him solitary and cold-hearted, so it gave such a physique to his own God’s reincarnation. mX6FI

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Therefore, there really was such a great power in the divine era, but it wasn’t mentioned in the original book, and Yue Xiuzhi didn’t know it very well.

“That senior also wrote a lot about the use of Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body and the unique techniques derived from this constitution, including those I just mentioned, which look very impressive. However, I don’t have this constitution, so I didn’t brought out any ancient texts of these techniques. I was a bit envious of Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body at the time, but I didn’t expect your disciple to have this talent.” Pei Ming said.

“It’s a pity that the Spirits Returning secret realm has closed. Maybe you wait fifty years and find someone to enter the Spirits Returning secret realm to bring out those ancient techniques. It is more than three hundred kilometers southeast of the core area. After all, your apprentice doesn’t know anything about the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body, and that powerhouse should have explored it for thousands of years.” Pei Ming suggested, with a very sincere expression on his face.

——This is probably the most serious lie that Daming has told since he put on the vest of “Jun Huachen”. FrGl1i

You can’t do it if you’re not serious. If you’re not careful, you'll fall off the horse!

He wasn’t talking nonsense. Since he obtained the Spirits Returning secret realm of his world, he had indeed discovered such a powerful tomb, and there were indeed many techniques and ancient books about the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body recorded there.

But at that time, Pei Ming had awakened to the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body for more than ten years. With his talent, he had a good understanding of this physique, so those techniques and ancient books didn’t have much effect on him. Therefore, this paragraph wasn’t written in the original book, so Yue Xiuzhi doesn’t know much about it.

But Yue Xiuzhi saw that Pei Ming’s words were so eloquent, and he felt that there was definitely some truth in them. 8efoxd

Besides, now that the Spirits Returning secret realm is in Pei Xiaoming’s hands, wouldn’t it be good to let Xiaoming take a look at it then?

If there is, it will be of great help to my disciple.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yue Xiuzhi temporarily let go of his doubts.

Pei Ming breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. fH dKN

Although he knew that Yue Xiuzhi would not directly suspect that he was Pei Ming from the previous life just because he found it strange to know the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body for no reason, he was still a little nervous.

After all, he hasn’t figured out how to use his real identity to get along with Yue Xiuzhi.

Or… how to get his forgiveness.

When he thought of this, he laughed at himself. Enk0yT

In fact, it cannot be called forgiveness.

If Yue Xiuzhi really hated him, that’s okay. But Yue Xiuzhi doesn’t hate him, he just can’t face him anymore.

In Yue Xiuzhi’s heart, the most hopeful thing is to never have any contact with him.

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This is impossible. BdTago

While they were talking, with the complete awakening of the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body, Pei Xiaoming’s cultivation took another big step forward, and it was only half a step away from the Reunification Realm!

The cultivation base has improved, and the combat power has risen several steps! Before, it was very difficult to have a Reunification Realm foundation in the early stages. Now, Pei Xiaoming, who is fully awakened, feels that it is not a problem for him to reach the middle stage and soon enough, the late stage!

Yue Xiuzhi turned his attention back to his apprentice, and felt that his aura had grown stronger again. He patted his shoulder happily and said, “Sure enough, boy, the Reunification Realm is coming soon!”

Although he has many elixirs that can help Xiaoming break through, he has no intention of giving it to Pei Xiaoming, as it will easily weaken the foundation and make it difficult to break through in the future. Others didn’t intend to break through to transcendence, but for people like Pei Xiaoming who are destined to rise to the highest stage and become gods, it’s better not to push things too far. h8wbQW

It didn’t take much time to help Pei Xiaoming unseal the demonic spirit vein and fully awaken the Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body. In less than two days, the three of them left the seclusion.

At this time, most of Jiuhuaxiao’s high-level officials were still in seclusion, and Fu Yuan, who has not retreated, was closely paying attention to the situation of the other sects outside the sect.

They have to hold these people back.

Fu Yuan said that there are more and more people monitoring them outside the sect, and it is estimated that the war will start in two or three days. hrkP9Y

Fortunately, even if Sage’s Walk and the others were killed, they would not have thought that Jiuhuaxiao’s high-level executives were now collectively retreating and upgrading on a large scale, otherwise they would have taken advantage of this time to strike first.

According to the general rule, Sage’s Walk must first put continuous pressure on Jiu Huaxiao, forcing them to hand over Pei Ming immediately.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

But Sage’s Walk is just going through a process, pretending to be transparent for outsiders, but in fact it has already been sharpened, and it is just waiting to start.

Yue Xiuzhi also told Pei Xiaoming everything that happened during this period. iMSBQ

Knowing that Jiu Huaxiao was about to start a war with the other four factions for himself, Pei Xiaoming looked a little unhappy.

Yue Xiuzhi patted his head and comforted him: “Don’t think too much, this is just an excuse, they just feel that Jiuhuaxiao hindered their way to collude with the demon world.”

“If you’re really guilty, kill a few more people from Sage’s Walk and Ming Mie Peak in the big battle, so that they won’t have the energy to collude with the Demon Realm.”

Pei Xiaoming nodded. XNl2eQ

The barriers for him to break through the Reunification Realm are getting looser and looser. He originally planned to retreat and break through in these two days, but at this time he changed his mind.

——He thought of a surprise for Sage’s Walk.

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