The Undefined Love

Chapter 121: 121

On the other hand, Jiaying was trying find Murphy within the venue. When she heard the host announcing that the ceremony was soon going to start and the guest are requested to walk to the terrace, she felt more panicked.

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She was about to walk out and find but she didn't know where she should go to find him as she was still new to this city and him. She held her head and started ruffling her hair in frustration.

She was still walking back and forth in the hall while the other guest were pacing towards the terrace. Soon she was alone left in the hall. She was oblivious to her empty surrounding when a warm voice reached to her ears, "Miss, is there any trouble in which I should help you?"

Jiaying tilted her head to look at the man and soon a smile full of hope spread over her lips, "Finally I found you". With that statement, she ran and hugged him hard.

Murphy was still bewildered with her words so he wasn't able to evade that sudden hug. Several questions popped up in his mind. Who is this lady? Do I know her? She seems to know me but why don't I remember her? Do I have an identical twin brother whom I still don't know? And there were many more questions still popping out his brain.

"Ahem...Ahem...", he coughed hard to again gain the lady's attention in between her hug. He gently held her with her shoulder and parted her away from him, "Sorry, Miss. I didn't recognize you. Have we met before? You must have mistaken me for someone else".

Jiaying then realized that she have been too excited just now, it was her fault. But she wasn't a lady who will let her acts been criticized. She gently pulled the strands of hair from her face to the back of the ear and said in a serious tone, "How come I have mistaken you for someone else? It's definitely not. You are such a handsome man, how can I forget someone with such a pretty face. But you are quite audacious to forget me that easily".

Murphy became stiff with her words. The more he hear, the more he became confused. Was this lady complimenting him or scolding him? But why can't he not remember her. Based on her looks, she isn't someone from the business elite world. She looked quite beautiful with soft but bold demure. And her aura was something strong point in her.

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Seeing that he was searching up his memories, Jiaying wanted to divert his thoughts or else her lie will be caught by him. She said quickly, "It's not the time to refresh our memories, but there is something important that needs your attention".

Her effort didn't go waste, her words has diverted his thoughts, but that wasn't the need of the time. There is still something dangerous popping up in midst.

Murphy immediately became alerted at the mention of 'something important that needs his attention'.

He looked at the lady in front and asked, "Miss, what's the important thing?"

Jiaying first pursed her lips and then continued, "Okay, I will tell you but first stop calling me Miss. My name is Xi Jiaying, so call me Jiaying".

Murphy was about to say something to refuse but before he could she sensed it and continued, "Someone is planning to murder my brother-in-law, you have to do something to protect him".

Hearing that important thing from her, Murphy felt like he was harassed. Was he someone looking like a bodyguard? Or is this lady gone insane for asking him to protect his brother-in-law and why should he?

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"Sorry Miss, you have mistaken me. I am not anyone's bodyguard. Go and find someone who can help you in this", with that words he walked passed her but suddenly felt a tug in sleeves of his suit.

"Are you sure that you won't help me in protecting him? But this morning, you were quite concerned about him and his love affairs", she said bluntly.

Murphy instantly turned his head to look back at her, "About whom are you talking?"

"About whom do you think?" she said with a smile on her face.

"Don't play with words. Just tell me before it gets too late", Murphy snarled sending shivers down her spines. If it is something related to Deming's second, he can't be at ease or waste his time, playing guessing game here.

Jiaying can feel the fierceness in his voice and she knew well the time is short and Deming's safety is hindered.

She didn't wasted any more time as she said, "Today in the lobby area, I have heard a group of people telling that they have planned to murder Mr.Wang during the engagement. I haven't seen their faces but heard their conversation clearly. They sounded very determined "

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Murphy didn't wasted any more time their. He rushed inside while dialing numbers and giving commands, "Stay on high alert. Someone has broken our security barrier. Increase alertness by 150% and make sure nothing reaches President".

Disconnecting the call, he quickly made another call, "Quickly check the CCTV footage of the venue from yesterday morning. And see if there is someone suspicious is in there".

Jiaying was walking just behind him, all baffled with his way of working. He looks so efficient and competent as if he can solve anything in this world. Her eyes filled with admiration for him.

Suddenly he turned around and Jiaying was crushed against his chest. "What are you trying to do? Why are you following me everywhere?"

"Ummm...I was just thinking if I could help you in any way", she said.

"Did you tell anyone about this?" he asked.

Jiaying rubbed her chin pretending that she was giving some thought and said, "Yeah, I have said to a girl about it when I bumped into her. She was someone from your company or I can tell the former personal assistant of the President".

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"What? You informed Little Lifen about it. Where did she go?" there was concern about Lifen in his voice, same as it was for Deming.

"Ahh, she rushed inside. She asked me to inform you and then she went inside ", she said.

"O God, that girl. I hope she didn't take everything on her to protect that boy, since she too knows about it. She is really lose all her thinking when it comes to President. I should go in and check"

Murphy was about to walk inside when his phone rang. It was from one of his man whom he has asked to see through the CCTV footage. He quickly received the call, "Did you find anything?"

"Chief, there are many thing suspicious, not only in this building but also on the other building near. There is someone suspicious hiding over there but we don't know what he is trying to do. And in this building, a group has entered without an invitation and there is something suspicious within them".

Murphy remained silent for some time, and then said, "We can't take risk at this moment. Send someone to check in the near buildings and also look into the people you find suspicious".

With that he disconnected the phone as he walked to the elevator to go to the terrace, since everyone including Deming was there. He can't leave him off guard.

Jiaying too followed him.

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