The Undefined Love

Chapter 108: 108

Lifen was struck with the words she has just heard. Was she hearing things? For a moment her she forgot that she has to breathe. Her heart skip a beat too but soon everything was conquered well by her smart brain. Her mind chided her heart, 'Are you really dumb? How can you skip a beat for the person who hurt you? Maintain yourself, don't falter against his words'.

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She swiftly turned on her heels and again walked to him with an totally expressionless. He has never imagined her in this type of poker face. For him, she was always the person who believes in enjoying the life with all her heart. But now...did he really hurt her that much? But some days ago, when they were friends, she wasn't like this.

Lifen just stood there, never uttered a single word. Deming was waiting for her to say something after he confessed but she didn't said anything.

"Lifen, I said I Love You. Won't you say something?" Deming reiterated his words again.

"Oh! So you want me to say anything. But Mr.Wang I am confused with your words", a mocking sneer was spread over her lips.

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"Confused? What's there to confuse? My words were as clear as a crystal. Then..."

Lifen chuckled when heard his words, "Really? Yeah, when I hive some thoughts to your words, they are do similar to crystal. Very delicate and one can't really understand your sincerity in it. But it doesn't matter because it doesn't concern me"

She folded her hand to her chest and said with a shriek, "Ummm...and your words, I can't hrlp but doubt it. As far as I know, I didn't offended you or your fiancee again, so if there is again a revenge plan in your head in name of your true dedicated love, just cut it off because it really pisses me off now"

"Lifen, I know that I have I hurt you but now what I am saying is truth...I really love..." he tried to make her believe but was cut in the midway by her words which were not less than daggers directed to his heart.

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"Do you see me that dumb to believe your same words again. Sorry but I am not insane to believe you. And it would be better if you don't bother me again with all this shit. I know that you love your fiancee. I can guarantee that because your past actions in which you can even easily bluff with the feelings of any girl 's heart just for your so called revenge in love", with that words she again turned her back and started to leave.

"Lifen, let say everything first. Don't leave like that", he rushed forward and blocked her way. His eyes were pleading to her and he will make sure that in future too his eyes will be like this only for her. Only she will have the guts and the tight to make him plead, control or love him and no one else. To his every rule, she will only be the sole exception.

Lifen breathed out with slight irritation, "Look Mr.Wang, I don't know what next are you planning to but believe me I don't care. I have already mentioned that I have already moved on and have no urge or interest to get back so please kindly don't make things difficult. And above all, you shouldn't behave like this. You are a person with a fiancee with whom you will soon be engaged. You can't make fool of her and your love by saying these things to me".

Deming looked in her eyes. Though her words were saying that she doesn't care but her eyes were just saying against it. With just one look in her eyes, he was now sure she too loves him as he does.

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But it's also true that his previous actions has made her lose the trust in her words. Now she was being stubborn and there is nothing wrong in that. She is rejecting the feelings in her heart for him, that's okay because now he will do everything to make her accept him again with his sincerity. He will make her trust him again.

There was sudden change in his expression as if lot of strength is pumped into his heart. His face was beaming with relief. He was relieved that she still loves him and he still stands a chance to be with him. He was back to the way he was when he met her and was determined to get her. That time it was for revenge but this time he will do everything for love.

"So you really don't care? Okay. I won't say that again but please make a note today. I really love you and in this life I will only love you. And about Jie, don't worry, she is not my fiancee till now and will never be. I will soon cancel my engagement with her. Only you are eligible there of that position. And I will make sure that the position of my fiancee and my future wife be reserved for you and only you because you are my Little Cat, whom I love" he said everything with a cheeky smile which gave a daze to Lifen.

It was not the first time she is seeing him this determined. She has seen him like this before too and knows well that his determination has never been pretentious one. Last time too when he said that she will be soon be his girlfriend, he made that happen and this time....

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"You...What do you mean by that? Who wants to become your fiancee. I am sure that I don't want...", she was still a little dumbstruck with his determined words.

Deming made a chuckle and moved forward towards her to close the distance between them. Seeing him moving towards her, Lifen subconsciously stepped backwards but then at that instant his strong firm arm snaked around her waist, pulling her close to him.

"Really?" he whispered in her ears lightly and then sniffed her scent from her hair. It was a fruity-floral fragrance which made him calm. And then he made a note that from now on this will his favourite fragrance, her fragrance.

With such close proximity, Lifen has lost her stamina to breathe. She can't gather her strength to answer him, "Ummm...I really dont want to be your...fiancee".

"Hmmm...then why your heart is beating so fast and even you are forgetting that you have to breathe to live in this world. Do you need some breathe? I can help you getting that", his lips moving near her ears whispering into it and there was a smirk spread over his lips.

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