TPSF Ch57 - Collecting thunder tribulations like cabbages - Chrysanthemum Garden

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 M1zushi [Translator]13-16 minutes

M1zushi: cabbages: something cheap that you can find anywhere

Another two days passed. TRvFfL

It was originally a cloudless and sunny day, but suddenly a large black cloud of heavenly tribulation condensed in the sky above Jiuhuaxiao.

The black clouds were tumbling, like thick ink seeping into the clear water, constantly changing its shape, and there were countless purple arcs mixed in it, making bystanders fearful at a glance.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

At that time, Yue Xiuzhi was leisurely drinking tea with Fu Yuan and the others in the main hall, listening to the roaring sound after another.

After probing thunder tribulation’s direction with his spiritual sense, Yue Xiuzhi smiled lightly, with some joy: “Lin Yue has made a breakthrough!” TwsS1J

“This vicious spinster broke through quickly…” Lu Fanyi who was on the side said with a whimper.

He just left seclusion yesterday, and he finally healed his injuries and returned to his original cultivation realm.

Yue Xiuzhi glanced at him and said with a smile: “He is in the same realm as you now, if you scold him again, be careful of his beating.”

Most of the masters of Jiuhuaxiao’s Nine Peaks are of the same generation, so the original Yue Xiuzhi grew up with Lu Fanyi and Lin Yue.


However, Lu Fanyi was out of shape when he was young, and his mouth was quick, so he often offended Lin Yue. At that time, Lu Fanyi didn’t pay much attention to cultivation, and his cultivation level was a little lower than that of Lin Yue, so he was beaten by Lin Yue every day.

With the nickname “Vicious Spinster”, only Lu Fanyi calls Lin Yue like this.

Later Lu Fanyi thought, going on like this is not an option. Only then did he start to practice hard.

Comparing the late stage Reunification Realm and Lin Yue’s middle stage Reunification Realm, Lu Fanyi felt secure in his heart! zd65A9

As a result, now… Lu Fanyi is silent.

Yue Xiuzhi didn’t care about Lu Fanyi’s thoughts, but turned his head and said to Fu Yuan: “Although it is a small realm breakthrough, every breakthrough in the Reunification Realm is extraordinary, and the power of thunder tribulation is also great. Let’s go and help control his situation.”

Although the thunder tribulation does not allow outsiders to intervene, otherwise its power will increase several times, if Lin Yue really can’t hold on, they will also take action.

Fu Yuan nodded. They were about to go, when Pei Xiaoming, who had been standing silently beside Yue Xiuzhi, suddenly said, “No need for Shizun, I can handle this.” P2Q5hA

Yue Xiuzhi turned his head to look at Pei Xiaoming, and was slightly taken aback.

Pei Xiaoming patted the Against the Current Sword on his waist, hinting frantically.

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Pei Ming raised his eyebrows, he knew what Pei Xiaoming was capable of.

——This kid… is really very different from me. ah1GsK

Yue Xiuzhi thought of his apprentice’s thunder tribulation last time… and instantly understood it.

“You can go.” Yue Xiuzhi nodded, feeling emotional in his heart.

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A Qidian’s main character truly is different. What kind of thunder tribulation are these, they are food delivery in his hands!

Not only can he eat his own food, but he can also grab other people’s food! PVOR7S

“However, let’s go there so you can’t act recklessly.” Yue Xiuzhi added.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktlr xlcv bo yerlcfrr lr ageis j 100% mtjcmf bo bmmegglcu,

“Qtja mtjgjvfr jgf sbe qijslcu?” Oe Mjcsl kjr mbcoerfv.

“Tbe’ii xcbk ktfc sbe ub.” Tef Wlehtl rjlv, abbx tlr jqqgfcalmf klat tlw, jcv vlrjqqfjgfv lc qijmf. gEbQVZ

Ciatbeut atf batfgr kfgf j ilaaif mbcoerfv, atfs jii obiibkfv rela.

Qtfc atfs jgglnfv ja Mfcuiejc Ufjx, atf gbjg yfmjwf fnfc ibevfg, jcv atf rxs kjr bnfgktfiwfv ys atecvfg mibevr, ktlmt wjvf atf rxs jcv atf fjgat vlw.

Lin Yue flew out from the mountain peak, as if he was planning to lead the thunder tribulation to an open place to endure his heavenly tribulation.

Seeing this, Pei Xiaoming quickly used his spiritual power to transmit his voice: “Lin-shishu, leave the thunder tribulation to me, and just stay here to overcome the tribulation!” zdbu3n

Lin Yue who was about to leave: “…??”

Your kid wants to go to heaven? A baby doll from the Sage Realm, can a thunder tribulation of the Reunification Realm be “given to you”?

Yue Xiuzhi seemed to be able to imagine Lin Yue’s bewilderment at this time, so he quickly sent him a voice transmission, and said with a smile: “Just listen to him, don’t worry.”

Lin Yue: “…” HQyhIp

Yue Xiuzhi is still reliable, so he reluctantly believed it.

Pei Xiaoming stepped to the sky above Fengluan Peak, facing the thunder tribulation.

The thunder tribulation seemed to have brewed enough, and it lowered the first thunder—a purple thunder tribulation with the thickness of a bowl, and it struck Pei Xiaoming straight.

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Even knowing that Pei Xiaoming would be fine, Yue Xiuzhi’s heart still tightened. Xr9O6M

“What is Pei Ming doing?! Xiuzhi, aren’t you fooling around?!” Lu Fanyi became impatient.

“What’s the rush? Would I let my apprentice die for no reason?” Yue Xiuzhi glanced at him.

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While speaking, the thunder tribulation had already fallen.

Pei Xiaoming suddenly pulled out the Against the Current Sword from his waist. The silver white blade reflected a dazzling light under the illumination of the thunder tribulation. 8tpZQP

Immediately, just like what Yue Xiuzhi saw when Pei Xiaoming broke through the Sage Realm, the thunder tribulation was instantly absorbed by Against the Current Sword, leaving only some purple arcs wrapped around the Against the Current Sword, like tongues of flame.

——! !

Except for Yue Xiuzhi, everyone was dumbfounded.

“Xiuzhi, your apprentice… is amazing.” Fu Yuan sighed. jEeBWK

Lin Yue was also shocked: Your kid ate a fucking thunder tribulation?!

Before they could continue to be shocked, the next thunder tribulation followed immediately.

Going down one after another, everyone’s nerves were completely numb.

Although they already knew that Pei Ming was a little monster, he was too much of a monster! K94ixI

The last thunder tribulation, which was thicker than a bucket, struck at Pei Xiaoming desperately with a thunder tribulation’s unyielding anger!

——It was still swallowed.

The Against the Current Sword satiated with food and wine comfortably shook his body. The purple arc on the sword disappeared, and it was all sucked into the sword.

Yue Xiuzhi smiled slightly: It seems that the Against the Current Sword is about to become ready. rzOIt

Pei Xiaoming returned to Yue Xiuzhi’s side. Although he pretended to be calm on his face, there was still a hint of desire to claim credit.

  Praise me! praise me! Master loves to praise me! !

Yue Xiuzhi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but he still patted his family’s cub head and said, “A-Ming is so amazing.”

Pei Ming, who has been silently by the side all this time: “…” nwrAYX

You have to show off even the most serious things! Don’t you think it’s embarrassing?

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Little brat!

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Yue Xiuzhi had just finished complimenting Pei Xiaoming, and another thunder tribulation was condensing on the other side.

At Jianya Peak, he should be Feng Lan’s chief disciple. He has been stuck at the peak of the Sage Realm for two years, and this time with the help of Yue Xiuzhi, he also broke through. lHybne

“Hurry up, let’s go back to the main hall to meet the sect leader.” Yue Xiuzhi said to Pei Xiaoming.

This time Pei Xiaoming absorbed thunder tribulation, and he seemed to be more proficient than last time, so he didn’t have to worry about it at all. He and Fu Yuan still have something to discuss, so they have to go back first.

While talking, Lin Yue also came to them, and everyone hurriedly congratulated and said, “Congratulations, Peak Lord Lin!”

“When are you still saying these polite words?” Lin Yue smiled, and looked at Yue Xiuzhi and Pei Ming, “This time I have to thank you very much, you two are really amazing master and apprentice.” FfsDER

One helped him break through to the late stage of Reunification Realm, and the other helped him solve thunder tribulation, which is really a coordinated flawless service.

“I won’t talk about other nonsense, this time I’m going to war against those traitors in Sage’s Walk, killing them one by one!” Lin Yue said.

Everyone laughed, and then returned to the main hall.

As soon as they returned to the main hall, they received an ultimatum from Sage’s Walk: if Pei Ming is not handed over, the four major sects will jointly attack Jiuhuaxiao in two days! qIdSF5

“Just hit it, rambler! Talking nonsense.” Lu Fanyi pouted.

Fu Yuan also laughed and said, “Just wait for them! I, Jiuhuaxiao, are not afraid of them now!”

The thunder tribulation outside sounded for a while. They, Jiuhuaxiao, are really a gathering of experts at this time!

So Fu Yuan replied: If you want to fight, let’s fight! Stop talking nonsense! nmtSIr

After another day, all the people in seclusion finished it, and the Against the Current Sword had its mouth full.

“It’s a pity that the seniors didn’t have thunder tribulation when they recovered their realm.” Pei Xiaoming regretted.

There was no thunder tribulation for falling into a realm due to a serious injury, like Lu Fanyi.

“Okay, don’t complain for getting something cheap and act like a good boy.” Yue Xiuzhi amusedly pinched his face. S yzmH

At this time, the hall was also full of people, and all the people from the Reunification Realm in Jiuhuaxiao had come.

In this battle, they don’t intend to involve disciples below the Reunification Realm. Firstly, it is too dangerous, if their realm is below the Reunification Realm, it will not be enough even to deliver food, and secondly, it will not have much effect.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

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“Everyone! Success or failure depends on one stroke!” Fu Yuangao sat on the main seat and said loudly, “This time it is not about the survival of my Jiuhuaxiao sect, but the survival of the entire spiritual world!”

“If we lose, the beasts in Sage’s Walk will have no scruples, and the spiritual world will be in danger!” eYvJ3P

Everyone nodded. They already knew the pros and cons.

“Tomorrow, if you meet people from Sage’s Walk and Ming Mie Peak, you don’t have to hold back, killing one is one more dead!”

“However, if we encounter people from Huaqing Pavilion and Yaowang Valley, we don’t need to have the intention of killing them. After all, they were also deceived. If the truth is revealed to them, they will also help prevent the invasion of the demon world.” Fu Yuan turned pale again, “Of course, on the battlefield, the sword has no eyes, and life and death are hard to tell! If there is danger to us, of course we can’t keep our hands motionless!”

“What the Sect Lead said is true.” Everyone agreed. zCJWY

“I will strengthen the sect’s mountain protection array, so you don’t have to worry about the sect’s disciples.” Yue Xiuzhi said.

From the pile of points he spent before, he bought a new mountain protection formation, guaranteed to be strong! If those people in Sage’s Walk threatened him with sect disciples like he did last time, it would be in vain.


On the second day, outside the gate of Jiuhuaxiao Mountain, nearly 20 powerhouse at the Reunification Realm from the four major sects stepped into the air. wG1Xa7

The head is the suzerain of Sage’s Walk, and he said via voice transmission: “Fu Yuan, hand over Pei Ming now, and I can still keep your Jiuhuaxiao family safe!”

Fu Yuan and others also formed Jiuhuaxiao’s mountain guard formation to confront the other four sects.

“Bai Hengqi, stop talking these high-sounding nonsense.” Lu Fanyi mocked, “Even if we really let Pei Ming go, are you willing to let go?”

“It’s really inverting black and white! Isn’t it because we are afraid that we will prevent you beasts from colluding with the devil world?!” lryzeR

People from other sects were slightly puzzled when they heard the words, but they did not waver.

The reputation and status of Sage’s Walk in the spiritual world is naturally not something that outsiders can casually shake with a single word.

Lu Fanyi didn’t expect to reveal the true face of Sage’s Walk with just a few words—otherwise, Jiuhuaxiao would have done it long ago. Without evidence, no one else would believe it anyway. Besides, Huaqing Pavilion and Yaowang Valley came this time, apart from being summoned by Sage’s Walk to crusade against Jiuhuaxiao who kept demons, they also wanted a share of the cake.

When Lu Fanyi said that, he was just having a quick talk. iwuEcY

Bai Hengqi didn’t even change his face, and said calmly: “You Jiuhuaxiao, have you reached the point of jumping over the wall in a hurry and making false accusations?”

“Bai Hengqi, you dare to show yourself this time?” Yue Xiuzhi also raised his eyebrows and smiled, “A few days ago, when I almost killed your Sage’s Walk by myself, why didn’t you show up back then?”

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“Yue Xiuzhi, you still dare to show up now!” Bai Hengqi said angrily, “You forcefully broke into Sage’s Walk to rob Pei Ming, and then killed my Divine Envoy Image, you will die today!”

“Okay, stop talking.” Yue Xiuzhi casually caressed his sword, then suddenly unsheathed it with a sharp expression—— 0KDFA9

“Just relying on yourself? You don’t have that ability yet!”

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