The Undefined Love

Chapter 133: 133

To him, she hasn't changed much in these two years. She was still all same as before. Her petite face has grown more beautiful than before. Her silhouette and curves has become more sharp and her way of carrying herself is more elegant and mesmerising than before.

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But still something was changed inside her. Her eyes has lost its colour of happiness. No one can identify the colour of her eyes but he definitely could.

She wasn't happy from inside but still forced her eyes to fake her happiness around the people that were surrounding her.

He was just staring her face on the screen and has long forgotten the two who was still there in the room.

Rick was completely lost his capability to reason, seeing Deming behaving like a lost fish who had recently found his river after long time.

The operator was also baffled seeing the sudden change in his temperament.

Rick coughed to bring back Deming from his lost world. "Bro, have you found the person whom you were searching? Is she the one?"

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Deming didn't said a word in respond, instead he swiftly moved his fingers on the keyboard pressing several keys at a very fast pace. The other two were dumbfounded, unable to gasp the things his fingers did quickly.

Done with his work, he turned on his heels again with his usual poker and left the room, leaving Rick in speechless.

Do he really consider him as his friend? Why he is being treated like this? Where is brotherly love?

He quickly followed Deming out, "Hey Deming! what wrong with you? Do you really have to ignore me like this? This is how you are going to repay me?"

Deming still ignored him completely getting in his car.

Rick was left frustrated, but suddenly his phone dinged.

[DEVIL Deming: Don't behave like an idiot over there. Come to my room and I will tell you everything. And tie the tongue of that operator]

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Really what's wrong with him? He was still pondering about Deming's words. Was he going on some secret mission with him? No that can't be, he is a unbeatable, unbearable and extraordinary businessman not any special agent of any secret force. Then why everything is getting so secret.

At Yang Enterprises

Knock Knock!

"Come in!" came the cold voice.

The door was pushed open and his secretary came in hastily, "President Yang, the Silver Apartments caught fire. And Ms.Li is still no where to be found".

Hearing this his eyes instantly turned dark. He stood up, took his jacket and rushed out the car. He always let his drive the car for him but this time he didn't waited for that. He took the driver's seat and drove off.

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His secretary couldn't afford to leave him alone so he quickly thought of getting into the car taking the front passenger seat, but he didn't got the chance to.

The car drove straight to the Silver Apartments which was surrounded by many reporters. A team of fire brigades were busy extinguishing the flames and rescuing people out the apartment.

Seeing the blazing fire, Yang Yuzhe was scared. Just by the thought that Lifen was still inside, made his heart drop. He was about to get inside the burning apartment when a familiar soft voice hugged his ears, bringing his heart at ease, "Brother Yuzhe!"

Yuzhe turned around to look at girl who was standing at a little distance. He didn't waited for another moment, and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Thank God, you are safe. I was so scared", he said breathing hastily. He then pulled her little away from himself while gently holding her from her shoulders, sizing her up from all directions, "You are not injured, right? Let me see first. You can't hide your injuries, so if there is any then let me know. I will treat it immediately or it might cause further infections".

Lifen was really not shocked with his carr. She knew well, how much Yuzhe cares for her. It was like this from the first day, she met him. He was someone who always provided her with warmth.

"I am all fine. Don't worry, Brother Yuzhe. I haven't got any serious injuries, not even a minor one. But look at me, my face is so messed and there is another problem", Lifen tried to calm him down.

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Yuzhe let out a small chuckle while taking out his handkerchief to wipe off her face clean. Lifen let him do that as she stared at the apartment qh8ch was now in control.

"Brother Yuzhe, what should I do now? My house..."

Yuzhs cut her off in between, "See your stubbornness led you to this point. I have already advised you to shift with me but you opposed my plans and got this useless apartment . Now look where it has gone"


"I don't want to hear your buts. Just come with me and share my villa. It's quite huge for one person", he left no room for objections as he led her directly to his car.

Suddenly a snap of camera, clicking the photo was heard, making Yuzhe and Lifen alert.

But when turned around, there was no one around. There was reporters busy snapping the pictures and videos of burning apartment and the work of the fire brigade team so the eased a little thinking that the sound might be from the reporters.

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