The Undefined Love

Chapter 124: 124

As the doctor was informing Deming about Lifen's serious condition, sound of strong steady footsteps came from the end of the corridor.

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Deming had already turned all pale, he didn't pay any heed to the sound of footsteps . Only one thing was playing repeatedly in his head, "I can't lose her. I can't. Still many things are left. I haven't asked her forgiveness enough. I haven't pampered her enough. I haven't loved her enough....No I can't lose her like this". He stood rooted at his place.

The doctor when heard the sound of footsteps coming more clear and close, he looked up in the direction and gasped, "Dr.Yang Yuzhe!".

He was highly bewildered seeing him in the Imperial hospital. Even the Imperial Hospital was the country's most prestigious and advanced hospital but still having this young doctor here in this hospital was just impossible. He was the grandson of the great doctor of Country A, Dr.Yang Xiande.

Anyone in the medical stream was bound to know him. His achievements at such young age was none less that the most of the best retired old doctors. He was just too talented for this world. He not only has talents but also looks that can make a girl go crazy.

He was awarded the Asian Best Doctor Award at an age of only twenty. His boundaries are not set in medical world but also in the business world but not in Country A. He has full fledged business set in London. After setting his business there he has never come back, then today how come he is here.

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When his face and figure came more close, the doctor snapped back to the reality and saw the two assistant following behind him. He was still confused for the reason he came here but who cares, he was fortunate enough to meet the legendary medical figure and England's leading businessman.

The doctor gave him a warm greeting smile to him, "Dr.Yang!"

Yuzhe didn't gave any attention to his pretentious smile as his gaze went towards the inside the operation theatre. His eyes has tinge of concern. "How is Lifen?" he asked with emergence.

Lifen? The doctor was utterly confused. He had never heard that name before. About whom the young Dr.Yang is asking and that too with this concern. The girl must be someone really special to him.

"Sorry, Dr.Yang. I didn't know...", the doctor the cut in between before he could complete the sentence.

"The girl that got a gunshot during someone's engagement ceremony", he said while giving a glare at Deming who was still lost in his thoughts.

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Hearing his words, Deming too looked up. It was his first time looking at him all this time.

The doctor then remembered that one more remarkable person us sitting here whose has a similar domineering aura. He had never thought even in his dreams that he would meet the two remarkable personalities at same day, same time and both concerned for the same girl.

"Exactly who is the she that has got the ability to make the two aloof and cold personalities get concerned to this extent for her", the doctor thought in his heart.

He was still lost in the thoughts when a young girl came rushing to them. She might be with Dr.Yang as she has some foreign accent in her look.

She was huffing hard from exhaustion of running, "Dr.Yuzhe, here is your bag and the robe. Your medical instruments are already prepared in your bag". She then handed him a bag and his doctor robe.

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Yuzhe gave her a nod and put on the robe on him. He then again looked at the doctor who was still giving a confuse look. "I will do the surgery on her. My team is arriving within two minutes. Ask you team to leave the room immediately and quickly give me the updates on her vitals. Since already 45 minute passed from the time she arrived her, you all must have already controlled her body vitals...", he gave the doctor a suspicious look then continued, "if not then go and ask for an early retirement as you are not suitable for this profession especially for surgeries ".

He then walked straight into the operation theatre without giving any glance to Deming. He even acted as if he didn't exited here.

Soon a team of five doctors arrive and got inside the operation theatre to assist Dr.Yuzhe .

Deming knew Yuzhe very well as Yuzhe knows him. But at such time, both decided to not disturb each other. He knew very well, if Yuzhe is performing then nothing would happen to Lifen. She was all safe in his hands, so his heart relaxed for a bit but something else came to his mind.

Why is this guy here doing such favour to him? And what was that concern in his voice? Did he know her? How?

Before entering the operation theatre, Yuzhe looked at one of his assistant and his assistant nodded accepting his unsaid order.

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Once the operation theatre's door was closed shut, the assistant headed to Deming and said politely, "Mr.Wang, our boss has asked you to leave the space here and move back to your place as Ms.Lifen doesn't concern you in any way. Her family will soon be arriving here and our boss don't like unnecessary crowd so please"

Hearing such words, Deming gave a deadly icy glare to him and said coldly, "And what if I don't comply with your boss's request?"

The assistant didn't missed the icy glare which was enough to freeze him, but still he continued as per his boss orders, "then our boss has other ways but you know well Mr.Wang, what's the need of time and whose presence is more important here for Ms.Lifen".

Deming instantly understood his words. He would have never step back but it's true at this time Lifen needs a successful surgery to live which would obviously happen in the presence of that b*at.

Unwilling he left the corridor but he didn't left the hospital. He kept waiting for the surgery to get completed, when he got a phone call. He ignored the call but it rang again.

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