The Undefined Love

Chapter 125: 125

Deming was desperately waiting to know that Lifen is alright after the surgery.

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All this time, his phone was continously ringing again and again, no doubt he was not receiving them as at this moment he don't want to listen any absurd from Jie. In the past few days, she has made him feel highly disappointed with her acts and words. He was just doubting himself for some reason. Thus, to avoid her calls he blocked her number without thinking twice.

He was still in his thoughts when someone gently grabbed his shoulder from behind. He turned around, "Murphy! Have you got him? I just want to know who is main mastermind behind it and will make sure that he is totally ruined".

"We have caught the shooter who did this. He was trying to execute you but Lifen's gaze caught him. She went all the way and risked her life to save you", Murphy said in a low voice. He was regretting, he had knew that their enemies were brewing some plans against Deming but still he couldn't stop it at right time. If anything happened to Lifen, then he won't be able to forgive himself.

"Then who is behind all this. The shooter was just a pawn in someone else hand", he asked with a massacre glow in his eyes.

"The shooter was from a local group of the city but it's highly favoured by the top gangs working in the underworld. The dark world didn't know about this planning, it was solely planned and executed by that gang out of their knowledge. Someone has offered them a very big lump sum money for this".

"Who?" he asked without giving him any chance to breathe.

"It's Mr.Thomas Black, whom you have blacklisted for Wang Corporations. He has done this out for ....", he was cut in between by Deming.

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"I don't want to know that reason, just want to ruin him totally without leaving any escaping hole for him. Get someone to collect information about their under table actions and send them directly to the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law. And at the same time ask some to deal with their company's shares. When everything is almost finished on his end and has almost dealt with this trauma, then ask someone to shoot him dead. I want him dead", he said with an expressionless face.

Murphy knew how serious his words were at this moment and he can't help but follow his commands as no matter whatever he advises Deming won't listen to him l. So he nodded in acceptance of the command.

Deming pondered for a moment then again said, "And about the dark world. I don't think the current leader serves any good. He is no more reliable. Previously, I have decided that I won't bother with their affairs if they didn't lay their nail in my works. But it seems they are not at all grateful. If that's so, I will take the whole underworld under me. Inform every local and higher up gangs about this and if anyone don't like to comply according to my words just slaughter them off mercilessly ".

"But Boss...", that was the most dangerous thing and Murphy wanted to chang it but ...

"I don't want any buts. Do as I have commanded. They have dared to lay their hands directly on my bottom line. Last time I only backed off from stepping into underworld because I wasn't interested much in it but now because of them I have almost lost the most important and precious thing of my life. I can't let this to repeat again. So just do as I say. Call all our forces and fulfill my command", he said with a stern face.

Murphy understood his determination and went to make the call.

Almost 10 hours has passed. It was already dark outside, still no one has come out to with any information about Lifen. He was still sitting on the bench out, waiting impatiently for someone to arrive with the news. At some time, he stood up to go in and ask himself but then he would take his step back thinking of Lifen.

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At last he couldn't take it anymore, he stood up and walked inside the corridor. The whole floor was empty, no nurses or doctors were present, not even any of Yuzhe's men were there standing.

He felt something was odd, something was not right. The light above the operation theatre was also switched off, indicating that the surgery was already completed. But then why, no one has informed him about it.

Suddenly he heard some footsteps coming from the inside of the operation theatre. A nurse came from inside, she was taken aback seeing Deming standing in front of the room, "Mr.Wang, how may I help you?"

"Where is the patient shifted after the surgery?" he asked without looking at the nurse.

"Mr.Wang, are you talking about the patient on whom Dr.Yang performed the surgery?" the nurse asked politely.

"...", Deming didn't responded to her. The nurse understood that to whom he was referring.

"They have already left an hour ago, Mr.Wang", the nurse answered politely. She waited for his response.

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"Already left? Who has taken her? I haven't seen her family coming here and why haven't anyone informed me about this", he got all stiffened.

"Dr.Yang has approved her family to take her. They didn't wanted her to be in this hospital so with Dr.Yang's order, she got immediately discharged after surgery", the nurse stumbled with the intense glare that was coming from Deming.

"Her family came...when? I haven't seen them coming and from where did she left? And Dr.Yang's orders?? From when, this Imperial Hospital is working under him?" he got all rageful thinking that Lifen was taken away from him and that too without his knowledge.

There is something that he wasn't feeling right. Something was missing in between. Several questions were there that was popping in his head but their links were getting all lost in the middle. Why was that Dr.Yang Yuzhe has come all the way for this surgery and that too without any invitation or request? Did he know Lifen? How?


Not related to the chapter:

This should be added in the Creator's Thought corner but that corner only allows 500 letters so I have added this note here.

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I have seen the readers requesting more chapters. I know one chapter, a day seems quite less but believe me, it's little hard for me to get more time for this. I am preparing for my exams that will held in January first week.

I will try my best to give you all more chapters, but please buy me some time for that. As I was think of this, I thought of something that can help this story, give some time to me for preparation of extra chapters as well as satisfy dear readers too.

How about if we set a plan here:

○ With every 8 new reasonable reviews on the story - there would be one extra chapter ( 8 is my lucky number, hahahaha)

○ And if the story make a ranking under 200 then there would be 2 chapters more apart from the above mentioned plan. Ofcourse if the ranking get more better then the number of extra chapter will also increase.

It's not necessary to follow this plan. If it seems absurd then there is no need think about it. I am all happy like this too. I will give extra chapter on special events like coming Christmas there will be an extra chapter.

With Lots of Love♡

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