Melancholy Song (2)

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“What…” Wen Zheliu was still confused, but Chin didn’t let him explain the matter. He jumped down with him straight into the portal in front of them.

The spot of light rushed towards his face like the dust of the cosmic galaxy. The boundless space suspended in the darkness, and passed rapidly along the two falling bodies. Snow-white rays of light gradually appeared in front of Wen Zheliu’s eyes, and then it suddenly brightened up!

With a ding dong, a gentle and firm female voice resounded in the eternal silence of the void.

——“Survival World, waiting for you to bring home the victory and become a king.”

The gust of wind suddenly swept through his whole body. Wen Zheliu closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his body was carried by a huge buffer force to a standstill for a moment. He skillfully put on the goggles hanging around his neck, and then opened his eyes. The cold airflow at high altitude blew his face askew as he was facing white mist and clouds. He was carrying a parachute. Chin was on his side. Not far away, he could see the canopy of five or six parachutes undulating among the clouds.

“It seems that the timing is just right!” Chin said loudly, “The game has just begun!”

“You’re too impulsive—” Wen Zheliu shouted.

“Don’t panic!” Chin’s voice was still smiling, “Press the speed!”

Wen Zheliu knew what he meant. The members of the Thunder Lord team jumped earlier than them, and now they were all waiting ahead for the parachute. If they went down rashly, they would fall into a box1. He turned his head left and right to observe the other players’ descending trend.

He made up his mind and fell in one direction. Chin, who was on the side, also seemed to be in tune with him, and flew in that direction without waiting for him to say anything.

One by one, they landed on the wide roof of a building. Wen Zheliu made use of the momentum to roll over, with the tumbling parachute as a buffer. As soon as he touched the ground, he quickly took himself off the parachute that was still rushing forward along the inertia. In the novice game of Survival World, at least two or three people would be discovered by the enemy because they couldn’t get rid of the parachute in time.

“Pick up the gun.” Chin was not as troublesome as he was. When he landed, he picked up an alloy dagger and cut the straps on his body.

Wen Zheliu glanced at him, there was nothing but a relaxed smile in those romantic peach blossom eyes. Listening to the footsteps approaching slowly downstairs, he carefully slowed down his speed and whispered: “What are you doing with me in here?”

Chin threw the dagger in his hand and neatly inserted it into one side of his leg bag. Not only was his figure tall like an erected pine, but his legs were also very long. He spread his hands innocently: “In order to repay your lemonade, kid.”

Wen Zheliu didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, he said, “You… What’s your average level now?”

Chin bent his eyes, even if Wen Zheliu couldn’t see the lower half of his face, he could imagine how brilliant his expression was at the moment.

“Level 10.”

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Wen Zheliu slipped, the soles of his shoes rubbed the broken glass, making a short, thick and sharp sound, and the footsteps below immediately stopped.

He sighed and felt that compared to himself, this man was a newbie among the newbies. Wen Zheliu gestured for Chin to stop talking, while he looked around at the entrance of the corridor. He picked up a large piece of broken glass with sharp edges, and held it lightly in his hand.

The voice downstairs paused for a while, perhaps hearing no movement upstairs, the other party couldn’t control himself and started walking upstairs. Wen Zheliu silently looked down at the gap between the handrails of the building, only to see a piece of khaki clothes appearing and disappearing between the floors. He stayed close to the white-painted handrails and crept downstairs. Chin was following behind him, seemingly wanting to see what he was going to do.

To his surprise, the sound of Chin’s walking was so faint that it was almost non-existent, and it was hard to hear the sound of trousers rubbing, which made Wen Zheliu thought that perhaps he was not as simple as he said, a rookie whose level had just passed the novice protection.

The distance between the two sides was gradually approaching, and the movement of the opponent’s slowly running over the debris and gravel was gradually discernible. Just when the two sides were only two flights of stairs apart, Wen Zheliu suddenly moved!

The sound of his light gray coat spread out in the air was like an eagle flapping its wings on a cliff, and he himself was like a predator descending from the sky. He held the handrails of the staircase and pounced on the player at the bottom who subconsciously tilted his head and opened his mouth wide in shock.

In a shadow composed of him, only one thing shone as bright as snow!

The sharp edge of the glass was merciless, slitting the opponent’s throat like ripping silk. There were no sprays of blood, only a sudden burst of copper coins rain and white spots that symbolized experience points made a cling-clang sound, and entered Wen Zheliu’s body in a stream. A small amount also entered Chin’s personal terminal.

A row of light blue data flow was displayed in front of the two of them.

[Wen Di used broken glass to kill shai2980]

[Victory in the first battle]

[Total number: 90 people]

[Number of people remaining: 82 people]

Chin couldn’t hide his surprise as he looked at Wen Zheliu, who was squatting on the ground and pulled out two pieces of gauze and a P-19 ray gun from the box, then looked at the few lonely copper coins in his account, “How come I have money?”

“If we act together, the system will temporarily judge us as teammates, even if this game is a winning game. Don’t worry, you’ll be made to pay your proportional taxes after this round.” Wen Zheliu stood up, his breath was not in disorder at all, he handed a piece of gauze to Chin, “Put on your communication headset.”

“Winning game?” Chin wondered, and took out a pair of earphones from his collar, “It’s really novel.”

“…You don’t know anything, and you dare to come in with me…” Wen Zheliu was very tired, “The team that reserved the field must be here to brush experience for the new players, they won’t choose to win an escape game.”

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“That is to say,” Chin responded quickly, “Only one person can win this round, and that is the rookie player of the Thunder Birds team?”

Wen Zheliu said helplessly, “They’re called Thunder Lord2.”

Chin shrugged, and the two went down to the third floor one after another. Hearing the faint sounds of gunfire and explosions outside, they quickly swept around the empty room that was bombarded with shells. Wen Zheliu picked up a helmet, Chin picked up a plasma railgun and two first aid kits in the corner.

“Such high-end equipment,” Chin said in a surprised tone, “Is this how you usually play?”

Wen Zheliu frowned, “No. It seems that the winner of the last round increased the difficulty of the game, they probably want a quick battle.”

P-19, plasma railgun… This was the equipment that only appeared in high level games. Wen Zheliu fiddled with the ray gun in his hand, and suddenly said: “I think it’s very strange. if that person just came up from below, it’s impossible not to search for weapons, but he actually didn’t shoot me the moment I jumped… It seems that he didn’t use this thing at all.”

“No, you move so fast that most people can’t dodge it.” Chin skillfully loaded the railgun and tilted his head to look at Wen Zheliu, “Can you use this kid? Do you want me to teach you?”

“Yes… and what kid, please stop saying strange words, okay? Was the lemon so sour that you couldn’t close your mouth?” Wen Zheliu said, “I’ve never eaten pork, but I’ve seen pigs run3. Break the window, so we can broaden our vision, and along the way, lead a few people to lick the bag4.”

Chin swept the butt of his gun and shattered the window with two strikes. The cracking sound of the glass was shrill and harsh. Wen Zheliu then smashed the rest. Within his line of sight, there were already several black spots not far away creeping over here and ready to take action.

“This game is very popular, you really haven’t played it before?” Chin was obviously older than him, so Wen Zheliu didn’t care that he took advantage of him in terms of title. He narrowed his eyes intently, “It doesn’t look like you are well prepared either.”

“What you and I? Call me brother.” He didn’t know why, but ever since he saw this smiling boy with warm eyebrows, Chin couldn’t help teasing him, “I’ve never played before, this is my first time.”

If he wasn’t busy aiming at the target, Wen Zheliu really wanted to roll his eyes, he said softly, “Then we’ll talk about it when you manage to beat me. I’ll call you brother.”

The distant lush green vegetation swayed slightly, Wen Zheliu immediately closed his lips and shot a bullet without hesitation!

The sound of gunshot rang out, the trajectory soared through the air with cold light blue spark, blasting the copper coins and experience points all over the place, flying towards the killer in a line. He quickly turned over and rolled to one side of the windowsill. In an instant, there was a sudden explosion of firepower from at least three parties from the window of the opposite building, the parking lot below, and another bush. All of them converged at this window according to the direction guided by the coins and experience points. Against the deafening sound of gunfire, Wen Zheliu roared: “Shoot!”

Chin didn’t panic at all. At this moment, his eyes were as cold as frost and snow. Amidst the electro-optics flint, the icy brilliance emitted by the plasma railgun almost exploded at the same time as the fire on the opposite building. At the same second when the bullet tracked the windowsill beside him, the railgun also blasted the opposing player into a rain of scattered copper coins!

Before Wen Zheliu had time to be surprised and amazed, he saw his body slanted to the side, his shoulders slightly raised, without moving his position. He turned the muzzle and pressed it down at a precise angle, aiming at the parking lot below. Wen Zheliu shook off the gravel on his head. He climbed up from another window, and in the first second he appeared, he swept towards the bushes below along the trail of smoke and dust that had not yet dissipated in the air.

Blind fire interference!

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Now that the floor where he and Chin were hiding had been completely exposed, he wanted to ensure that Chin would not be shot in the head when he was dealing with another enemy. Although the P-19 could only be regarded as a small firearm, it was still more than enough to contain the enemy.

The flames splashed in all directions with the two sides resolute and ruthless gunshots. Although the railgun couldn’t overturn the vehicle bunker in the parking lot, it could penetrate the fuel tank and then detonate it. Amidst the crackling sound of fire, hundreds of coins pierced through the smoke and dust of the fireworks and flew towards Chin.

At the same time, the player hiding in the bush was just a novice. He was forced to die by Wen Zheliu after a few shots, and also exploded a pile of coins and equipment.

It was too late to count the results, so the two hurried down with their guns. Chin whistled, and when Wen Zheliu turned around, he saw something gleaming in silver being thrown at him.

He grabbed it and saw that it was actually a string of silver coins, and by counting, there were about ten.

“The unlucky guy just dropped it,” Chin said lightly, “It’s useless for me to hold it. It looks pretty good, so I’ll give it to you.”

Wen Zheliu looked at him in astonishment, only to think that this person was really strange. He was obviously familiar with the use of high-end firearms, but he said that he had never played this game, and now he could even casually throw away so many silver coins. Could he be a rich second generation who was not deeply involved in worldly affairs?

“This is a lot of money, and it’s enough for you to eat a Big Mac set meal for a week in the fast food restaurant where I work.” As a child from a poor family, Wen Zheliu couldn’t forgive him for his lavish behavior, “And this is your victory item, I don’t want it.”

Chin jumped in front of him and shot a player who wanted to take advantage of this gap, then he laughed: “Look at the road.”

After saying that, he crouched down and moved forward a few steps. The two of them were lying in the grass together, hiding and rummaging through the box.

Both of their weapons had almost run out of all the energy just now. Chin took out an SN-9 wasp rifle that he hadn’t fired much, and handed it to Wen Zheliu, saying, “Here you go, just take it. You think I lack something like this… By the way, I forgot to ask, how old are you?”

Wen Zheliu was thinking about how to put the money in his pocket. Hearing that, he paused and said, “… Anyway, I’m an adult.”

“I can tell from your tone that you just turned eighteen.” Chin rubbed his hair, and the two continued to sneak out of the grass and flashed through the door of the building opposite to scavenge for supplies, “Why does a kid like you play this kind of life and death game?”

Wen Zheliu picked up a bandage and half-truthfully said, “To make money. I’m so poor that I can’t afford to eat.”

“Oh, then I’ll provide for you?”

“…Please kindly stay away from me, old man.”

“Look at your skill. When you shoot, your hands are steady and your reaction time is fast.” Chin smiled, walked to the box he had just shot out, took the weapon dropped by the man for his own use, and added a first aid kit, “Do you have to come to this game to make money?”

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Wen Zheliu said in an old-fashioned manner: “Isn’t that what professional players are like? Whenever there is a task, they can go wherever. There’s no particular reason.”

“It’s alright, this brother will carry you this time, you can lie down and effortlessly win the game.” Chin smiled as the two jumped over a broken floor-to-ceiling window and rolled over to the rooftop of the opposite building to stand firm.

Wen Zheliu thought it was quite interesting, he said, “This is your first time playing, yet you want to take me to lie down and win?”

Chin observed the situation around him and said casually: “Let’s make a bet then, if I kill more people than you, except for the last player between us, then you must recognize me as your brother; if I don’t kill you more people than you, I will compensate you for one thing, how about shopping freely in the mall?”

Wen Zheliu was amused, he was determined to frustrate the man’s spirit, so he said, “It’s not fair, so let’s change it. If you win, I’ll pay you something; if you lose, you’ll pay me something instead, but on the condition that what you pay me must be equal to the value of the bet I offered, how about that?”

“Okay, why not.” Chin readily promised. His sword eyebrows were drawn into his temples, the shape of his eyes were like peach blossoms, his pupils were as light as glaze, rippled with smiling waves of light, swaying people’s hearts, “It’s all up to you.”

Wen Zheliu’s eyes widened, he raised his hand to fire a few shots at a player who was hiding in the shadow of the opposite building corner.

“Then it’s settled.”

The author has something to say:

The game content in this chapter is taken from “PUBG Mobile”.

Hua: All these PUBG game terms are killing me. I came here expecting horror but I got PUBG ???? Fortunately it’s only several chapters. (︶^︶)


In PUBG, it means that you are killed as soon as you land after parachuting


I change Lei Xiao team from last chapter to Thunder Lord instead. Xiao[枭] in Lei Xiao team means leader, brave, or owl. That’s why Chin called them Thunder Birds.


Although he had not personally experienced it, he had seen it and had some understanding.


The term in PUBG means that after killing the enemy, they will drop a box, and the player can pick up equipment from it.

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