The Undefined Love

Chapter 122: 122

At the terrace, everyone was beaming with excitement. The young CEO of the country was going to get engaged.

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Soft drinks were continously being served to the guest. Several round tables were arranged to accommodate the guests. Everyone was waiting for the couple of the day to arrive on the stage.

Lifen was standing at the corner was sharply inspecting the surroundings. She had tried to personally inform Deming about this but he ignored her and walked away without talking. Now the only way left to her was being alert so that she can notice any suspicious thing going around.

She was also randomly gazing at the entrance finding Murphy. She knew if he gets to know about this he would quickly take appropriate actions. She was waiting for him to arrive.

She again took her phone and dialed his number, hoping that it might get answered. The call was suddenly picked up. As the call got connected, Lifen said in a frantic voice, "Uncle Murphy, there is something terrible gonna happen in the ceremony. Please get Deming alerted. I tried to inform him but he didn't paid any heed to my presence and just walked away. On my way her, a lady told me that someone has planned his murder and...", she panicked so much that almost forgot to breathe, if it wasn't Murphy's interruption in between she might have suffocated herself.

"Little Lifen, calm down first. Take deep breaths. I know, don't worry. I have already alerted the security personnel and the guards around him. I can't inform him about this at this moment but I am investigating. Don't worry, nothing will happen to him", he said to calm Lifen. He knows well how much she cares for him.

He has seen their friendship which wasn't only friendship but more than that. He has witnessed the spark, the compatibility and the love between them. So it was natural that she would be worried as hell.

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Knowing that Murphy has already taken necessary steps in regard to this sudden threat, Lifen heaved a breath of relief. But still her heart didn't allowed her to put her guards down. She can't afford something severe to happen.

She was still gazing the surrounding with her alerted eyes, when Murphy spoke through the phone again, "I will be soon reaching there after visiting the CCTV surveillance room. Wait for me and don't panic or do anything rash if you find something suspicious. Just alert the guard around and they will take the action. Deming will be arriving soon".

With that the phone got disconnected and soon the host announced the arrival of the couple.

Accompanying everyone's gaze, Lifen too looked at the way from where the couple came walking. When noticed, she can feel Deming eyes were continously fixed on her, not leaving her even for a slightest moment.

Not only she, but everyone present there could feel his warmth filled gaze toward her. Soon the guest started murmuring among themselves.

"What's wrong with Mr.Wang? Why I feel his eyes is filled with love for someone else?"

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"I feel so too. He isn't looking at his fiancee but at that girl behind. Do you know to which family she belong. She is quite beautiful".

"I feel Mr.Wang doesn't want this engagement. He is under pressure ".

"Your logic seems to be right but don't you know he is The Great CEO of the country, born with intelligence and guts. Who can pressurised him? It's impossible for anyone. And don't you know he has some connections with dark world too?"

"But it might be that Wang Corporations is in some difficulty for which he need to get engaged with Ms.Long"

"Huh? Do you really think any family has the power to support Wangs? No way and Long family has got support from Wangs to stabilize their business abroad. There is no chance"

Hearing all this gossip, Jie gritted her teeth hard and tightened her grip around Deming's arms to let him know that it was getting uncomfortable for her.

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Soon the couple reached the centre of the stage. Deming too diverted his gaze on Jie was was occasionally gazing at Lifen. He was still waiting for getting a slight hint from her and he will call off this engagement.

When he looked at Lifen, he can feel the anxiety in her eyes. Then he remembered that she has come to him earlier but he didn't...

He thought of walking to her and ask her about her fear but when he tried to move, he felt a tug on his sleeves. "Brother Ming, not now. All the guest are already making assumptions. Don't make me more embarrassed", Jie said holding his hands on her.

Deming looked again at Lifen but she was looking somewhere else.

The host got up at the stage, "Welcome everyone to this delightful day. As you all know, today is an important day for the couple as they are going to promise each other about the marriage. So hereby I request the couple to exchange the rings that will symbol of their love".

Everyone applauded to encourage the couple. Jie blushed as she extended her hand towards Deming for the ring. But his eyes were penetrating towards something standing at the back of the guest in the corner. Her eyes were alert and gazing all around the surrounding.

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He lost his hope just by a look at her indifferent eyes which were definitely filled with fear of something losing but wasn't giving any hint that it was him.

He lifted his hand to put he ring on Jie's ring finger when suddenly, he felt that someone was walking to him. He looked up and his eyes glowed with happiness.

She was walking towards him or you might say sped pacing towards him pushing everyone behind. But there was something amiss. There was a fear of losing something important.

Her eyes diverted and looked afar at a building. He too followed her gaze to look at that particular building, but before he can clarify what's there she hugged him with all her might and force. In the follow ow suit, he too hugged her back.

At this moment, he forgot everything. He just gazed at her eyes which were looking at him filled with love. His heart filled up with warmth coming from her body. That's was the thing he was looking for, the hint that she still cares and loves him.

But the next second, his hands tightened around her. He felt her body is getting limp. Her breath hitched too and something warm gushed out from her back and got in contact with his arms. His eyes filled with horror.

"Lifen!" he said with a shivering voice.

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