The Undefined Love

Chapter 107: 107

It already got dark. Almost more than three and a half hours have passed already, while Deming is anxiously waiting inside the car. From the moment he had switched on his phone, several messages has crashed in and flooded both emails and inbox.

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Several calls from Jie has also come but he had just ignored him for the time being. He just wanted to first confess his feelings to Lifen than he will deal with everything else. He had already told Murphy to lock down the news of the engagement from getting into media.

He was getting more and more impatient with ever passing moment. He came out of the car, leaned his back on the door of the car with folded hands and looked in the direction from where Lifen would arrive.

His face filled with mixed expression of happiness, anxiousness, excitement and many more feelings was illuminated under moonlight. Suddenly a strong flash of headlights flashed to his eyes, and he wasn't able to see who was coming from the front.

Slowly and slowly as the car stopped, the headlights dimmed and his vision got clear too. As he was a guy who was fond of collecting the high end cars, with one look he can say it was black Audi A5.

He was a little surprised because this colony didn't seem to hold any rich family that could own such cars but didn't gave any particular thought to it because it was a topic that doesn't concern him.

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But the next moment when he saw the figure coming out of the car, he was again surprised. It was none other than Lifen. Immediately, 'Who is with her in the car? Did she already got some guy in her heart? Where did she went before? Is she alright?' question popped in his mind.

His heart immediately got squeezed thinking that there can be possibility of her being with someone else. Murphy's previous question was again and again replaying in his mind, and in result of this he can't help but feel a little insecure in heart.

Coming out of the car, Lifen turned to Huang Fei, "Thank you Uncle Fei for dropping me off. Now you should head back. It's already time for dinner".

Huang Fei nodded a little and then retreated back with the car. Lifen also turned to head inside the house oblivious to someone's presence.

Her mood was all good. There wasn't any hint of pain in her expression. Seeing her like this Deming thought again, 'Was that really that easy for her to forget him and move on and that too this fast? Did she really don't care that he was going to get engage with someone?'


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She was about to get in the house when a familiar fruity voice reached her ears but something was different in his voice There was a little pain.

She tilted to look at the direction of the voice as as expected she found him leaning on his car at a quite distance from her house. She didn't want to talk to him but something inside made her move in his direction, maybe it was her stubborn heart who was still holding a silver line of hope.

But her mind was stubborn too. It won't let her heart make all decisions when it knows well, that it will hurt her deeply. So her mind took the front charge.

She stopped in front of him at a small distance, "Mr.Wang, I was waiting for your appearance too but never thought it would be this late".

Deming could feel the indifference in her words, but he can't lack off today. He has to make everything back to normal or more beautiful than before. So he ignored her indifference and said nonchalantly, "Were you really thought of me? "

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"Yes of course Mr.Wang . I am so excited for your engagement. After all that's the day your ten years love will move towards the next important stage and I am so lucky to witness that".

Her each words were like a jab directed to his injured heart. But he can't blame her because it was his own karma. Once he has said the words which caused immense pain to her heart and now her words are causing pain in his heart. It's well said, 'all that goes round, comes round too'.

When Deming didn't replied for quite some time, so Lifen spoke again to break the silence, "So Mr.Wang, are you here for giving me the invitation card for your engagement? So when is the auspicious day?"

Each and every word was coming out from Lifen was from her judgemental mind, not her kind heart because her heart was always pure, never knew how to hurt people but her mind does. In her life, she has always given the main authoritative power to her heart but right now in this case of Deming, her heart has lost all the powers to her mind because of the heartbreak which was ultimately caused by him.

"Lifen, can you hear me first. Please", Deming said in a soft tone.

"...", Lifen remained silent and didn't replied him.

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Deming took her silence as an approval. "Lifen, I know what I did in past was completely a sin. It can't be denied and can't be changed. I can only ask for your punishment. But please don't be so indifferent towards me. I can't take your ignorance. It really makes my heart pain".


He looked up to gaze her eyes but it didn't show any expression. He continued again, "I know I would sound a little weird but, today I am here to let you know the feelings of my heart . I want to say that ...."

He was immediately cut in between, "That's enough Mr.Wang . I think I already know it from before and you don't have to waste your energy again for letting me know the love between you and Ms.Long. It's already getting late, if there is nothing important then you should head early back to your fiancee. She must be waiting for you".

With that she turned to leave him and run back to her home. She was fearing that she would have to hear all those things again and her heart will surely ache again. She just wanted to avoid that pain. The pain in her heart is already unbearable.

"Little Cat, I love you".

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