The Undefined Love

Chapter 103: 103

Murphy had received two calls today, both from different people but is was almost serving the same purpose.

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First was from Suhai Media Ltd. ,they were country's most reputed media house. They informed him that they have received a request to cover Mr.Wang's exquisite engagement party event, so they wanted to recheck the schedule with him. As it wasn't any official request made from either Wang Corporation or Mr.Wang Deming so they also wanted to check the news integrity.

Murphy was shocked at first because Deming hasn't informed him about it yet so he just asked the media house to wait for him to confirm the request.

After the phone was disconnected, he again received a call from Carnation Hills. It was from the old lady housekeeper, who also seemed shocked with such a sudden news. She politely informed him that Ms.Long is making many preparations regarding her and master's engagement. She had been working for Wang family for quite number of long years which made her heart concerned about their young master. They have seen him grow into the man he is now. They were always very concerned about him. And in heart she never considered Ms.Long as true elegant lady suited for being the Young Madam of Wang family so her voice seemed to have some kind of dissatisfaction which was really hard to hide.

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After getting this news, Murphy got more worried about Deming. It had never been like this. Deming was never been like this. Without making any discussion with him, he would never make any such decision as he has always considered him next to his father in his heart.

After searching and calling all favourable places he could go, he came to know that he is at one of his property in the outskirts of the city. Knowing this he has rushed over. But upon reaching he could the heavy feeling around. The whole was in desolation.

He went straight towards the master bedroom to find it was in most worst condition. The air inside was shrouded with the strong smell of alcohol and there wasn't ever a dot of light. The heavy curtains were all pulled down to prevent any ray of light coming in and the lights were all switched off.

"Deming!" he called his name firmly. He knew he was in the room in the midst of darkness. He quickly went forward and switched on the lights to him sitting on the ground at the corner if the room. He had reflexively covered his eyes when sudden light flashed in front of his eyes. His hands were deeply bruised and several glass pieces were scattered all over the floor. His face was all pale and has left all the charm along with his strength. He seems to be deeply hurt, both mentally and physically. His eyes has lost all faith and determination. It was like he has lost all his world.

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His heart felt the pain as he saw him in such a condition. He had seen him like this only once till now and it was the day he lost his parents. After that he had never imagined him again in such condition. He has always presented himself as a strong warrior in the business world, no matter he was at what age. He had never shown this weak side of him, not even to himself. But right now, why is he like this?

When he removed his hand slowly from his eyes he can see that his eyes were filled with emptiness. "Oh Uncle, it's you. Sorry I made you worry. Come on let's have some drinks. Do you know I am getting engaged", he said as if he was mocking himself.

He stood up in a stumbling manner and walk towards Murphy. With great difficulty, he walked to him as he was still stumbling a little along his way.

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Murphy has never seen him in such condition so he was utterly shocked to even move. He stood there without moving and saw Deming struggling with his steps.

"Uncle, won't you congratulate me?" with that he hugged him. His words gave off a sense of bleakness with which his heart was shrouded. Murphy's hand move on his back as if trying to console his suffering heart.

Deming pulled himself a little off from his hug but held Murphy's arms to support himself and again laughed in a mocking tone, "But uncle, there is a feeling of isolation that came with this engagement. I don't know the reason but I know it came because of separation. Separation from her".

He sighed, "But you know uncle, she doesn't feel anything with this separation. She looks quite unaffected. As if everything between us never mattered to her or doesn't had any importance to her. I know what I did to her was worst. I broke her heart terribly but I asked her to punish me as per her wish".

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"I have considered her as my only best friend and but look at her, she never considered me one. She deserted me as if I never held any importance to her. Why did she become like this? And why do I feel so pained while looking at her cold behaviour towards me? " his eyes mused in deep thoughts.

Murphy can now somehow figure the scenario. He was in pain and it was somehow related to Lifen but wasn't all over them long before then when he got this much attached to her that he is feeling suffocated with his own engagement that he has always longed for.

Was his feelings for Lifen more strong than that for Ms.Long ?

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