The Undefined Love

Chapter 102: 102

Many upcoming projects and deals were paused in Wang Corporations. From the last two days, Deming hasn't appeared. Murphy has kept on calling him but each call went directly to his voicemail. He even texted him several messages but still there was no notification from him yet.

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"Chief Secretary Murphy, this is the deal contract regarding the restaurant owned in the South City. It needs to be approved by Boss, but he is not here yet. What are the next orders?" Dan asked politely.

Murphy looked at him with dimmed eyes, "Halt is for some time. Boss will be back soon", saying this he directed Dan back to the remaining work.

"Aishh! where is boy now?" he hissed and took his phone to dial the number of the mansion in Carnation Hills. Soon the call was connected and was received by one of the maid working in the mansion.


"Hello! it's Murphy ".

"Good afternoon, Sir. How may I help you?"

"I just called to inquire, is CEO Wang present in the mansion?"

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"No Sir. Boss has arrived at the night of the day, prior yesterday. After that, he hasn't visited yet".

"Oh okay. Is Ms.Long alright?"

"Yes Sir, she is better than be before"

With that short talk, the call got disconnected but something took his attention. As per the maid's information, Deming hasn't visited Carnation Hills after his dinner with Ms.Long and has also been absent from the office.

Deming has never been workaholic but when came to his responsibilities regarding his company and his employees, he won't ever ditch it or ignore it. Then what's the matter now.

In Carnation Hills, Jie was resting in her room but her phone wasn't. She was continously making calls to her dress designer, jewellery designer and other and very enthusiastically preparing for the engagement which was going to be held this weekend. There are still two days left but it wasn't much time for her. She also gave a call to inform a reputed media house about her engagement with the young CEO of the Wang Corporation. She asked them to announce it in their articles and shows so that they can cover the whole event.

After completing the calls she sighed in relief and muttered to herself, "Ahhh at last, everything is almost done. Now only invitation cards are left but that can be handled by Brother Ming. Why should I do everything? It's his engagement too, he should take some charge too".

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With that she dialled Deming's number on her phone but it was soon directed to the voicemail. She dialled again, but again it was the same.

Trying several times to fail, she remembered the night of their dinner. Her hands got tightened around her phone. She still remember the feelings that can clearly be seen in his eyes, which she has longed for but it wasn't for her.

"That slut, she dared to covet my Brother Ming. Aarghhhh!!!!!" with that scream she slashed away everything kept on the side table of the bed.


Soon the floor was covered with the shards of table lamp and a glass of water. She gave off the look of anguish. The maids came running in the room when they heard the sound thing falling and breaking.

"Ms.Long, Are you alright? We will quickly clean it", the maid said politely. Her tone has a some concern.

She didn't care to answer them, instead she glared them as if they have committed some sin towards her. "What are you looking at me? Quickly clean up this mess. You are being paid for cleaning this not for look at my face. And yeah, whom are you addressing like this. From now onwards, address me as Young Madam. You Boss is soon going to have an engagement with me. With that I will become your Lady Boss, so keep that in your peanut head", she ranted all her frustration on them.

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The maids were horrified with her tone but they can't complain. Even their boss has never behaved like this with them. They quickly gave a nod to her and left the room.

Downstairs the maid were still terrified. "Do you hear that, our boss is going to officially promise her for the marriage."

"Yeah I heard her saying that. And with that she will become our Lady Boss. But I don't know, why our boss chose her?"

"Hmm...she is beautiful but her words and behaviour is so terrible but have you ever noticed that she behaves differently in front of Boss. He might not know her truly...."

"Wait, whom are you calling beautiful? Have you not met that pretty lady Ms.Lifen before. She has come with Boss before. She is way more pretty than her. Ever her words are so sweet. She is so pure in soul. She has helped us in work several time without bothering about our lowly status".

Suddenly every maid got silent as an old lady approached them. Then quickly bowed their head in respect. She was housekeeper of Carnation Hills and every maid word according to her orders. She was responsible for managing them.

"Why all you standing idle here if there is still work left. Don't you have work?", she asked in a stern voice.

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Soon all of them dispersed. The old lady took her phone out and made a quick call.


In the outskirts of the city, a mansion was brightly lightened. A white Cayenne car came running inside and Murphy stepped out hurriedly. The guards bowed their heads to him in respect. "Is Boss inside?" he asked hurriedly but didn't waste any time to hear the reply.

He rushed inside. The living hall was empty.There was no one there. Without any more glance he directly climbed up the staircase and went to the master bedroom of the mansion.

It was still afternoon, the sun was all high outside but the room was kept all in dark. Murphy pushed the door open. There was a strong smell of alcohol in the air and all the windows were shut closed with the curtains covering them.

"Deming? Are you here?" he asked. He stepped forward to search the switchboard so that he can turn on the lights.

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