Translator: Hua

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T/N: I’m not adding footnotes for guns they’re using because there are too many and Survival World ended in this chapter so. You can go to google if you wanted to see what those guns look like.

Melancholy Song (3)

At this time, the fierce battle in the central urban area was in full swing. Several hospitals, schools and construction sites were littered with traces of laser burns everywhere, and were wrecked into a scattered mess. Lei Ming1His name is literally translated to thunderous., the captain of the Thunder Lord team, was carrying a rapid-firing gun. With one shot, he blasted a player not far away who only exposed the corner of his shirt into pieces. The female player beside him held two laser Derringers. In the same way, the players who wanted to take the opportunity to sneak attack on Lei Ming would be knocked out into white beam of copper coins.

Rapid-fire gun and laser Deringer were both powerful weapons that were difficult to operate, but these two use them like the arm directing the fingers2Command something with ease as one wishes. with high proficiency. Lei Ming’s appearance was that of a tall and robust adult male human. He was wearing a beret and a pair of anti-flash sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. He said in a deep voice: “Manman3Man(蔓) means vine from her ID name (蔓藤有毒)., give your laser to this boy, you change to the other one. We should speed up, don’t take too long in this round.”

The female player with the game ID Poison Ivy responded, then threw the two guns in her hands to the newcomer, and grabbed an S-12K electromagnetic shotgun from the firearms pile on the side. She said with a smile: “The novice players in this round finally know how to use their brain, and learn to unite to deal with us first. This is more fun than the last round.”

Lei Ming glanced at the number of kills and the number of remaining players, and said in a low voice, “We’ll just stay here to collect heads and wait for Xiao Shi4Little Ten and others to finish clearing people and come over to join us. When the time comes, give the experience to the newcomer and we’ll go to the next portal.”

The newcomer quickly thanked him, “Thank you Brother Lei for your training, thank you Sister Manman and all the seniors!”

“Okay, we’ll all belong to the same team in the future. As long as you strive for excellence, you can repay our kindness and teaching.” Poison Ivy pouted and complained while looking at the counting board, “Excluding us, there are still thirty-eight people left… Xiao Shi and the others, why are they so slow?”

Immediately after she finished complaining, a light blue data stream flashed in front of everyone in the Thunder Lord team.

[Chin killed Xiao Shi with the Diffusion Particle Gun]

[Wen Di killed Winter Echoes with the SN-9 Wasp Rifle Gun]

[Number of people remaining: 36]

Poison Ivy opened her eyes wide and shouted in disbelief: “What?! Xiao Shi and Winter Echoes were actually killed?!”

Downtown, parking lot.

The kill number above the two of them had already doubled. The two defeated players had eliminated quite a few people. At this time, it all accumulated on their(Chin&WZL) heads. It seemed that Wen Zheliu and Chin were like two bloody gods of death.

Wen Zheliu drank a bottle of first aid medicine and wrapped a piece of gauze around Chin’s arm to help his wound heal quickly. Chin looked down at him after he finished wrapping it up, and handed him the long black knife in his hand.

“High-carbon steel alloy combat knife…” Wen Zheliu said, “Good stuff, it looks like it was grabbed during the airdrop just now.”

When the first airdrop by the skyship passed, he and Chin were still dodging the firepower of a few idle players and missed a good opportunity, thus leading to their grueling entanglement with these two people later on.

Chin crouched down to touch the bag and asked, “The level of these two is obviously different from other players. Are they from that team?”

Wen Zheliu replied, “It’s very likely that they are. The people in their team should know our name by now.”

“You said earlier that nine people came in on this team.” Chin pondered.

“Plus the newcomer, there are nine.” Wen Zheliu said, “There were originally eleven, but two left.”

Chin was carrying the GAU-90 Rifle, filled it with a few energy crystals, and made a circle on the dusty ground, “Remove the newcomer and the two we just killed, there are now six. If I were the captain of Thunder Bird, I would also let the team members form groups of two or three people and disperse to several urban areas to kill novice players. Now that we’ve killed two of his people, you guess, will he send a group to block us both? ”

“There are only four urban areas in total, the main area, the east, the west, and lower districts. We are now in the lower urban area. From which side do you think people will come from, the east or the west?”

Wen Zheliu had already given up on correcting his(Chin) address for the Thunder Lord team. He pondered deeply: “I wonder if they have enabled location sharing. If they do, the system will send them back the coordinates of the dead player.”

Chin swiped on his personal terminal, and a 3D map immediately rotated and zoomed in front of them.

“We’re here,” he tapped lightly with his long and powerful fingers, “In front is the main urban area, this is the East, this is the West…”

“The main intersection in the east city is closest to us.” Wen Zheliu said, “It’s very likely that they would come from there.”

“Go to block people.” Chin loaded the gun, “Then go to the main city to kill that newcomer.”

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“Go to block people.” Lei Ming ordered in the team channel, “Then gather at my location again.”

Chin’s new GAU-90 was a heavy-caliber firearm. He didn’t need a second shot to hit anyone. With his abnormal hearing and intuition, sometimes Wen Zheliu only had the time to hear a slight noise, when he(Chin) had already fired and immediately killed people through the wall, spilling coins all over the place.

Wen Zheliu was almost robbing him of the number of heads, he himself had moments of hit and miss, but Chin was like a precision robot designed to make zero mistakes. As long as he made a move, the number of people in existence would be reduced by one immediately.

“You… Where did you learn all of these skills?” He was so shocked that he couldn’t help asking, “You’re not a great god of any team who came here with a side account right?”

Chin laughed jokingly as he said, “I told you it’s the first time I’ve played this game. Can’t I be some kind of genius?”

Wen Zheliu resisted the urge to punch him. Just as he was about to speak, the tip of his ear moved, and he said alertly, “Wait, I seem to feel the ground trembling… Be careful, find cover!”

One left and one right, they darted into the nearby bunker to hide. As soon as they rolled to the ground, the shock wave mixed with smoke and dust tumbled in all directions, and exploded in place with a loud bang!

Wen Zheliu felt a tightness in his chest, and his throat immediately filled with a smell of fishy sweetness. He shook off the debris from his head and whispered to the communicator, “It’s the impulse grenade, are you ok?”

The voice in the earphone squeaked a few times, and Chin’s reply came out: “I’m fine, how about you?”

“I’m fine too.” Wen Zheliu lowered his voice, “…here it comes!”

Before the smoke and dust had completely dissipated, Chin closed his eyes, and a shot burst out, but the moment he pulled the trigger, his brows twitched, and he immediately reflexively slammed into the wall next to him!

The sound of a bullet breaking through the defense was dull and short, narrowly grazing his ear, blowing a bowl-sized hole in the thick steel plate behind his foot. Wen Zheliu’s pupils shrink: “Chin!”

“Don’t come here!” Chin quietly looked ahead and said solemnly, “There is a sniper on the opposite side.”

Just like their(Thunder Bird) initial tactics, one person attracts firepower in the front, one person estimates the trajectory in the rear, and then snipe to kill the opponent——it was just that they were using the most basic rail guns at that time, but now, the opponent had a real sniper.

“Did you hit him?” Someone on the opposite side asked.

“No.” The sniper’s lips moved slightly, “He escaped, the novice player in this game is amazing.”

Wen Zheliu said in a low voice, “It won’t work, you stay down there, I’ll take care of the sniper above…”

Just as he was about to get up, a chill arose on his back, and Chin shouted sharply, “Lie down!”

He subconsciously drew back, and a bullet immediately burst close to his heel. He could almost feel the trace of the bullet distorting the air, just above his head.

Chin’s gaze was focused, his eyes were no longer smiling, but instead they contained the coldness that could freeze a pool of spring water. He discharged several crystals from his palm, filling up the energy slot piece by piece, and said decisively: “My weapon has a large killing range. I’ll stall the sniper, you solve the one in front.”

Wen Zheliu thought about it, dragging the knife in his left hand, holding the gun in his right hand, and responded, “Okay.”

“The first shot…” Chin slowly raised the muzzle, “…Run!”

He has been waiting for this moment!

There was an imperceptible smile on the sniper’s lips. He moved his fingertips slightly and was about to pull the trigger, but suddenly there was a loud noise above his head, and the sand and gravel rolled down!

What happened? Did he find out where he was hiding? But how is it possible? !

In the moment of his astonishment, Wen Zheliu blasted away the smoke and dust with one shot, replaced his hand with his pocket knife, and then slashed at the tall man in front of him!

It was said that the blade of the high-carbon steel alloy combat knife could cut iron like mud. The man did not dare to block the attack with his flesh, so he could only roar and hold the cannon on his shoulder against the ice-cold blade, which instantly caused the barrel part to collapse and break apart.

The man smiled grimly. Before Wen Zheliu could withdraw, he punched him heavily in the abdomen. This punch was so powerful that it could even directly beat people into scattered coins and experience—Two hours ago, there were indeed several unlucky novices who were eliminated by him like this. However, although Wen Zheliu was forced to take this blow abruptly, a large red light symbolizing residual blood was splashed in front of him, but he actually did not die!

The alloy knife suddenly flew out, and the man grabbed Wen Zheliu’s neck with one hand. When he was about to slam another punch, SN-9 had already been turned around and the muzzle was pressed against his chin, then the tongue of flame spurting out wildly!

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Coins and experience suddenly leaked like a torrent, rushing over to Wen Zheliu.

[Wen Di used the SN-9 Rifle to kill Fight To The Bitter End]

[Number of people remaining: 21]

He half-kneeled on the ground, coughing heavily. The blood bar had bottomed out with barely a trace of red. If he hadn’t resisted the beating, he would have been blown to nothing.

He paused for a while, and took two bottles of first aid medicine to bring his physical strength back to normal. At this moment, along with the sound of last gunshot, the illusory blue light once again cut through his vision——

[Chin used the GAU-90 Rifle to kill Eagle of the Vast Sky]

[Number of people remaining: 20]

There was a sound of hurried footsteps behind him, then a pair of warm and powerful hands with a lingering smell of gunpowder pressed against his shoulders. Chin asked with concern, “Are you alright?”

Wen Zheliu coughed twice, and propped himself up from the ground with the butt of the gun, “I’m fine… I can resist the beating, I won’t die.”

Chin picked up the alloy knife and tied it back to his waist. At the same time, he raised his arm and put it on his shoulder. “Hold on a little longer, let’s drive over and kill those little bastards.”

Wen Zheliu leaned on him and slowly said with a smile: “Now there are many kills stacked on me, take a good look.”

Chin raised his eyes and saw that after killing the two people just now, the cumulative kill count displayed above [Wen Di]’s head was 21, while the cumulative kill count displayed by [Chin] was only 17.

He smiled nonchalantly, and walked towards the car with Wen Zheliu, saying, “There are 18 people left in front. It’s not certain who wins or loses. Sit down.”

He put Wen Zheliu on the co-pilot seat, and put a first aid kit in his arms. As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, he planned to cross the east city and head for the main urban area.

At present, the people of the Thunder Lord team all had grim faces. Poison Ivy’s complexion had turned blue with anger, she gritted her teeth and said, “Where did these two people come from? There can’t really be anyone who is so idle that they ran the novice area to raise a small account, right?”

Lei Ming pondered for a while, then said in a low voice, “I’ve underestimated the enemy. White Bird, Southern Sun, after you guys have roughly cleared the players within your range, come to the main urban area to assemble with us. We’re playing a siege war with them.”

There were two ‘Roger’ sounded from the communication earphone in succession. Lei Ming turned to look at Poison Ivy, and said, “Manman, take the newcomer to find a place to hide first. Don’t let his experience point in this game be cleared.”

Poison Ivy responded and carried the newcomer’s collar to the back, pushed him to a hidden corner, and ordered, “Hide here, and come out after we finish fighting…”

After she finished speaking, she turned around and saw a string of steaming gray smoke on the distant horizon. Lei Ming, carrying a rapid-fire gun, shouted in a low voice, “They’re coming!”

Wen Zheliu shouted, “It’s too risky to just rush to the front like this—”

“There are a few more people, only a wave away from the end. Sit tight kid!” Chin stepped hard on the accelerator and the suspended car was about to fall apart, “You jump I jump5Originally said English!”

Wen Zheliu really had no choice but to be prepared, waiting to jump down at any time. The suspension car crashed into the barricade surrounded by iron spikes and sent out a deafening roar, almost turned over. Seeing the ruins of the city getting closer and closer, Chin roared, “Now, jump!”

Wen Zheliu kicked open the car door, and rolled into the gravel with a pile of equipment and supplies. He fell on all fours and lost a streak of blood. The speed of the suspended car did not decrease. With the harsh ear-splitting sharp friction, it rubbed out a path of electric sparks along the way and frantically crashed towards the silhouette in the center of the ruins.

The rumble of rapid-fire gun exploded, blasting the suspended car into countless scattered fragments with one shot. Black smoke billowed. Wen Zheliu hurriedly drank the red medicine, and took out the impulse grenade just now and threw it into the black smoke. Chin said: “From now on, I will hold the front, you will go to the back…”

“You’re crazy!” Wen Zheliu said in shock, “Do you know how fierce the captain of Thunder Lord team is! Can you handle his firepower alone?”

“I don’t know, I don’t care, I don’t know—” Chin’s voice trailed off, “You go when you’re told to! You’re being disobedient, huh?”

Wen Zheliu was about to laugh at him angrily when Chin accentuated his tone: “Go! You don’t believe in me?”

The shock wave reverberated in all directions with a loud bang, and the black smoke was also churning endlessly. Wen Zheliu glanced back, and roughly understood what Chin meant. He gritted his teeth and tossed an electromagnetic shotgun to Chin. He himself quietly sneaked forward. Sure enough, within his line of sight, he could see a suspended car speeding from the main intersection of West City.

Chin wanted to let him block the reinforcements here, but can he really block Lei Ming’s attack?

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There was a fierce and rapid exchange of fire behind him. He lay behind the broken concrete wall and slowly waited for the arrival of reinforcements.

During the fierce shootout, Chin’s smiling voice came from the earphone: “Are you bored? Do you want to hear a joke?”

The loading sound of sniper gun cross firing was crisp, and a female player’s voice sounded only a wall away from Wen Zheliu: “There are two people on the opposite side, just cornered them with firepower suppression!”

Wen Zheliu almost missed his breath. He lowered his voice and said ruthlessly, “Take care of yourself and concentrate!”

“Didn’t I say it long ago, it’s a piece of cake…” Over the earphone, the dididi countdown sound was distinct and discernable. Chin secretly cursed with dirty words. After a series of thunderous deafening sounds, he spat a few mouthfuls of dirt and said, “Damn, it’s really firepower suppression.”

Seeing that he was struggling, Wen Zheliu was somewhat unable to control himself. As soon as he moved, Chin laughed as if he had the ability to read minds: “Stop, you lie down there and don’t move, just wait for the sniper, I can still carry.”

Wen Zheliu waited anxiously. The suspended car finally scraped the ground in disorder and came to a halt. Two young men with guns leapt down. They also said something to the earphone, and then sneaked toward Chin’s direction. Wen Zheliu breathed a sigh of relief. The sound of the firearm being loaded was particularly quiet and light amidst the earth-shattering movement around him.

“White Bird, you and Southern Sun encircle them from both sides!” Lei Ming roared, “The gunfire of the man on the opposite side has already been disrupted, take advantage of it now…”

Everything around him slowed down in his ears. The gravel and gunpowder smoke flew slowly past his eyes and the telescopic sight in front of him. Wen Zheliu emptied his mind, then quickly buckled his fingers twice in succession. Then there came the depressing and deadly sound of the bullet breaking something into pieces—

[Wen Di used the SN-9 Rifle to kill Southern Sun]

[Remaining people: 6]

Lei Ming’s brain ‘buzzed’ for a short while, and his eyes burst with bloodshot. Poison Ivy screamed: “There is only one in front, but there’s a person in ambush behind!”

As soon as her voice fell, another impulse grenade was thrown at her feet. Wen Zheliu directly threw it to the ground, blowing up a sky full of flowers6Don’t know why the grenade blew up flowers. A metaphor? I don’t know., “I’m sorry sister!”

[Wen Di used impulse grenade to kill Poison Ivy]

[Number of people remaining: 5]

Lei Ming roared. He turned around and followed the trajectory revealed by Wen Zheliu and indiscriminately bombarded him. Seeing that the situation was not good, Wen Zheliu hurriedly turned to dodge, but was still thrown far away by the blast. Half of his blood was lost, and he was knocked over in the middle of debris and rubble.

“Where are you looking?!” Chin snapped. A shot came out of the shotgun muzzle, punching a bloody hole in Lei Ming’s back. Lei Ming staggered a little, Chin still wanted to shoot him again, but Wen Zheliu struggled and shouted from among the ruins: “There is another person walking around you, pay attention!”

There was a slight sound of something moving from his side. Chin’s eyebrows and eyes were ruthless, he turned around and pulled the bolt, mercilessly blasting half of the face of the person who just came, then the white beam of coins cascaded like droplets of blood!

[Chin used S-12K Electromagnetic Shotgun to kill White Bird]

[Remaining people: 4]

Wen Zheliu subconsciously wanted to take medicine, but when he reached out and touched it, the medicine bottle on his body was crushed into pieces by the blast just now, and he didn’t even know where the first aid kit was. He got up and raised his head, just in time to face a shivering newcomer.

Wen Zhe Liu: “?”

The newcomer: “…..”

Wen Zheliu immediately knew who he was. Although this player was a rookie brought in by the Thunder Lord team, he still had gaming sense. After he came back to his senses, just as he was about to take the laser Deringer in his hand to blast Wen Zheliu’s head, an alloy knife was brutally stabbed into his chest with a puff, and let him burn with the wall behind him.

Wen Zheliu: “…Bye.”

[Wen Di used a high-carbon steel alloy combat knife to kill Durian Is Very Delicious]

[Remaining people: 3]

“Brother, the newcomer has been taken care of by me!” He was overjoyed for a while, and couldn’t help calling out brother. With a rumble, Chin’s voice came from the earphone: “Big brother has heard you, Big brother is very happy, but can you help me solve this thing now, little brother?”

Wen Zheliu looked back, and suddenly opened his mouth wide.

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He saw a three-meter-high steel robot staggeringly stood up from the ruins. It seemed to be shaking off the dust and gravel on its body. With guns, flamethrower, particle railgun, and many other varieties of firearms, a furious roar erupted at Chin!

“What is this!” Chin yelled as he jumped up and down at its feet, almost being shot dead by a random gun, “Did you hang up!”

Wen Zheliu hurriedly picked up the gun and attracted firepower for him, “This is the APM-Individual Soldier Mobile Battle Platform, an absolute killer that only appears in airdrops!

I’m not hanging up!”

Chin dodged quickly, and now he couldn’t laugh anymore: “Stop joking, how do you fight this thing!”

Wen Zheliu kept bombarding it with a large-caliber GAU-90, firing a shot for cover. In a short moment, Chin saw the jet-black alloy blade in his hand, and his eyes lit up: “That’s it! Quick, throw it over here!”

Seeing that he didn’t have a weapon in hand, Wen Zheliu hurriedly threw the alloy knife at him, “Catch it!”

Lei Ming was operating the Individual Soldier Mobile Battle Platform and said angrily, “All of you go to hell!”

Wen Zheliu didn’t have time to dodge, and was hit by a stray bullet in the calf. Red light splashed in front of his eyes, and his blood bar fell to a thin layer. Chin took advantage of his(LM) unpreparedness, dragged the alloy knife and jumped up from behind. The glint of the blade almost bent into a full moon-like arc in his hand.

His figure was backlit, making it difficult to see what his face looked like, but his eyes were more piercing than the blade. This strike looked like a slow motion shot after a time stagnation. Everything was as slow as the autumn leaves falling in the afternoon. Only he was bitterly cold, like a king who slashed the head of a rebellious minister with a sword.

In the game world, experience and energy were important criteria for determining the strength of a player, but Chin was only a level 10 player who had just passed the novice protection, which made Wen Zheliu begin doubting his identity in the real world.

——The blade was as sharp as moonlight, and the steel giant erupted from the center like moonlight splashing the battlefield!

[Chin used a high-carbon steel alloy combat knife to kill Lei Ming]

[Number of people remaining: 2]

The world was silent. The Individual Soldier Mobile Battle Platform that had been split in half fell to the ground with a thud. Chin gasped softly and stood there for a while, holding the knife.

“…How is it,” Wen Zheliu said, “Are you okay?”

Chin swallowed and glanced at him with a smile: “Why don’t you call me brother?”

Wen Zheliu pointed to the number of kills on his head. After several accumulations, the number on his head had already reached a terrifying 46, while Chin was a little worse at 42.

“Continue or not?”

Following his question, the blue data stream once again converged in front of their eyes.

[Do you want to open the final showdown mode?]

Chin laughed.

“No more fighting.” He threw away the alloy knife in his hand and walked towards Wen Zheliu, who was paralyzed on the ground, “You’re quite capable… Alright, I lost this game.”

Wen Zheliu also laughed, he stretched out his hand and let Chin pull him up.

[Survival World, waiting for you to become a king. Congratulations to the player Wen Di for winning this round and winning the final victory! Your reward has been distributed to your personal terminal, do you want to start the next round? Yes/No]

Wen Zheliu was so tired that he quickly said, “No, no, no! No more fighting, go back to the hall!”

“Go back to the mall.” Chin interjected, “The bet we promised hasn’t been fulfilled yet.”


1His name is literally translated to thunderous.2Command something with ease as one wishes.3Man(蔓) means vine from her ID name (蔓藤有毒).4Little Ten5Originally said English6Don’t know why the grenade blew up flowers. A metaphor? I don’t know.

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